Good shtick for the first couple of minutes, but the whole episode being an homage to those old sitcom-style shows was tiring.

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1st play (14 March): English
2nd play (30 March): French Dub

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a massive departure from anything marvel has ever done before, it's incredibly unique and honestly strange

mr. hart choking and mrs. hart telling him to stop is incredibly jarring

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This show is quite intriguing. Old vibes served fresh.

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Shout by Dahj Asha

It certainly didn't make a lot of sense but that was to be expected since the teaser. I'm super curious how this story will develop, the end credits where the most interesting in this regard. Pretty impressive that they've managed to make me accept and even appreciate a grayscale episode in a 4:3 aspect ratio and with filters to make the audio sound retro/old. It was kinda fun, let's see what'll happen next.

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Shout by Tagouga

I actually enjoyed this episode even though the old sitcom format was weird. Nevertheless, it was well done and I am sure it is building up for something more. I haven't heard but good things about this show so we'll see.

Also it was so nice seeing Kitty Forman but the "Stop it" part was a bit creepy. I feel like I am missing something here.

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I have to admit is the value to Marvel for making a series about these characters with this style, for now, we will continue to see

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Wtf am I watching exactly?

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Talk about experimental! Quite clever, and very funny.

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Shout by Deleted

Decently funny, certainly more than I expected. Not sure how this series will fare for me as I was never convinced of the romance between the two in the films so Wanda going full manic depression upon losing Vision isn't the strongest of premises for me, but we'll see. Also, Sy Ableman!

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By far, the best episode of the show.
I'll really enjoy a entire show with this innocent comedy.

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what the fuck did i watch

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I don't think I've watched any of the shows this references like... ever, but it's still funny as hell.

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This initial episode pretty much nails the 50's sitcom bit. They are boring overall. This was only 20 minutes long and even at that, it was hard to stick with it. They only thing that kept me interested, and I know this is politically incorrect to say these days, is how stunning Elizabeth Olsen is. Even stepping backward in time, in black & white no less, suits her. Paul Bettany's Vision is grating but I have never much cared for the character.

By the way, the 7 minutes of credits are ridiculous. Stop patting yourselves on the back.

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It had some funny moments really, but the whole black and white thing is putting me off. I'm only watching because I know it gets color at some point.

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In 2019, I wrote and directed a short film called On the Fritz about a woman who--as a result of her toxic relationship with her husband--was transported back to a 50s television sitcom and her radio began verbally abusing her.

It was very weird to watch this.

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I've never watched a single thing in the MCU, but I loved this. It had style, confidence and menace.

I hope it stays this good.

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Cute and retro. Not what I expected or wanted, but good.

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Just as I was thinking that it reminded me of That 70's Show, Debra Jo Rupp appears.

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I came to this one pretty much blind beyond what happened in the movies and some comic book backstory on the two main characters. And while I'm not sure what I was expecting, it sure as heck wasn't this. It came across as a bunch of self-indulgent nonsense that maybe had 30 seconds worth of insight for those who follow Marvel on every possible social media feed and those who have seen all of the movies a dozen times. But for someone like me, it was a real disappointment. Start explaining some things to the average viewer in a hurry, Marvel, or you're gonna lose me even faster.

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"My wife is from Europe," Vision says to explain Wanda's strange behavior in his BRITISH ACCENT.

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Shout by Duncan

Since this is a mystery, I think it's fine. And the more it goes, the more it's obvious that Wanda is trapped in her head because she can't remember why they're there. This is going to be a show that you have to pay attention to, because the clues are everywhere. Not to mention, this is going to end right before the timeline of Doctor Strange 2, so explaining everything now would be too much. I'd rather pick clues and wonder what's going to happen.

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A very funny sitcom but it’s more than that, and there’s a lot strange mistery in it. We get the feeling that this may be how it starts but it’s not how it going to end the season. Loved this conceptually and it’s very funny, but only after understanding where this will be heading I can fully say if this was genious or not.

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A great parody/homage to 1950s sitcom with a hint at something more!
Comic book knowledge/potential spoiler below:
So the logo on one of the screens at the end where someone was watching them was for S.W.O.R.D.
They're basically the space version of S.H.I.E.L.D. Question is, why on earth would they be looking at well. .. Earth!

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I have no idea what on earth I have just watched.

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Going to try episode 2. Episodes are to short. I mean 3 minutes intro 8 minutes credits wtf.. Only 15 minutes effective and have to wait a week for it.

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The first 15 minutes are very well written for a 1950s sitcom. The problem is, we are not in the 1950s anymore, so... :rolling_eyes:

I might give it a chance because the last couple of minutes seem to suggest a more interesting plot, but they better drop the sitcom approach, and do it soon.

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I admit I did not give this show a chance. I watched 10 minutes while making my morning porridge. I skipped to the last 5 or so and watched the long credits.

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I urge People to think with their hearts and not their heads. Remember Wanda was grief stricken when Vision was killed. Remember her abilities hadn't stopped developing. Now, remember the Wandavision commercials made it seem as though she'd brought him back from the dead, almost as if in an alternate universe...?
I won't pretend to know comic book lore, I don;t know these characters' comic book back-stories, BUT, I know Wanda & Vision's story together was cut short, and one of those on-screen deaths I don't think I've recovered from. I'm inclined to trust this show for quite a while me simple, but every on-screen kiss between the couple is an emotional pay-off for me and their were quite a few in this episode!

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This was so much fun to watch...keep an eye on the splashes of color...

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This better be a long con, because so far I'm questioning reality.

interesting to see Darcy Lewis (Thor) attributed to this episode. I don't think we saw her?

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The guy with the that Ross from friends?

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It's so fun to see Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany back in their respective roles! Even without the weird shenanigans, the plot of Wanda and Vision trying to fit into a suburban lifestyle in the format of a'60s sitcom is already great. The writing is actually pretty solid, in terms of the classic sitcom style, and they do a good job at making it seem like something is off (in subtle and not-so-subtle ways).

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Seven minutes of credits, what the fuck? There were like 7 actors with speaking parts & few extras in the background. Could’ve used that extra time to explain what the actual fuck is going on.

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Terribly boring. Doubt I’ll continue past episode 2.

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damn i dont want to spam zzz but this was so boring. ill just wait for the plot to be a dream/nightmare that vision put wanda on, because he would die later me quedé dormido loco

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I feel a bit of a disadvantage as I don't remember what happened in the movies. I watched the Legends episodes that aired simultaneously but that didn't help much. Crappy memory, what can I say.
But I like this a lot and I hope it will become clear even if one doesn't know everything MCU related.

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This is so dumb and derivative

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The names of Diana and Fred are from the books of Anne of Green Gables!!

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Shout by Robert Beardsley

I got WandaVision x I Love Lucy vibes with the pilot.

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Pretty poor, looking to watch a marvel tv show and I get nothing but 21 minutes of 1950's bewitched knock off, I mean some marvel type drama might saves this but it only continues to the next episode all the way through. I feel by the time I'm finished watching this series it will be safe to say that they could have scrapped thehe first two filler episodes so that we can get to the real meat and potatoes. Hopefully it will pick up.

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Absolutely blown away by this to be honest. Probably Marvel's most unique and daring project they have ever done, and it's played so wonderfully straight that I can't help but adore it. Whether or not the sitcom elements work for you personally will all depend on your familiarity with them, as well as your tolerance for slow build storytelling, but overall this is really damn good stuff and proof Marvel knows exactly what they are doing and have for years.

It helps that the sitcom stuff is genuinely amusing and wholesome, with both Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany turning in pitch perfect performances that wonderfully emulate the style of old school sitcoms from the 50s, which will likely evolve as the show continues on. And even with the great writing on hand, something is really off and feels icky about a lot of it on purpose - the fake commercial in the middle in particular is creepy as hell and serves to demonstrate just how quickly this show grips you. Fantastic stuff and I cannot wait for more.

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Wtf is this? Total nonsense. No intro to why this is happening. No explanations how Vision is alive. Just thrown into a cheese fest...

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I cringed the whole time. I get what they were trying to do but none of it is done well. The one random creepy moment that seemed even a little effective is basically a rip off from Get Out. Also doesn't help the movies have done zero to get me invested in this couple. I honestly just want more development for Wanda as a character by herself.

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What the f*ck did I watch.

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22 Minutes runtime ? Are you serious ?

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The first of the marvel mcu shows, episode one , this was...... well it was just a sitcom, it wasn’t bad but it’s not the kind of thing I’m looking for in my marvel show. It most likely will get better, I’m pretty sure they’re trapped in a sitcom, also Scarlett witch can actually do more stuff now, like how she made that chicken disappear and created those wedding rings. I’d love her to become powerful enough to say “no more mutants” like in the comics. I think the mcu shows are actually a good idea, I doubt Wanda and vision could get a movie and it gives us a way to care a lot more about the characters lots of people don’t care about now we no longer have :asterisk_symbol:end game spoilers but I’m sure everyone’s seen that:asterisk_symbol: black widow, iron man and captain America, I’m sure after this show I’m gonna be way more exited for doctor strange and the multiverse of madness, as long as the whole things not a sitcom that is.

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Of all the planned Disney+ Marvel shows I've been looking to this one the most and the premiere definitely delivered! I love that they're playing with all these different genres like a 1950s sitcom instead of making a standard superhero story. Elizabeth Olsen is phenomenal and I really liked the subtle creepy vibes throughout (like when Mr. Hart was choking and we suddenly took a sharp turn into Horrorville). Can't wait to see how the story unfolds from here.

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What a fascinating conceptual plot framing device. I'm totally on board for whatever this ends up being!

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Above all I'm just glad the MCU is back. It's been far too long.

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Wtf is this, hope it gets better then this sitcom shit

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what was that, fan service

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Don’t see where it’s going

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loved the theme (dick van dyke show) on this episode, loved the cheesy jokes, its's all weird and fun and confusing.

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Watched the pilot.

Part Lucy, Part Bewitched with a dash of Westworld(?).

Are they in a simulation. What's the time period? Correction. What universe?

If this whole season is going to be this B&W wink wink tease, I'm going to be really pi##ed.

Marvel Studios is too smart for that, I hope.

We need to know the point of this tv show in the MCU timeline fast.:kissing:

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taking place during the dick van dyke show era, epic series! this had so many laugh out loud moments!

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Decent first episode. Will get better from here no doubt but had to do the necessary setting up. Wish they were longer than 30 mins.

The credits feel very cinematic... not sure the entire show does though.

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Great episode...

and now I know who the fuck added the photo too!!

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Nice episode title you have here, some better data might be useful...

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Who the fucked added the photo? Is that the real title :joy:

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I think this might not be good

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