


Unicorn Store

this is the cutest fucking movie ever oh my god


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Avengers: Endgame
Jojo Rabbit

This movie's so wonderful. The way Taika chose to tell a story that's been told in a thousand different ways and still offer such an unique take speaks so much for who he is as a filmmaker. This movie's in the details, and every character feels like an irreplaceable piece in the puzzle. You'll feel every emotion. Perfect!

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The Two Popes

This movie is a great challenge to my deep-rooted cinicism when it comes to religion, and especially the catholic church, an institution that has surrounded me my whole life and that i've always rejected. The thought that most often popped into my head watching it was that the real story can not have been this "pretty", it felt too heartwarming and cute to represent something as corrupted as the catholic church. However, if you ignore the real life reference to this, no doubt, partly fictional version of it, you get a great, entertaining, moving film about two powerful, loved, yet highly flawed people, that try to find common ground in tolerance for the sake of some greater good. If only high-level Catholicism in the real world was as tolerant and human as this movie makes it look...

Technically wise, the way Meirelles shoots this movie to make it look like a documentary was inspired and makes for a very interesting and fun watching experience. I love his filmmaking style!

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The Invisible Guest

This only just crossed the thin line from thrilling to ridiculous by a few centimetres, but it did.

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There were a lot of things about this film that just didnt do the job the way i'm sure it was intended. However the underlying theme of the normalisation, fetishisation of violence and desensitisation of audiences is one that I think is highly interesting and urgent in the current days, and obviously dating back to '96. It was a good watch.

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im inclined to calling this film a masterpiece. or at least the most memorable movie ive watched recently.

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Licorice Pizza

Almost Famous meets Once Upon a Time In Hollywood… A cute movie with some questionable choices. Hyper-americanised stories never really resonate with me much. Alana Haim is the best part about it, hope she keeps acting!

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The Lost Daughter

I found this to be incredibly unsettling and unnerving. I wanted to shake these characters from start to finish, nothing they did made any sense to me. However, I do think that’s exactly the direction the film was going for, so it’s successful in that sense.

I couldn’t settle on a score for this because i didn’t exactly like it but I can recognise its merits.

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Jane the Virgin: 5x19 Chapter One Hundred

this has to be one of the greatest finales to a tv show ever written

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The White Lotus: Season 1

Now what the fuck was the hype around this show all about? Awful characters, average theatrical action, and the plot is predictable and cowardly.

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Taxi Driver

On a rewatch it's great to pay attention to Travis' very slow descent into psychosis, i think the movie does a fantastic job at building it up. It's great piece on subjectivity and mental instability.

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Shout by Fran
BlockedParent2019-02-17T19:38:48Z— updated 2019-02-21T21:52:28Z

AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This film is SO beautiful. Love pours from it and flows through it. It touches on so many important subjects and raises so many questions about what's morally right and wrong. The little kids, Shota and Yuri/Lin are the heart of this film, their mum Yoko is the soul, but every character earned such a special place in my heart, they were all written with so much care and attention and softness. I definitely need to rewatch again because it being spoken in a language I don't understand, even if with the aid of subtitles, there's a lot of meaning that gets lost and this film is particularly filled with it. The last two scenes will stay on my mind for days to come I'm sure of it, and that's when I know a movie should go straight to my favourites list.


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Shameless: 10x02 Sleep Well My Prince For Tomorrow You Shall Be King

every second of this episode was gold. FINALLY the good old shameless is back

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WandaVision: 1x09 The Series Finale

It was an okay ending.. I felt like they were too ambitious throughout the season and then couldn't really deliver at the end. The whole Agatha witchery stuff felt low budget and badly acted (the actress excels as Agnes, in a comedic register tho). Highlights were the Vision vs. Vision confrontation and Wanda in her final Scarlet Witch costume. The after credits scene with Monica was exciting too! Now I cannot wait for Falcon and The Winter Soldier!!

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Finally. My first 10/10 movie of the 2022 Academy Awards. If a Disney movie wins over this, I’m rioting. Absolutely breathtaking. One of the best documentaries I have ever watched.

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The Father

Incredibly heartbreaking and so well made. Anthony Hopkins is a legend.

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