This week's scene of Christina Ricci pushing Juliette Lewis away to snort the latter's coke is worth the price of greenlighting this show alone.

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Oh man. I had an outside theory that Laura Lee would end up being the Clan leader we saw in episode 1 (just coz of how dark that would be for a character like her to fall so far) but now my hopes are dashed! Great episode all round though. Even the adult Shauna stuff got more interesting.

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Open the door and throw the stupid teddy bear out! Wtf? So contrived...

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Best show on television right now, a real rollercoaster in every sense. My MVP changes from week to week - and for all the Lost comparisons there's tons of Leftovers DNA here.

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I don’t know that I’m getting the hype for this show yet. The pacing is glacial and feels so aggressively planned for multiple seasons I feel no urgency in the 90s timeline. Why did it take so many episodes for the girls to send a scouting mission?

I by no means dislike this show, but there is a definite lack of energy missing since the pilot episode. Kusama knocked it out of the park there. Everything after has felt like treading water to various degrees.

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I mean, what is happening? All these strange and seemingly unexplainable occurrences. It‘s time for some answers imo.

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"Winter is coming"
Please no, not again.

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It's starting to feel really cheap by this point. Weak high school melodrama plot points and random jump scares to pretend the whole thing is more interesting than it is.

Nobody thought to check for a pulse before throwing her on the pyre? Seriously?

The two versions of Natalie are also too different for me to believe they're meant to be the same person. The others, fine. They could do with taking a leaf out of Dark's casting guide for multiple versions of the same person.

I'll keep watching to the end of the season. I can't see how the second season will work, without doubling down on my first paragraph.

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Let's pick up the pace!

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Another episode of nothing explained. Throw in a random shock moment (like the teddy bear burning up out of no where) & keep viewers hooked for next episode. This crap better pick up.

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Shout by Erebos

Tai, that's not sleepwalking...

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