Personal Lists featuring...

The Mandalorian

Season 3


Netflix, Disney+, HBO MAX, Others


full or majority-watched seasons of television during the months of september 2022 through to august 2023
(working backwards)


chronologically accurate listing


This is a list of all seasons of TV Shows that I've watched beginning to end, seasons that are in progress are not included


updated 27 Oct 23

Star Wars Best Watch Order For First Time Viewers

This list does not fully follow chronological or release order, it is a mix of both as I think is best
(I watched everything here more than once in different orders)
this description does not fully explain the order it only explains the jumps in timeline, look at the actual list to get the full detailed order

'ABY-BBY' dating system:

BBY stands for "Before the Battle of Yavin," and ABY for "After the Battle of Yavin."
Year 0 is the year of the battle of yavin (Episode 4 A New Hope)

Timeline explained:

  • Start at (Year 0) "Star Wars" AKA "Episode 4 A New Hope" the first in release order, where it all started in 1977
  • (Year 0) "Rogue One" Direct prequel to the first movie, explains the mission to get the DS plans mentioned in "Episode 4 A New Hope"
  • (3 ABY) "Episode 5 The Empire Strikes Back"
  • (4 ABY) "Episode 6 Return of the Jedi"
  • Go way back to (32 BBY) "Episode 1 The Phantom Menace"
  • 10 years later in (22 BBY) "Episode 2 Attack of the Clones"
  • then we go more than 10 years before "Episode 1 The Phantom Menace" for "Tales of the Jedi: Episode 2: Justice" & "Tales of the Jedi: Episode 3: Choices" Between (68 BBY) and (42 BBY)
  • "Tales of the Jedi: Episode 4: The Sith Lord" (32 BBY) Occurs concurrently to "Episode 1 The Phantom Menace"
  • "Tales of the Jedi: Episode 1: Life and Death" (36 BBY) 4 years before "Episode 1 The Phantom Menace"
  • (22 BBY) Start of "The Clone Wars", few months after "Episode 2 Attack of the Clones" and it lasts 3 years
  • (19 BBY) "The Clone Wars: Season 7"
  • (19 BBY) "Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith"
  • (19 BBY) "Tales of the Jedi: Episode 6: Resolve"
  • (19 BBY) "The Bad Batch"
  • Jump 9 years to (10 BBY) for "Solo: A Star Wars Story" (Prologue occurs in 13 BBY)
  • (9 BBY) "Obi-Wan Kenobi"
  • (5 BBY) Start of "Andor" & "Rebels" (When watching rebels pay attention to episode names and not numbers, episode numbers are messed up here)
  • "Rebels" Continues until a few months before "Episode 4 A New Hope"
  • The epilogue of the last Episode of "Rebels" occurs after the end of the Galactic Civil War at (5 ABY)
  • (34 ABY) 30 years after "Episode 6 Return of the Jedi" "Episode 7 The Force Awakens"
  • (34 ABY) "Episode 8 The Last Jedi"
  • (35 ABY) "Episode 9 The Rise of Skywalker"
  • (9 ABY) 25 years before "Episode 7 The Force Awakens" & 4 years after "Episode 6 Return of the Jedi" "The Mandalorian"
  • (9 ABY) "The Book of Boba Fett"
  • (9 ABY) "Ahsoka"

This is an attempt to make a playlist on Plex of Star Wars content in chronological order. If you see any errors, please let me know.

Got chronological order from this link

Below is a list of included movies and shows.

Included Movies:
- Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
- Episode 2: Attack of the Clones
- The Clone Wars (animated movie)
- Revenge of the Sith
- Solo: A Star Wars Story
- Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
- A New Hope
- The Empire Strikes Back
- Return of the Jedi
- The Force Awakens
- The Last Jedi
- The Rise of Skywalker

Included TV Shows:
- Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures
+ added whole show
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars
+ added whole show
- Star Wars: The Bad Batch
+ added whole show
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
+ added whole show
- Andor
+ added whole show
- Star Wars: Rebels
+ season 1
+ season 2
+ season 3
+ season 4
- The Mandalorian
+ season 1
+ season 2
+ season 3
+ season 1
+ season 1
- Star Wars: Resistance
+ season 1
+ season 2


Parameters: Season Finale had to have aired in 2023



A list of all Star Wars movies and TV shows in not entirely chronological order, but in a way that help with understanding the story.




Produções do universo Star Wars em ordem cronológica de lançamento, incluindo filmes e séries.

  • TV shows that I finished a season/s and special episodes

Seasons watched in 2022, 2023, 2024


what I've watched in 2023


Star Wars Live Action and Animated Films, Specials, and Show Seasons
