How did they get this show so wrong. Season 2 could have been amazing… but one episode in… Terrible acting, horrible storyline…. So much potential wasted.

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Shout by Deleted

Bad,Bad,Bad. Crap story ,pathetic acting.

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Absolutely horrid acting, mostly from Huck's mom, Huck herself, and Iris. I think the worst had to be Huck's mom, and can she not speak louder? This show started season one bad, got better during season one, now the start of season two, the season premiere, sucked all over again. The only good thing is that this is only the second season but this is also the last season.

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Not that great of a season opener, but next week seems to have some nice surprises for us!

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WHAT was that all about? This episode totally lost me and felt completely nonsensical. This is gonna be a rough ten episodes that I feel unfortunately obligated to watch.

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It was a good start, but I expected more.

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This was kinda meh as far as a premier goes, but there's a lot of set up for a hopefully great season so I'll try to stay optimistic on this one.

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Shout by Darth

Crazy how a kid took down a armored soldier lol

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Same bad like slasher s4 wtf!! they ruin all shows asap

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