


The Simpsons: 30x11 Mad About the Toy

still one of the best

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The Middle: 8x21 Clear And Present Danger

bricks character is growing up to something nice and funny in a way that makes more sense

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iZombie: 3x05 Spanking The Zombie

this episode was everything the show should try and become. tougher situations = insane twists = more juice?! lel

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The Legend of Tarzan

Not what I expected, surprisingly good plot and execution

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Silicon Valley: 6x07 Exit Event

fun show okay ending?? could've been better but the show already was at it's last feet with repetitive Eric missing jokes. I wanted to see his special as much as any fan. pay the fat man some fat dough and he'd bend over for HBO. it's HBO I mean what can't HBO get if they really wanted??

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Doctor Who: 12x03 Orphan 55

this Dr who was bobo , unnecessary thicccc English accent omg cringe!!!!

make this doc drop his dick down and maybe there is room for improvement? idk??

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The Predator

go baked , there is no other way to enjoy this

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Good watch if you have nothing else to watch really. not a bad movie. not something epic either

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: 13x10 Mac Finds His Pride

what even, can't even, whhaat?

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pg rating bs killed the movie, this should have violence just like Deadpool

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The Grand Tour: 3x14 Funeral for a Ford

man when they said the show came to an end, my heart stopped. seeing Jeremy cry a little my dick shrunk!! I absolutely love that bloke who asked that question from the audience. all the blood rushed back into my PP.

@Nasa @science pls make immortality pill ASAP !!

we need these 3 forever to keep doing this!! generation and generation should have these 3 just reviewing cars, jets, spaceships!!

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Santa Clarita Diet: 3x10 The Cult of Sheila

watched this in one day!! what a show.

the old lady jumping across hallway, comedic genius.

seriously whoever came up with that should lead the show!! fucking amazing season as always. funny AF. keep it coming guys.

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Doom Patrol: 1x06 Doom Patrol Patrol

Brendan Fraser is always killing it with his query comebacks and funny shit like what a tit! :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: make this man do a lot more stuff. very overlooked comic

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 5x06 Mortal Khanbat

nt having mona is a blessing

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The Orville: 2x11 Lasting Impressions

Gordian's weird...Kelly dropping some #RealTalk at the end there. hot damn..great episode nonetheless

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The Grand Tour: 3x04 Pick Up, Put Downs

truly epic show. keep it coming

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The Flash: 5x12 Memorabilia

nora cringe!!!!! pls get rid of nora.

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Saturday Night Live: 48x05 November 5 - Amy Schumer

yuck it's amy . she makes me wanna puke

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Animal Kingdom: 5x07 Splinter

this show is LIT!!

POPE LOST all hope xD

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The Grand Tour: 3x11 Sea to Unsalty Sea

man these 3 gods on tour. #plsneverEnd

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The Umbrella Academy: 1x10 The White Violin


comon guys. season 2 , so much story to tell

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Titans: 1x11 Dick Grayson

finally an episode the felt like it was from DC!!

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South Park: 22x06 Time to Get Cereal

this was amazing! cops having to pin down "someone" to get back to normal life is not fiction. It's a hard reality that no matter how important/prestigious of a Job you do at the end of the day you have family/self interest to pull you back, something lingering in your mind which often isn't important but our mysterious brain doesn't prioritize .

so much in this episode is like OG South Park hitting multiple strings of reality and maximizing every joke into real life meta crisis situations we come across being humans .

yeah I'm on a solid [9] when I was watching this.

hits blunt!

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The Flash: 4x22 Think Fast

this episode was great. good plot movement.
harry and iris make a good team. I think I can get used to dumb harry

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Only Murders in the Building: 1x08 Fan Fiction

this episode was lit AF!

ye is in the building :loudspeaker::loudspeaker:
ye is in the building :loudspeaker::loudspeaker:
ye is in the building :loudspeaker::loudspeaker:

put your mf fkn :hand: hands up right now

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Animal Kingdom: 5x08 Gladiators

yeahhhhhhh get Bois fighting and pope becomes their daddy lmao

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The Eric Andre Show: 5x03 You Got Served

wild hot garbage but my wild hot garbage

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The Mandalorian: 2x01 Chapter 9: The Marshal

oh. oh. oh

mando mando mando

Disney cannot mk this shiiiit up..

want more

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Family Guy: 18x17 Coma Guy

okay this is some real family guy 101 talking jabs and being fearless. rock on!!! keep it going !!!

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 6x18 Suicide Squad (2)

wait... last episode?? please tell me there is more. this shows light hearted comedy gets me though this boring week.

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