The story and idea behind it are great, the execution of it not that great but good enough to keep me entertained.
Not sure why people complain about the animation in seasons 3 and 4... yes, the studio changed, but it felt completely fine (maybe because I had 2-3 days 'off' between season 2 and 3).
The biggest problem is that the story slows a bit in the last 2 seasons, maybe because you have an idea of where it is going but it takes longer to get there.

BTW - Escanor is one of the best characters ever created!

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I don't understand the ridiculously high ratings. The first season was trash. A hundreds year old old man inside a kid's body groping a princess repeatedly while a giantess looks on jealously who in turn has an admirer in a teenage child's body who also has another admirer and all the whole there's yet another lolicon coupling. This is trash plain and simple and if reports are to be believed, it only gets worse after the first season. Yeah I'm not wasting time on this

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While the anime got progressively worse as the seasons went on, I still liked it enough to keep watching it. The story I thought was great even if the execution was not.

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The story and idea was there and was really fucking cool, I've always been intrigued by shows with different species like demons, goddesses and vampires so I was really looking forward to it. the first two seasons were so good but the execution after that really let the show down. would still recommend giving it a watch though.

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everything after s2 is trash (compared to s1 and s2). watch the first two seasons and leave it at that, don't waste your time

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The first season was ok, but now... The animation is horrible and the script... It's like, oh no an enemy appear with a power greater than 999.999.999... It's lame.

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Overall a great anime...first two seasons was at peak and the plot was presented nicely.Then the animation was downgraded from season 3 and I could pretty much see the same in season 4.But the music kept you craving to wait every week for the new episodes.

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Imagine loving an anime and then something like changing studios happens and it becomes a total trash... That was a sadly true on this one! First two seasons are gold, I even rated both with a 9 but right after third season and with a new studio continuing the anime it become trash, I hate that word to reffer to something but not only the plot was almost unexistent but the animation quality looks so bad and cheap, they go from 10 to 1 in just one episode, I wasn't even going to write anything because it doesn't deserved more time wasted than I already waste on this but to warn the rest of people who still can save that ammount of time and watch literally anything else and it would be better.

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startet as a "ok" shonen anime and ended as a Shojo/lolicon? anime... wtf. did not see such a cheesy shit show for a long time. they put so many cliches in this show, the only thing that was missing was gay and furry love.
You even see that they did not put much effort in the last season. The drawings are awfull. Dont waste your time.

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The story of this anime is great, but the animation in the last two seasons was horrible, especially in the last few episodes, it's like a fan art animation. The manga drawings are without a doubt better

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Show is an 8 for the first 2 seasons then all goes down when studio deen takes over for a1

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Great show up until season 3 with the studio change to studio deen now is unwatchable trash. Studio deen ruined the most anticipated fight in the series with garbage animation that makes you question if the show was even good in the first place. seasons 1 and 2 are great 8/10 season 3 is terrible 2/10 only saving grace is the story

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Please add season Signs of Holy War to list! Add it between Season 1 and Season 3 "Revival of the Commandments"

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This was a very good show. Can't wait for the next chapter

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Manga > Anime. ¯\(ツ)

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Cheesy and perverted?

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Shout by Deleted

Wish it was English but na

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4 episodes of season 2 are missing, why aren't they here?

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Too fast character development and plot progression makes it a bit underwhelming
But it's still enjoyable and a bit similar to Fairy Tail.

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Love the serie. characters are really fun and have fun dynamics. Not great story development just really fun to watch.

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As someone that doesn't like those kind of things I honestly liked it so much that I watched it a second time within a couple months and suggested it to a few friends. It made me chuckle a lot. Very funny and interesting.

Very unexpected for me. Glad I gave it a try!

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Is anyone know when season 2 comes out on Netflix?

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Very good for a Netflix partial production credit. They picked a good Manga. Translated well into a story. the pig kinda threw me at first but with a large cast and new characters I feel like there was more to give. Watched in two sessions surprisingly enthralling and it sucks you in.

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This was a dank show with a dank ending. A very well-done shounen imo. I'm looking forward to the OVAs and hopefully an announcement for a second season.

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SHIZA Project is the best!

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