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The Orville

Season 3

Season 3 is awful. No jokes. Just drama. No way.

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Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-07-31T19:32:33Z— updated 2022-08-04T23:08:48Z

Great sci-fi. This is probably the best season yet. It started as a parody but this season is serious sci-fi. With almost all jokes gone it discusses a wide array of philosophical topics. It's very well written. It looks beautiful.
It's true to the Star Trek heritage. And it respects its own lore created in season one and two. I realize it is not, but if it were, this would be the best contemporary Star Trek show. I wish the makers of Discovery and Picard liked Star Trek as much as MacFarlane. Most episodes are not an innovation or a revelation, though. They are variations of topics already explored by beloved shows like TNG and DS9. But they transfer those well-established sci-fi stories very well to modern filmmaking standards and a story telling format better suited to the streaming era.

Well done guys.

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I was a fan of the Orville in Season 1 and Season 2. It was a fun show that wasn't serious or take itself seriously (with maybe the occasional minor exception). However, New Horizons is a completely different animal. Not only has The Orville turned into something I never expected it would be, but it's taken the mantel from the Star Treks of old and run with it - showing the current Star Treks how they could've done it. Highly recommend.

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If it's final season or not "welcome back!"

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Not a bad season, but moving to a more serious tone suddenly after 2 seasons certainly let me down and how i enjoyed this show. The more parody/funny theme in the first 2 seasons was really good.

We already have plenty of serious space shows to enjoy. We dont need Orville to become one of them. 6/10

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I liked it more when it was a parody, but still I want the new season!

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This season was intense, I loved it. I hope if there is a fourth season it centers a bit more in the aliens from the Shadow Realms, I think it has a lot of potential.

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Soo - this is the new Orville show, on Hulu influenced by Disney.

This show started out mostly as a Sci-Fi/Comedy. Season 3 it turned into a full-fledged Sci-Fi/Drama. It is now pretty much just another offspring of Star Trek.

Don't get me wrong - I still like the show and will gladly watch more if Disney grants us more. It's just that the whimsical sophomoric humor will be missed. Also, I enjoyed the longer episodes which are now a solid 60+min avg instead of only 40-45min.

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#RenewTheOrville #Hulu. This is some of the best SciFi on television

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Its been this long, I guess I can wait a few months longer to be able to binge Season 3.

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Okay story with very good character arcs and little details added to each, good way to round of the series and the build up to a few characters paying off. Not much attention paid to the overall story this season and seemed to go a bit back and forth at times but overall was pretty fun to watch

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It’s unfortunate that Orville’s big stab at serious Star Trek storytelling aired at the same tíme as Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. SNW manages to bridge the gap between old and new, with tight pacing and moral dilemmas that resonate with today. Meanwhile, New Horizons’ moralities are clunky, heavy-handed, not so much addressing our Hot-Take culture as taking part in it.
The orville should be better. Because it has not one but two of the great tools that help us see our society from a new perspective - Sci-Fi, and parody.
But parody has never been McFarlane’s strong suit. He makes great jokes, but they don’t puncture the surface. Watching a compilation of jokes about Europeans from Family Guy is a painful experience for us locals, the counties are mentioned specifically, but the jokes are all about generic dumb/weird foreigners.
But still, he makes good poop jokes and they could lift a ho-hum episode. Lots of these episodes could do with lifting.
I could enjoy the first two seasons, and sometimes agree that The Orville was the best trek out there today. But S:03 has botched the formula.
I hope they regroup and make a tighter Season 4.

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Another good season. Far more drama in this one than the previous ones and I know a lot of viewers haven't enjoyed that, but it's also had some of the most thought provoking episodes of the whole series, along with some of the highest stakes and most epic presentations.

I highly hope it gets a season 4, not least because of the final episode. While the episode its self was good, and served well as a season ender, as the potential end of the entire series it was heavily lacking.

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