


Uncut Gems

im not a fan of the erratic claustrophobic style, so this wasn't my cup of tea. exciting ending, but that was the only time the film really caught my attention, everything else was just a lot of noise and confusion. again, it just isn't for me, personally, but i can see the appeal if you're a fan of this type of storytelling. great performance by adam sandler.

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The Last Black Man in San Francisco

More than a movie about Jimmie or the house, this felt like a movie about San Francisco, about the way the city has evolved and deteriorated and the way its people have been affected by phenomena such as gentrification and pollution. The dedication Jimmie has towards the house feels like a representation of the love the people of San Francisco have for their city, and the obstacles he faces when trying to own it feel like a representation of the way San Francisco has neglected its native residents in favour of fake progress and the inflated housing market. It was an interesting watch for someone like me who doesn't know anything about San Francisco but can relate these issues to places I do know. The use of an almost magical fantasy-like photography elevates the story.

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It was an important story to tell, but no amount of stars in your cast can make up for a superficial script. This cast and this story with a more ambitious production could have been bombastic, pun totally intended lol

p.s: i am so fucking obsessed with Charlize Theron... she is one of the greatest actors of our generation, but she needs to start getting cast in better movies im begging

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i wasnt raised on disney so ive been trying to catch up, still have a long way to go but this one joins Coco and Toy Story at the top. i love the story and i loved the character of mulan so so much, the music and the chinese culture are both so beautiful. still, no animated movie will ever beat spirit in my heart.

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Insane subject matter and story filled with social commentary and metaphorical meaning, told through gorgeous cinematography. Unfortunately though, i found it unbearably slow and dragged out. Had this been about 30 minutes shorter it would have been a massive favourite.

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One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Just not my type of film whatsoever. Total personal opinion, as I can see why it's considered a classic, it just didn't resonate with me.

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I'm only just now starting to watch some of the old Hollywood classics, as I used to feel I wouldn't be able to enjoy them properly after how conditioned I've been by modern film-making to expect fast paced, seamlessly edited, cgi filled movies, which I thought would, unfairly, make me dislike older movies. Psycho, however, has to be one of the greatest classics I've watched, and as different as style and form used to be back then, I didn't feel bored for one second, on the contrary, this has to be one of the most exciting films I've ever watched. It's a great achievement in the art of suspense, with its eerie soundtrack and chilling montages. The twists are great and the acting by Leigh and Perkins is just delicious. I loved it!

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Fahrenheit 11/9

It achieves its job in showing America is completely broken - with some good sequences explaining why by demonstrating that the Democratic party is too weak and corrupt to stand a chance - but it's kind of all over the place with the narrative, the editing and the connective thread bringing it all together. Still, it's an effective documentary, from an angry (and with every right to be) point of view.

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After reading comments I literally feel like these fucktards are still making money off this stupid Fyre festival by making documentaries about it and milking it like crazy. I didnt pay a cent to watch this so that's fine, and I think it was a decent enough film, but I got a crazy hatred for the sociopaths behind it now, and feel like this documentary doesn't do enough to hold them accountable. Also something seriously needs to be done about influencer culture, and they briefly brush on the subject in this by saying the rules for posting advertisements are getting stricter but that’s not enough - that’s maybe the only good thing about Fyre festival, it’s that these dumb rich kids got what was coming to them.

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It's heartbreaking and brave and extremely raw, but it was also painfully slow. It will leave an impression for years to come I'm sure, definitely one of the most unforgettable movies I've ever watched. Not everyone would have the guts to tell this story, in this way, my hat's off to Michael Haneke.

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The Half of It

cute movie and it's refreshing that the love story is wlw. but that's really all there is to it.

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This is a perfect movie. Simple as.

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it was an okay movie, nothing too exciting

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Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

I can't believe I watched this movie purely cus my mum wanted me to see how hot Paul Newman is in it, only for his character to end up being bi. Really did not expect a story about a southern family with racist undertones to be about repressed sexuality, but that's on me for not being better versed in theatre plays and classic movies. I'm working on it! And having so much fun doing it too.

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Rebel Without a Cause

Nah this didnt hold up well at all, so corny and weird. James Dean is almost bad in it? Also he’s not that attractive. I don’t see the appeal whatsoever.

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BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!! God this made me cry several times. Must watch.

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The Personal History of David Copperfield

This was really fun and magical. I just love Dev Patel to pieces!!!!!

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A challenge to watch the most popular film on letterboxd from each year, starting from 1930 :film_frames:

1931 - M is noticeably an achievement in filmmaking for its time, and an important watch for anyone who loves the 7th art. The attention to detail is great. I have to say though, the lack of music and the slow pace made it hard to grab my attention and I was lulled to sleep a few times, but i made the effort to finish it, because there are certain movies that you just simply need to know so you can better appreciate everything that came after them!

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I didnt know enough about Harriet Tubman’s life story but after this movie i wanna learn everything i can about her!

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Glee: The Concert Movie

just rewatched for the first time in maybe 7 years... rest in peace, Cory and Naya. Forever in our hearts :heart:

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Kill Bill: Vol. 1

I love this! Such a cool movie. Maybe my fave Tarantino i’ve watched so far (only watched OUATIH and Pulp Fiction so..)

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The Lion King

i found this pretty boring but thats mainly due to knowing the story front to back already (and maybe the performances becoming lacklustre with the excessive realism), but ofc it’s an impressive vfx effort

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A Secret Love

I needed a little something more, more stories, more anecdotes... but still, so lovely, and so hard to watch at the same time. if you’ve got grandparents that you love you know ageing is one of the most heartbreaking things you can witness.

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My Own Private Idaho

a very specific kind of film, for a very specific kind of mood. experimental in its structure, but universal in its feeling. immensely captivating performances by the two leading actors.

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A challenge to watch the most popular film on letterboxd from each year, starting from 1930 :film_frames:

1932 - Freaks is, although rather unsettling, an interesting attempt at humanising a disenfranchised community. Still, a lot of the scenes were too uncomfortable to enjoy. The sets were by far my favourite thing about it.

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Bit of a weird movie, but a good effort nonetheless. I found it pretty cliche and the two extra storylines were redundant and added little to the story. The main story was definitely successful in raising awareness about the hardships of refugees (the part on the plane shocked me the most, can that really happen in real life??) but the other two felt silly and annoying to watch, especially the one that forcefully wanted me to feel empathy for a cop. I get what the film was trying to achieve but it didnt quite get there. Still, I applaud it for the filming on location and the dedication to making it look as close to actuality as possible. The subject matter isn’t explored nearly enough in mainstream media and it has to be one of the biggest tragedies of our time.

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Classic perfection, perfectly built plot and intrigue, great performances, great lines and interesting themes. Enjoyable from start to finish.

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Sweet Smell of Success

I found the story pretty boring. The complex web of character relations was about the only thing I fully enjoyed.

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Serial (Bad) Weddings

funny, a bit offensive but still

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Death of a Cyclist

nothing beats the dramatics and on the nose character arcs of a good classical movie (+ it's in spanish!). loved it.

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