


Meet Cute

I honestly feel like this movie actually delivered on a lot of aspects. It definitely has a vision and a theme, which I appreciate, and it didn’t feel boring at any moment (even if frustrating at times).

My review for We Got This Covered here:

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The White Lotus: Season 1

Now what the fuck was the hype around this show all about? Awful characters, average theatrical action, and the plot is predictable and cowardly.

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The Fountain

Shout by Fran

i loved how this film just has the characters in an incessant search for a way to cheat death, through myth, religion and science, only for them to realise eternal peace can only be found once you accept nature cannot be changed and all things must die. it's such a peaceful way to deal with death, and it really makes the world around you stop while you watch. it tells you that in the end we're all just a part of something bigger and are never in control of our own lives, because life will end, no matter how much we try to fight it. that can be scary for some, but to me it just makes living less scary.

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The Best of Enemies

watched this movie cus my brother really wanted me to lol.... i could smell the white saviour complex coming a mile away. it’s 2019 can we please stop making movies about vile white men realising they’re f*cking disgusting? I’m not gonna pat you in the back for being a decent human being. i have 0 sympathy for this CP Ellis man. thank god this didnt get any hype or it might have gone on to win the 2020 Oscar for best picture lmaooooo

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Before Sunset

The most exciting stage of a (fictional) relationship for me personally is exactly the one encapsulated in this chapter of the trilogy. Forget the nerves and ingenuity of a new relationship, i want the angst and the high tension of a past love that didn't work out but is on the verge of a reunion. I'm obsessed with the way this pair of actors explores the different levels of chemistry, applied to each different stage of the chatacters' relationship - it's subtle, but you notice it just enough to make it feel whole and real but still more exciting and dramatic than real life, (which is what we always look for in movies, right?) without ever crossing the bridge to cringiness, which is always the big risk in romantic movies. The dialogues, as always, were an incredibly entertaining chess match to follow, but by far my favourite part is Céline's outburst of emotion in the car, just so so good. That ending has to be one of my favourite endings to a movie ever. I'm obsessed. First one was a solid 9, this one's a good 9,5. Let's see what the third instalment has got!

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The Truman Show

Can't believe it took me so long to watch this film! Absolutely amazing, and every bit as relevant today as it was in 98. There's nothing better than movies that act as think pieces about society, because I don't think there's a more effective media for that than film, and The Truman Show has to be one of the best think-piece movies I've ever watched!

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oh those poor old gays


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The Avengers

I’m doing a mini rewatch before Endgame and I swear I started crying when Tony said "If we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it". I just can’t believe how far this universe has come and how much the original 6 have grown and changed. I really really really love this world and these characters and I’m not ready to say goodbye to them. So Tony, Steve, you all better stay fucking alive :sneezing_face:


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Tell It to the Bees
Euphoria: 1x01 Pilot

Shout by Fran
BlockedParent2019-07-05T17:40:28Z— updated 2019-08-29T12:00:23Z

the comments saying this is an honest portrayal of modern teens................ @ american teenagers are yall ok? is everything ok at home? this show's like everything i hate about american culture but i guess i should have seen that coming. won't be watching it again, which is disappointing cus i love zendaya and she's so cute in this :(

EDIT: i watched the whole season and the way the show’s directed, edited and generally its technical aspects are amazing. some issues are delt with really really well (rue’s depression for example) but everything else is just very much still an extra american teen show that makes me cringe every time i have to remind myself im watching the lives of 16 and 17 yos.


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As much as the fights were getting a bit repetitive by the end, this is still one of the most well-done super hero movies i've ever seen. It grips you from start to finish and it's hard to watch at some parts, but it truly elevates the genre in a way that hasn't been done since the Dark Knight Trilogy. It shows what real life would actually look like if there were enhanced people in it, without unnecessary comedy to lighten up the mood, without flashy fireworks (not that there's anything wrong with that, but something different is definitely welcomed right now). I just loved it so much.

The only reason I'm not giving it a 10 is cus from all the x men movies, this one included, Logan/Wolverine never really became a favourite, he's just not the sort of character that wins my heart over. Laura on the other hand... love her so freaking much.


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Pain and Glory

I'm surprised this film has such a low rating on here, i found it brilliant. It was the first time i watched an Almodovar film and I think i picked a great one to start with, because it turned me into a fan. Not only is the direction in this film brilliant, so is the writing and that's all down to him. You can tell it's auteur cinema, because there's this cohesiveness that's so satisfying and that pushes the narrative forward. It auto-references itself in a way that's surprising and moving and it tells someone's life story, set in different times, while almost making it feel like it's all happening at the same time. The past is so present and constant, there's so much intention in everything that's happening both in the flashbacks and in the present. This film feels like a spider-web but Almodovar simplifies it enough to make for a beautifully satisfying watching experience. The ending is just the cherry on top. Absolutely adored it!

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Desert Hearts

The editing in this movie sends me but oh my god would i risk it all for these cowboy lesbians

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It was an important story to tell, but no amount of stars in your cast can make up for a superficial script. This cast and this story with a more ambitious production could have been bombastic, pun totally intended lol

p.s: i am so fucking obsessed with Charlize Theron... she is one of the greatest actors of our generation, but she needs to start getting cast in better movies im begging

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x06 One World, One People
Strangers on a Train

I really played myself when I decided to cover queer coding for my dissertation, I’m just gonna be watching a bunch of gay characters dying in crazy ass ways for the next few months uh

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x05 Truth