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Season 4

Well, reminds me of this great lyrics

"It's my money gonna spend it on gum,
It's my career I can do a shark jump,
It's my jaw I can wire it shut,
I can read Aga Christie,
They're ma ferverite berks"

I rate it "Jump the shark like Smiley Virus" out of ten

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Great TV series, can't wait part 2!

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Please stop this show, I’ve had enough.

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First half of the season was boring and lacklustre but if you can make it through it, the second half goes insane, peaking in episode 8

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I like the idea behind this season but it really is not hitting the same as other seasons, perhaps the second half will redeem it?

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The worst season so far... it was just a mess.

Was going to give it an 8.5/10 until the last 3 or 4 episodes where it just got stupid... in fact the season as a whole was stupid. How can he possibly just up-sticks and move to England and become a professor at a prestigious university?!?

Where do people in the movies buy those glass containers that were designed solely for imprisoning people? How do they get them delivered without raising suspicions and then have them completely removed in about 30 minutes? Logistically, how do they even GET the stuff into the special bat-cave space that comes complete with electricity and air conditioning?

Anyway.. 6.5/10 for the season. Very disappointed.

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Shout by Mio.
BlockedParent2023-02-11T06:02:47Z— updated 2023-11-30T11:46:52Z

Honestly, the "British jokes" seem like they're straight out of an American sitcom. They're just really lame. I was really hoping for some actual British humour since it's set in the UK. But, looks like that's not happening. So, what's the point of the new setting anyway?

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Second half of this season was so bad I docked 3 stars from my initial rating.

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Like the show, didn't like the season too much. It's too over the top with high society crap.

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The first half of this season was very weak. The second half didn't seem like it was much better, but then there was a twist that kinda caught my interest and had me hooked again. Still, by the end, this season was definitely the worst yet. Each season of this show is worse than the last. It should have ended here.

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Very different from the previous seasons but a very pleasant surprise. The story told this time is of internal battle of a person.

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Kind of bummed out that they did a ‘Fight Club’. The first half of the season was promising , but I really didn’t like the way they brought it home. It’s getting a bit much for me.

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This 4th season has taken a different path from the previous seasons, but I like it so far.

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This season started out quite intriguingly, very different from the previous ones. Unfortunately, most of the 'rich people' characters were flat and uninteresting, not to mention they didn't add much to the story, other than being suspects in the initial mystery; the twist is maddening (a person can not get DID by banging their head against bulletproof glass) ; sloppy murders and illogical decisions - all of it just leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Joe is impossible to root for at this point. I hope he gets his just deserts next season.

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Got really boring and stopped being mystery or intriguing.
The second half are by far the worst episodes of the whole series, imo.
Just repetitive and nothing really cool or exciting anymore.

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After 5 episodes I have to say this is just a boring season :(

Season 1 was pretty great, season 2 and 3 had Love which was just a great character played by a great actress.

Season 4 does have nothing.

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Soooooo boring. R.I.P. You.

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The only good thing about this so far has been Sean Pertwee

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imo, YOU is the only series that keeps getting new seasons without being forced or extra
i like the new season it's different

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