


The Last Man on Earth: 4x07 Gender Friender

this was amazing. the sunset. the puns. all that unspoken yet well delivered comedy was gold. 11/10

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Family Guy: 16x04 Follow the Money

oh the jab to Ellen at the end was dank af. I dead lol

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The Daily Show: 23x08 Vic Mensa

at first I hated the stand up show it had become and missed the daily show esthetic but as I watched it. it grew on me. this show channelized Travers young energy well and is trying to find it's new audience. I'm all in after watching the entire episode 9/10

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The Daily Show: 22x159 Bill Gates

Trever needs to show much appreciation for their guests to make memorable moments. this was so dry taking to the greatest billionaire of our time and he was bring stupid with him barely acknowledging any of his well mannered approach towards positivity in society without

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