Mar Cel



Ad Astra

Terrible film.

If you liked "The Tree of Life" you'll love it - it's the same in space.

2 hours of meaningless voice over, scenes from nowhere that make no sense and there isn't really a story either.

90% of it makes no scientific sense at all.

Brad Pitt didn't even bother acting - he just put on the same old depressed face that we've seen for 14 years.

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Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City

Compliments for the visual implementation and the original Resident Evil feeling of the games.

Unfortunately, the film has no story, which makes it incredibly boring.
The lack of a story in combination with the original feeling and the faithful visual implementation makes everything seem like you've "seen it before" - but without any content.

The actors aren't really convincing either.
They also seem bored by the lack of a plot and the main actress only has one facial expression.

Even Anderson's interpretation offered much more.

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Mostly Minimalistic

A fine little film for the heart.

I think 2/3 of people won't like it and won't be able to relate to the subject matter.

It shows in a sensitive way the problems of hoarding, loneliness and togetherness.
But also of caring and understanding for one another.

I think you should watch it with a smile, because some things are simply portrayed too optimistically, too beautifully and far too simply.

But a small spark of hope for a world that is far too cold.

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Monster Hunter

The fact that the film was shown here right after Resident Evil meant that I thought it was Resident Evil the whole time.

I think that says it all.
Zombies swapped for monsters and that was it. Picture, sound and visuals 1:1 Resident Evil. Almost no plot, the usual fight scenes in a dystopian world full of stereotypical characters.

I think it could have been marketed better as a Resident Evil spin-off.


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Jurassic World Dominion

God was that bad.

Jurassic World Insect would have been the right title.

I miss the energy of the first part, the refreshing sci-fi elements and of course the dinosaurs.

It was as if an AI had remixed the biblical plague of locusts with Wolverine and Jurassic World elements

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Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire

A really, really terrible Movie. It seems as if an AI wrote the script and mixed all the successful films of every genre.

Then there are the terrible sets, effects from the 90s and the usual idiosyncratic Netflix look.

This is not SciFi, not fantasy and not action. A new genre like “cheap AI” is needed.

I will never watch the second part and recommend that everyone not watch this part either.

Heartless Waste of time

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The Superdeep

Surprisingly good. Great setting, interesting story and exciting despite some weak moments. Definitely an insider tip for fans of horror and sci-fi. Hope for a sequel

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Movie 43

A masterpiece. Completely different from other films and that's exactly what makes it so special. Full of stars who don't take themselves too seriously. 4 years and 19 directors later, a wonderful social and Hollywood satire has been created. Completely underrated

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