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Time Bandits 2024

Shout by gbwiemann
BlockedParent2024-06-25T20:48:42Z— updated 2024-07-09T21:01:37Z

Dear Apple TV.
It's time for a show poster, I guess.

What do you think? :wink:

2024-07-09 I love the show poster. So many promising things to see there. Lots more than in the movie. Hope all of it gets some decent story in the show.

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I loved the classic movie of the Time Bandits and was looking forward to this 2024 series. However, It's just not going down well for me atm, Dialogue feels forced, acting is like its some pantomime stage play and I'm just not finding any of the punchlines funny at all, though the kid can be sarcastically funny at times.

I'll give it another few episodes and if it doesn't pick up, I'm out!

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"Time Bandits" on Apple TV+ starts strong, blending nostalgic nods with fresh twists that have me eagerly anticipating the next episodes. The series introduces new elements while paying homage to the '80s classic, promising an engaging journey through time filled with quirky humour and heartwarming moments.

The story centres on a likeable kid navigating a world where his tech-obsessed parents and embarrassed sister sharply contrast with his nerdy interests in history. Joining a crew of eccentric time bandits, he embarks on a whimsical adventure that mixes slapstick comedy with clever storytelling.

Lisa Kudrow surprises with a role perfectly suited to her comedic strengths, and Jemaine Clement delivers his usual hilarity as the villain. Despite occasional pacing issues that stretch the storyline, the series offers enjoyable and family-friendly escapades. Whether you're a fantasy fan or new to the genre, "Time Bandits" promises laughs, whimsy, and an entertaining ride through history that leaves you wanting more.

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Well I was interested until I saw Taika Waititi's name on it...
Also did he seriously cast himself as God?...

If it's up to Taika Waititi's normal standard it'll be as funny as.... Nvm, rules say to be respectful

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Looks funny but pretty much is every complaint the new Snow White had. Where they think it’s cool to cut out short stature people. As long as there’s diversity.

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As an avid hater of all things apple tv (and apple in general - sorry, I can think for myself, but you do the 1-size fits all bs), but someone who has gone into every show with an open mind, I am digging this show after the first 2 episodes. I really hope this continues, and I am sure I will add an edit to this later on with my thoughts post-season 1, but Lisa Kudrow, Jemaine Clement, and Taika Waititi are the primary reasons I was wiling to see how much Apple defiles a treasured childhood movie.

Edit: This is a new story in the universe, just keep that in mind.

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If Nickelodeon and syfy had a colab and hire Disneys fx team.... Fun for kids and family.

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It's pretty good !
(I didn't see the original)

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This show is taking soooooo long to come out!

I really hope it's worth the wait!

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