Not easy to watch nor to understand, yet quietly grips the viewer. :thumbsup_tone1:

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Judging from the score on this show, I'd say most people liked the ending - not sure why the top two reviews are the negative ones. Personally, I loved the way it ended. The way that the movements actually served a purpose and confused the shooter was brilliant. If season two goes the way of the story being true or false, the ending to this season remains powerful and relevant. This whole season had me wanting to watch the next episode right after I finished one - a true success and a well written show. Bravo.

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Totally silly, yet great ending at the same time. Although it didn't feel like a fully realized idea for a show by the end. Hopefully season 2 is better.

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Hmm I think that, for a better appreciation of the show, it's important to understand the will of the director. He never focused on making ends clear, not on any of his movies, not in here. But that's because the end or the explanation aren't what matters to him. What really matters to him is whether and how you believe someone's word. And this show goes totally along with that. What do we care if she has or doesn't have a special power? If she's an angel or not? The important thing is how she is able to create links between people who, otherwise, would have barely talked to each other. And that's so beautiful.

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Hmm I think that, for a better appreciation of the show, it's important to understand the will of the director. He never focused on making ends clear, not on any of his movies, not in here. But that's because the end or the explanation aren't what matters to him. What really matters to him is whether and how you believe someone's word. And this show goes totally along with that. What do we care if she has or doesn't have a special power? If she's an angel or not? The important thing is how she is able to create links between people who, otherwise, would have barely talked to each other. And that's so beautiful.

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Hmm I think that, for a better appreciation of the show, it's important to understand the will of the director. He never focused on making ends clear, not on any of his movies, not in here. But that's because the end or the explanation aren't what matters to him. What really matters to him is whether and how you believe someone's word. And this show goes totally along with that. What do we care if she has or doesn't have a special power? If she's an angel or not? The important thing is how she is able to create links between people who, otherwise, would have barely talked to each other. And that's so beautiful.

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The OA said what happens when they "open the portal" will be invisible. I don't think the people that are frustrated realized that. There is more to show, there will be a season 2. People need something to hold on to be satisfied, to understand... but I think some reviews are failing to get the idea. People complaining that the "movement thing" turn out to be just a "flash mob" didn't get the whole idea.

If you think everything OA was telling was a lie, you are going the easy way. You are forgetting about the OA premonitions - that led her to the school, the fact that she choose four people that will be there and everything else. Seriously, don't go with the easy and predictable way of thinking because you will ruin your experience with the show.

I think we need to wait for the season 2 before jump to conclusions.

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What the hell was that all about? What a retarded ending.

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Shout by Dog Watching TV
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-01-24T07:09:10Z— updated 2019-11-02T13:43:48Z

Can you imagine a bunch of high school kids practising some dance moves to stop a shooter LOL.


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The show peaked around episode #4 and then crashed and burned. Hard. What was the whole point, exactly? Deus ex school shooter! Oh, well. I'll think twice before investing time in anything from this creative team and its grasp of high school-level philosophy and metaphysics again.

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What an amazing end. I'm sure a few people agree with me but I totally loved the ride. I hope we get a second season and everything is explained.

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I like the idea that comes along with it. But it didn't work.
I don't know if leaving the audience in doubt is a good thing here. The play at the middle-end of the episode about whatever she is or isn't telling a true story was cool, but then nothing happened. Maybe it wasn't even bad, but certainly it was disappointing.

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I wondered how they would get to an emotional state so deep that they would feel the same "feeling" so the movements would work and finally "open a portal"; it surprised me. I can't wait for s2

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I think this is a good case study in a show being more than the sum of its parts. Sure - it's chaotic and vague at times. It doesn't always follow the guidelines of its own narrative. The ending is a stretch. But it tries valiantly to make a point about the power of coming together despite differences, and, for me, that was worth 8 or so hours of my free time.

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Shout by sandy house

I was sobbing during the cafeteria scene because they all came together and everything, but like nothing happened? I mean something did happen, but I thought we would get a clue as to what happened. Really confused, don't know if all of this was worth it.

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Besides the too many things that were left unexplained, the poorly written characters, the chaotic and wtf pace of the episodes, the predictability, and everything else, the canteen scene was very emotional, and it got me shivering! It made the show worthy! I definitely enjoyed it! Good!

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That was incredible, for me. I have been following with great attention the development of the plot and its characters. Although I read some reviews that do not meet my opinion, I think the argument is well achieved. There are intrinsically deep issues that the series addresses, in my view, well done. Of course this end in episode 8 leaves us with a bitter taste in the mouth, but we are talking about a series, and a season of it. I hope it comes more !!

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I'm not going to lie, I did expect more from the ending but even so, it was beautiful, astounding, and so thought-provoking, I can barely fault it!

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Terrible payoff after a pretty great season.

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very emotional ending to a great story. cafeteria scene was an awesome idea. ignore the haters and watch this show :)

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wha the fuck was that????

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Great series, absolutely loved it from start to finish.

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Brit Marling, as always, ends up with a question. What's real?
Such a lovely show!

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I honestly feel a little duped. All that build up reduced to a flash mob.

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what the FUCK

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Shout by zombiebxxk

Honestly the cafeteria scene kinda ruined the show for me. It was admittingly pretty emotional seeing the group come together like this but it also looked pretty silly and made no sense at that moment IMO.

I'm honestly disappointed. I really enjoyed the beginning of the show and I think it had great potential. But this ending is just so ridiculous I actually started laughing,

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That ending, O M G!

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! ! ! ! !!

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