


Star Trek Into Darkness

You know, I kinda liked the first movie in the reboot series while my friends that saw it in the cinema back then with me absolutely hated it. We were similar Star Trek fans and enjoyed the franchise up to that point equally as much I'd say. Yes, I liked the first one even tho it was a farcry from the older material and left the feeling that the writers and Abrams didn't really "get" the Star Trek universe and just kinda created yet another "new" action franchise.

But this? I'm almost disgusted by the pandering and ridiculous try at "fan-service" in this movie. The references, the "role-reversal", the whole copying of material and characters from older movies with "a twist" and what not. A shame. How about something original and not another silly revenge story THAT WE ALREADY KINDA HAD?
WHY create a alternate universe if we are going to re-tread old ground and that even badly?
The movie was a mess, I don't know what the writers were thinking, not even gonna mention Abrams, can we just not give him movies or tv shows in the future please? (and that ship crashing into Alcatraz... what was he trying to tell us there?! good lord...)

As a Star Trek fan I feel insulted after watching this and if they are not going to come up with something new and original for the next movie this certainly was the last one I watched in this alternate timeline and will just start to pretend that it never existed.

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You have to remember that this is an alternate universe. So the possibility that some events happen again or slightly different is not impossible ^^
I think it makes perfectly sense.

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