This show is my definition of "I never knew I needed this in my life, until I watched the first episode". It's so good. And even tho I have the attention span of a potato... I'm glued to the screen from start to finish of every episode.

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Dolores - “Someday” sounds a lot like the thing people say when they actually mean “never.”

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The people that rate the episode before it's even out, I think should be deprived from their voting rights for some finite period. This is a joke. I don't understand why do they do it, is it fun or something?
The episodie page is reporting 75%, 38 watchers, 60 plays, 217 collected - and it has not been released yet...
I don't understand people anymore. I understand that there are apps an people click everything... but rating it, that must done on purpose, not by accident and it must have an intention don't know why they do it with unaired episodes -more weight to game the whole series or season ratings- I don't know but it's extremely annoying.

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This episode was very good. It makes me wonder if this concept could be achieved minus the eventual murderous robots. We get a bit more backstory on Bernard and his son passing away. I think Bernard's conversation with his wife , could lead to clues as to where Westworld is at (on Earth or another planet). Stubbs is probably considered the stupidest person in-verse but he is the only character who is prepared for the host if they go crazy. There have been theories that The Man in Black is the younger white hat gentlemen but it seems that its debunked due to Dolores breaking out of programmed behavior and meeting up with the duo. Overall it's an interesting series thus far...what do you think?

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Rewatching now after knowing the events of the whole season, it's quite fascinating to see how well the show edits around and manages to effectively hide the three different time periods..
I still think that there's some muddled storytelling going on here, things which aren't addressed properly and really don't make sense. Maybe things will become more clear the second time through.

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Shout by Ro


Peacherine Rag — Scott Joplin
Rêverie, L. 68 — Claude Debussy

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Shout by Ro

“I guess people like to read about the things that they want the most and experience the least.”

  • Bernard Lowe
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Shout by Ro

“I guess people like to read about the things that they want the most and experience the least.”

  • Bernard Lowe
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This episode hints strongly towards metaphysics and mysticism, which compounds within the mythos of the west and American Individualism, proving to be a superb and meaty bit of storytelling.

The nature of consciousness is laid out for the lore of the series, providing the groundwork for how hosts may start to exhibit those tendencies.

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Control - of any sort - in a complex system is only an illusion. That's something that Michael Crichton told us once and again in everyone of his books and related material. In a way, this "park" concept is entirely anachronistic per se. Anyway... it's still a good TV show.

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I think the greatest thing about this show is that I'm confused as balls. I'm so curious about how this continues!

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Shout by Haibara

One of my favorite scenes in this episode was the part where the camp was stuck in a loop because none of them were allowed/programmed to chop wood or to even touch the axe :D

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Now I'm getting a sort of Donnie Darko and The Butterfly Effect vibe with this one. Towards the end there, I was hoping we'd get some rendition of "Janie's Got A Gun" by Aerosmith or something.

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Shout by Deleted

So, I like this show and all, but why didn't they put the "vectoring" host in sleep mode before he ran away that far? Also it doesn't make a whole lot of sense that there are obviously almost zero safety precautions, when already today talks about limits for AI are very much part of scientific discussion, why would that change in the future?

That being said, I like the show for what it is, but with every episode it seems one needs more suspension of disbelief.

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I love Dolores, but I really need them to create a better love interest for her, cus Teddy is boring me to death with his bland personality. No matter how charming or pretty their scenes are together, I’m just not feeling it.
I think it would actually be really cool if she’d end up getting a romance with a “real” human. The drama involved in that would be so interesting!

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Lauren: These talks... I don't know if they help or... Do you ever wish you could forget?

Bernard Lowe: This pain... it's all I have left of him.

This show just keeps getting better and better.

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I know how big of a role Dolores has in the Westworld and I understand she is slowly getting more conscious but she altered her loop when she was shot? What was that? What made it possible?

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really not digging anything that has to do with the main chick. she has personality of a wet piece of cardboard

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