The BLOND woman! The black woman I think you mean. Why would the guy with the eye scanner want his ex or estranged wife's retinal scan. That would be awkward whenever he needs to access the deposit box.

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I really wanted to like this show. And I should have liked it. But I don't. It feels too contrived. And I don't think the show knows what it wants to be. I get the feeling that this could be one of those shows which finds itself about the time season 2 starts, but I don't think I can sit through more of this season and I am not confident the show will survive long enough for the cast and writers to gel this into something worth an hour of my time each week.

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Shout by Jim G.

This one once again had lots of fun on the dialogue front for viewers like me and lots more problems on the spy front for anyone looking for a serious spy show. It was surprising but good to see Ray the Snake back, giving everyone a mutual slimeball -- but a funny and not all bad one -- to hate on. If they ever need someone to play a sleazy car salesman, realtor or lawyer, they've got their guy. On the Standish front, I didn't really like where they were going with the character, but it's early days and they can quickly correct what I see as a misstep. Finally, a concern that I always have with a show like this is that they'll sell out on the UST and will-they-or-won't-they fronts where the leads are concerned, but so far they seem to be playing that relationship here as one more in line with competitive siblings and I so hope that they keep it that way.

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There were some kinda funny spots, like him having to say he was indeed "Doug, the secretary."

But the chemistry between these two is not enough to carry the show. Not like Beckett/Castle, and the thing about Jake having feelings was overplayed; as in I lost track of how many freakin times Frankie said that he had a big dumb heart or had feelings, etc. He's not that emotive.

I thought it was odd Mellie was cast in episode 2. Like, they didn't get to hook up in Scandal so they inserted her here? She was okay just not really the femme fatale type.

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So what? This is the government version of Leverage? There's a team of people who have different skill sets and their base of operations is a bar. In Leverage, there's a team of people who have different skill sets and they meet their clients in a bar. Oh, and their base of operations is in a condo above the bar. The only difference is that Leverage is more enjoyable. Also, Susan Samson is very annoying.

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