Shouts about...

The White Queen 2013

Fairly engaging despite being a flawed production. Were the battles in The War of the Roses really decided between armies of only a hundred or so men, and a handful of horses? This was my one disconnect. The fighting was all stilted. However the acting was quite good. And despite it not being 100% faithful to the historic telling, it did a pretty good job. Don't be deterred, it was well done.

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Shout by Deleted

Weak .. I got bored at the middle of it ,,

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Not exactly the most historically accurate mini-series out there, but it is based on historical fiction. Regardless, it is very watchable and entertaining. Even if some plot points aren't accurate, I still learned quite a bit about this time period. Only criticism: the main characters weren't aged enough from the beginning to the end. This spans almost 20 years and in the last episode, most characters still around from episode 1 still looked the same. This is just a minor aspect, however, that did not take away my enjoyment of the show.

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Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2019-01-08T22:40:56Z— updated 2019-01-12T22:55:25Z

I like to watch period shows and I don't look for airtight historical accuracy in them. I leave that to NG or Discovery. As long as the producers don't claim accuracy I'm fine. What I like to see are historical sets, costumes and good drama. In short: entertainment. And that I got. Didn't like all the witchcraft stuff and you really don't see a lot of the bloody stuff. Battles looked rather small.
I'll say this though: if only half of the events are true (forgive me for not knowing English history to the T) with all those betrayals, switching sides, backstabbing, marriage and re-marriage you wonder how they were ever able to built such an empire. No one really does something for the good of the country. They all have ulterior motives and personal agendas. Doesn't seem to have been many honest men or women around. But that's what makes good drama I'd say.

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Great show.A shame it didn't last longer.

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Sure, this show is set in the late 1400's and everyone should be walking around with crooked and rotting teeth, living in filth, and diseased ridden instead of this bright and cheerful look at history. Sure, I caught the handicapped ramp that was next to the stairs leading into the castle. Sure, I noticed the steel railing bolted to the brick.

But when I turn off that part of my brain then I love the show. LOVE IT.

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