Slow start, somewhat boring at first but it started to make a lot of sense near 2/3rd.
This episode greatly focuses on proving that Mitch actually is a predator.
As well as people on this fictive show are pretty much all in on his behaviour and they helped bury issues.
The Weinstein transition was great, too.

Great buildup in this episode, with a gloomy outlook.
It's a tricky subject, with many complex issues weaved in but the writing of this show is so well thought-out, showing so many nuances.

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A hard and serious watch. First the background with the Vegas shooting and then we get to see the real Mitch Kessler. I think the writers did a good job with this sensible material.

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I really must commend this show for showing the nuance needed to deal with these grey natured situations and not going all preachy for either side.

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Everyone should watch this episode to see how rape happens irl.

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Amazing episode. I'm feeling so many emotions right now. You have to be a woman to fully understand the depth of all this.

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Really deeply uncomfortable TV, an unflinching portrait of how these sexual predators operate and the mechanisms around them that enable or cover for them. The last scene was chilling.

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By far the best episode of the series. At first I thought that the episode was a gimmicky flashback but this was definitely not the case. In a way this episode changed the texture of all of the episodes that came before it because the viewer got not just a look but a feel for who these people were and where their story came from. Rather than just glimpses of sadness we got to understand the origins of the pain.

And Carrell.... it's a shame that his smaller dramas have not gotten the accliam they deserve. He reminds me of Tom Hanks in that his presence onscreen is just so pleasing.

follow me at or facebook IHateBadMovies group

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This is a predator on the prowl, no doubt about that. And I'm not sure what's worse, the predator itself or the ones who are covering for him, honestly, I'd choose the latter because he perpetuates the humiliation, he negates the crime and tries to tell her that she didn't get it right, that it wasn't what she knew it was. So, this was deeply uncomfortable, and I feel for Hannah.

But to be honest, why didn't she say anything? She didn't push Mitch away, and she did accept the job. I realize the pressure she was under, the disbelief, the humiliation, the betrayal and pain. But what does it say about our society that women feel they have to suck it up and take it? What does it say about our society that women are taught not to say anything, to stay and suffer in silence? And what does it say about our society that people still try to find fault with the women, and not with those who abuse their power?

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"Pain is the most innate part of the human experience I can think of.Pain is the most innate part of the human experience I can think of."

I think it's kind of cool that we get to see what their life was before the Michelle incident. With this episode, we get to see that he was really "that" person for everyone. I just didn't expect him to be a real predator.

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I shouldn't have been surprise, but I was. About 50 minutes in, your whole outlook on the episode quickly switches from Mitch was/is a sweet guy trying to help a girl into disgust.

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My heart breaks for hannah (gugu), and this shows that everyone was complicit in a way, and how hannah is looking out for claire. But what’s shocking is remembering the last scene from last episode where Mitch has the nerve to go to hannah’s place and tell her she owes him, like “i sexually assaulted you but the bad guy is just the network president” so disgusting!!!

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Did we really need the warning at the beginning about the graphic nature...etc. This showed workplace minorly predatory behavior. She never said no, didn't really show him she was disapproving. Yes he was in a place of influence. Yes he barely acknowledged her back in the studio. He is a jerk. But did I need to be warned?

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Good episode but slow & kind of boring.

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This episode was a little boring, but it shows how everybody (including Alex) is better without Mitch...I hate him so much after see his behavior and how Hanna didn’t said anything :(

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I binged 8 episodes in a day(ish), Billy Crudup's smile pulled me this fast this far. He helped me like some kind of safety net through the toughest parts. But there was no help here. This was horrifying.

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