Hey, guys, remember the time Daryl used to be smart?

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Not going to lie, I kind of set my expectations for this mid-season finale very high. With most things in life, that is the WORST thing you can do. I've read all 193 issues of "The Walking Dead", and sort of have a feel for where the show is heading in comparison to the books. I expected some pretty over-the-top events to occur with this episode, but it fell short of my expectations (once again, my fault for setting those expectations).

Episode 8 of season 10 clocks in at 54 minutes, and it's really just a setup for the remainder of season 10. I just watched the episode last night, and can barely remember most of the events that unfolded. The "gang" falling into a cave trap set by Alpha doesn't really have me on the edge of my seat, honestly. I'll obviously be tuning in when the show returns from it's mid-season break, and I'm happy with the way that this show is going - but I just expected the mid-season to go out with a bang.

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Shout by KD6-3.7
BlockedParent2019-11-23T12:59:29Z— updated 2022-09-30T09:26:44Z


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It's more of a dialogue episode. I liked it quite a bit. Virgil is pretty mysterious, but some of the characters are acting really dumb. Why would they run after Alpha? Overall, it's decent, but for a mid-season finale, it's pretty mediocre compared to sesson 9. The cave horde was spooky, tho.

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The most obvious bait in the history of obvious baits... ‍♂

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luke’s bit in the library was really wholesome. the interaction with your man on the naval islands turned out well. otherwise nothing much happened.

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Fucking Carol and her death wish.

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PTSD... flashbacks...shaky camera...20min of filler stuff... this was the mid season finale?

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Nope! Two „old ladies“ sprinting faster then all the others? Carol getting more stupid by the minute? I don’t care about her rage, it’s still silly! Daryl being equally stupid running after her without taking precautions? phew... this mid-season finale was one of the worst ever! What was all that crap about being a whisperer in hiding to be caught right after the killing to then tell the whole damn story and being killed himself? That story ark could have been so much more interesting and mysterious...

After the first few episodes I thought this could become one of the more interesting seasons in years... well, they killed those thoughts.

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While this season hasn't been as bad as some people think, this was a very weak midseason finale. They try to go for more character development, but it all felt rather shallow...

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i don't know.. I still watch the show but man.. I really don't know..

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I rated this episode harshly mainly due to the standard I expect of a finale, or even a mid-season finale. I always feel cliffhangers are not needed if you progress the story and keep the pace from the get-go. I think I feel the same way I did when I knew Rick was leaving, every episode had this annoying tension built into it. I didn't want to "miss it" or something - lol! As if! Now, it's with Michonne, like is this boat trip going to be her ending (surely not!) but I still fuss!!

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Yeah! Let's run one after another into the dark cave where the enemy led us. What could possibly go wrong?

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bleh, quite loose at the end of half season not? that is to be a normal chapter very cool but to be an end because that loose

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Wow this episode really sucked... The writing is soooo bad.

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Probably one of the worst mid-season fanales for the walking dead, but still, show is heading in the right direction.

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Overall a pretty solid episode but the ending was a bit dumb. Carol acting so stupid was poor writing and was compounded by the 5 or 6 people who followed into the cave and ALSO fell down the pit. You could understand maybe Carol and the first one or two people following her down but for EVERYONE to blindly just fall down as well was contrived beyond belief. Still, I suppose it gave us a nice mid-season finale image to close out on.

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Pretty good episode, Carol is infuriating to watch however, I get she's meant to be blinded by her revenge or whatever but they've actually made her so stupid! Also Sadiq's death feels ultimately pointless as predicated, they built on his character, killed him off and then the whisperer was discovered instantly anyway...okay. Michonne was just a huge set up for the second half of the season. Rosita, Gabe and Daryl carried

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The walking dead is alive again! Great first half of the season!! For me it still feels a bit empty without Rick, where is rick? When are these bloody films starting? Also how the hell can you have a midseason finale without Negan? Wheres Negan? That's all I've got to complain about. Keep it up TWD team.

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