I really liked the first 4 or 5 episodes but now I have no idea what is going on or who anyone is. I think I might stop here

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Still a little dryly drawn out, but I like the parallel flips of searching both the waking and dream worlds and how they play into each other. The contrasting desperation from Rose and Jed is great, with the Superhero thread embracing its sad playfulness. Seeing the dreams of the others is a shocking sequence, and the build of Lyta's temptation is well played. I haven't mention how wonderful it is seeing John Cameron Mitchell. Shame they didn't have him direct an ep. A little too much Corinthian getting in the way of everything, though I get that's the point, and he does feel necessarily entwined given the escalation of what we're building towards, I just feel a sense of overuse here where he's needed is the price being paid for how they unnecessarily overused him earlier. I especially love Ann Ogbomo as the nightmare who dreams of a different life rightfully taking a stand against Dream, and paying the price as we're reminded he does still have his spiteful obstinacy.

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After the first episode I thought it had promise but than they brought in the alphabet group and it was all down hill from there

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I knew it. You get pregnant by kissing.

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When Sandman was created the comics changed the ways comics narratives were written. The protagonist was not a hero, had no clear purpose and his story was a conveyor to explore the mystical and the onirical.

The first arch of him getting back his tools is kinda straight forward but as episode 6 states, Sandman loses his focus and his purpose, is when a dream vortex appears, catching his attention. While this happens we travel between several dreams and learn more about the laws of his universe. This is sandman at his core, a travel between dreams in a mythical america.

Some people may enjoy the ride, some don't but feeling lost and finding himself again is exactly what we do in dreams. And in Sandman.

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It's getting old really fast.

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This is exactly Sandman, in fact many very dreamlike or experimental parts have been adapted in another way or directly omitted or maybe in future episodes we will see them. But the comic is the same, they are short stories or fables, some longer with vague connections, hence the roller coaster of quality, but in the end they are all related and are part of the final outcome

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This episode needs a positive comment, so, here you go. I'm not familiar with the source material, but I am enjoying the ride, wherever it is taking me. Now, on to the next one!

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This arc is awful. Not enjoying it.

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Episodes 5 and 6 won me over, episodes 7 and 8 has lost me again. I can't remember the last time I saw a show and thought this isn't for me, this is great, this is good, wtf is this, OMG I'm so bored in the space of a single season. On trying to be positive I guess there's possibly something in here, somewhere, for everyone.

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