


Giant Little Ones

i like the message in this movie, but don't people know bisexuality is a thing that exists?


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Marriage Story

This movie is perfect. The screenplay is incredible, the performances are haunting, the pace, the tone and the storytelling are flawless. What a breath of fresh air.

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Great GREAT documentary, with one of the most clear explanations on why cis actors should not be playing trans roles. A must watch.

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American Psycho

I thought this was absolutely brilliant. The ambivalence in the story paired with the great satire of the filthy rich and self-obsessed it’s just... chef’s kiss :kissing::ok_hand:

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Folklore: The Long Pond Studio Sessions

There are no words to describe just how meaningful Folklore is to me, personally, and I wouldn’t want to do it in the trakt comment section anyways, but I just want to say this one thing: Thank you, Taylor.

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Chungking Express

This is the most wholesome Wong film I’ve watched so far. The second story made me so happy for some reason. His movies are often depressing and sad and claustrophobic but this one felt like a rom-com in comparison and a rom-com directed by Wong kar-wai is something that must be seen.

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God's Own Country

Shout by Fran
BlockedParent2019-01-29T11:33:49Z— updated 2019-11-04T18:31:34Z

I just love the simplicity of this movie, how unpretentious and raw it is. Just real emotion, real struggle, real nitty gritty work. The almost documentary feeling is coupled with breath taking scenery and cinematography to make for the most serene, beautiful, intense film. It's so refreshing to see a story about two gay men that doesn't revolve around their sexuality, but instead focuses on their personality traits - Gheorghe's romanticism, Johnny's fear of real emotion or commitment. As characters they really bring out the best in each other and it's so beautiful to watch. It's a love story, that happens to be between two men. Not once is their sexuality an issue for them, or the people around them. I just LOVE Josh O'Connor though, hope to see him in more stuff soon.


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IVE FINALLY WATCHED THIS!!!! I think it's the movie that's been on my watchlist the longest. It definitely did not disappoint, I was entertained and captivated from start to finish, but those last 30 minutes were breath taking. Absolutely loved it.


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Before Sunset

The most exciting stage of a (fictional) relationship for me personally is exactly the one encapsulated in this chapter of the trilogy. Forget the nerves and ingenuity of a new relationship, i want the angst and the high tension of a past love that didn't work out but is on the verge of a reunion. I'm obsessed with the way this pair of actors explores the different levels of chemistry, applied to each different stage of the chatacters' relationship - it's subtle, but you notice it just enough to make it feel whole and real but still more exciting and dramatic than real life, (which is what we always look for in movies, right?) without ever crossing the bridge to cringiness, which is always the big risk in romantic movies. The dialogues, as always, were an incredibly entertaining chess match to follow, but by far my favourite part is Céline's outburst of emotion in the car, just so so good. That ending has to be one of my favourite endings to a movie ever. I'm obsessed. First one was a solid 9, this one's a good 9,5. Let's see what the third instalment has got!

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Finally got around to watching this gem! It’s such a beautiful depiction of this community of people, and you can tell that it’s made with so much care and empathy for the stories they had to tell. It’s less of a plot film and more a collection of slices of life which, put together, paint a beautiful picture that transcends the screen for an immersive and emotional viewing experience.

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The Worst Person in the World

This is exactly the kind of film that moves me. Equal parts simple and intentionally imperfect, focusing on an universal human experience of not knowing what the fuck we’re doing.

I do agree that I would have loved to have more of Julie being single - when she breaks up with Aksel she says that the big issue is that she doesn’t think she can stand on her own and that’s why they need to separate, only to then immediately enter into another relationship. I guess in the end we see that she has indeed found peace in herself, no appendices, but I think it would have been great to see more of that.

Above all, I relate heavily to Julie and am really glad this film exists.

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Shout by Fran
BlockedParent2019-02-17T19:38:48Z— updated 2019-02-21T21:52:28Z

AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This film is SO beautiful. Love pours from it and flows through it. It touches on so many important subjects and raises so many questions about what's morally right and wrong. The little kids, Shota and Yuri/Lin are the heart of this film, their mum Yoko is the soul, but every character earned such a special place in my heart, they were all written with so much care and attention and softness. I definitely need to rewatch again because it being spoken in a language I don't understand, even if with the aid of subtitles, there's a lot of meaning that gets lost and this film is particularly filled with it. The last two scenes will stay on my mind for days to come I'm sure of it, and that's when I know a movie should go straight to my favourites list.


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Shutter Island

works even better as a rewatch! you truly see the genius of it once you know the ending and can look for clues.

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“Why did you take that washing powder?”
“It’s biological.”

And I believe in Caitríona Balfe supremacy.

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Homecoming: A Film by Beyoncé

The greatest performer of this generation, and to me, personally, of all time. Beyoncé's a FORCE. But this documentary shows that she's human too and that made it all the more brilliant. No one compares.

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The Notebook

Do you mean the greatest romantic movie of all time?


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The Devil All the Time

I mean... Sort of wasted my time here but a bitch’s gotta watch at least some 2020 releases.. no, seriously, the performances are pretty good, but that’s about it. boring story with nothing but absolute misery.

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Very uninspired third act ruins what was building up to be a rather decent and reflective story with striking visuals to match. The end reduced it to another soulless action flick with a generic bad guy with daddy issues, a himbo and his lady friend who barely gets her time in the sun (literally). Disappointing.

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So Pixar are just gonna give me a film with sea monster as allegory for being gay and expect me not to develop an insane attachment to it? This is really really a happy place for me. One day we’ll have the real thing, but for now we have Luca:green_heart:

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To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You

oh the cruel realisation that you're getting too old for these types of movies

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Portrait of a Lady on Fire

so im just supposed to go on with my life after this?????????

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