Shouts about...

The Widow 2019

If you only read/watch modern fiction you could be forgiven for thinking there are just 2 types of men, villains and cowards (who, if they do become redeemed or heroic for any small patch of time, only do so at the prompting of a woman), and just one type of woman, the strong independent warrior poet doctor scientist engineer hero princess (who usually starts off as a victim).

It's getting boring.

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Ignore the haters. This was a good show. Is it some work of art with never before seen story telling technique...No. Is it an interesting show depicting life in DRC while showing conflict mining with good actors that provide entertainment....Yes.

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Initially I liked the series and the premise. It seemed so interesting. Then however it just became some regular story like any, where you see the "plot twist" coming miles and miles away. And then quite soon it became some feminist crap where of course the white guy is always the bad guy. Or some useless weak liar who you better just sent away as soon as you meet him. All the drama side stories got so annoying that I started fast-forwarding parts of the story, which seemed to be meant as character building stories. Just not interesting.
It's too bad really. Had they made this into a 4-episode mini-series where they would focus only on Georgia it would have likely been much stronger. I gave it 5 out of 10, but in all honesty it maybe should have been even a 4. The only good thing is how Kate carries the story and the whole show.

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Holy moly this writing is awful

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This show is clearly a stretch. However, I must say it was an entertaining stretched. LOL

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This was a wonderful surprise! An intricately crafted story. Twists and turns in abundance. Fine performances. An intriguing palet of venues. Rarely do I give the first episode of a series a 9, but this series sustained its quality til the very last act. I give the whole series a 10 (the total package) out of 10. [Mystery Adventure Drama]

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Worth watching. It didn’t quite live up to its potential but please don’t let me put you off watching this drama.

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I can't believe what horse crap this site? tvdb? ishowstv app? is doing with this show! I added this show to my iShows TV app weeks ago, I've been watching on Amazon Prime. Now that I've finished the show, and I want to mark it as finished, all of a sudden this show is listed under some other network (ITV), and the episodes are listed as airing in the future...?!?!? Um, NO!

A similar situation happened with the show Taboo. It aired in Europe first, then came to the U.S. on FX Network. I posted on some site, not sure which one, I've spent the past 30mins trying to find it but am unsuccessful. I posted how the show should be updated for the FX Network airing so members can Trakt it correctly. The response (from the owner/admin/moderator) I got is that the original airing is kept to avoid any confusion and my request was closed and put to an end.

So you can understand my frustration that the table has turned against me, and I'm still at the bitter end of it! W-T-H!?!!!!

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Beckinsale plays a naive wife, it's a used trope that's not so great to watch. I'm not sure I will continue after the first episode.

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I was uninterested while watching the series premiere but got slightly interested nearing the end of the episode. It became more enjoyable from that moment forward, though still had some boring moments. I feel like I'm starting to have this view more and more with shows I have a similar reaction to and that it's becoming my imminent reaction, but I wouldn't rewatch this show. Shows that I wouldn't mind rewatching entirely or just certain episodes despite already watching it are what I consider to be good shows. This show isn't bad enough to the point where I just can't watch all of it, thankfully, but I don't find it good enough to where I'd watch it again. In fact, I probably wouldn't have even given it a shot if Kate Beckinsale wasn't the main actor or in it at all even though I'm indifferent about her and haven't watched anything else with her in it.

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Four episode in. Good show. Story unfolds slowly but doesn’t get dragged out. I would recommend it so far.

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A classic example of wasted talent. This series has a very thin plot, and you can smell the twist from miles away. You are better off just doing nothing rather than watching this!

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