“Cool shit ain’t cheap, and cheap shit ain’t cool.”

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Am i the only one who doesn’t have any posters for Yellowstone in iShows?

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Is the idea of a fully grown man not knowing he's adopted because he has somehow never looked at his birth certificate stupid and unrealistic? Yes. Does it add entertaining character drama to the show? Yes. I do have issues with this revelation and the other big one this season of what Jamie did to Beth, but at least it adds entertainment value to an otherwise pretty dry season. I'm giving this episode an 8 because it was entertaining, even if it didn't make much sense. This show proved last season that it's meant to be a melodramatic soap opera for pure entertainment so that's what I'm looking for now and that's what this episode gave. The shootout scene with Kayce and the other agents was also great. This season has been inconsistent with its tone gain similar to season 1, but as long as the episodes are entertaining I don't really mind anymore.

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Sorry but how has a 30 something lawyer with a passport and driving license never looked at his fucking birth certificate? This is almost dumber than the hysterectomy.

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