Ahys ST


Here and there.

The Umbrella Academy: 3x07 Auf Wiedersehen

Me channeling Elsa at the whole Luther and Sloane thing: "You can't marry a man you just met!"

Honestly though, someone calling out Viktor's part in both apocalypses was overdue. I get that a lot of outside forces were responsible (and in a way, his family and their constant dismissal is a factor), but it's his powers (and ultimately decisions) that lead to the world-ending stuff. The confrontation with Alison was painful to watch though (although tbf I did think she forgave Viktor pretty quickly for... slashing her throat back in S1). Five did it well.

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The Umbrella Academy: 3x06 Marigold

There's way too much happening.

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The Umbrella Academy: 3x05 Kindest Cut

Shout by Ahys ST
BlockedParent2022-06-24T03:21:41Z— updated 2022-07-10T06:42:52Z

Aaaand they actually went to the Allison-Luther(-Sloane) storyline I'd been dreading. I was pretty pleased that it looked like it wasn't gonna happen, spoke too soon I guess. "You're blowing me off for some knockoff you've known for five minutes?" is definitely worse than how I imagined it would be addressed, if at all. I guess it's just part of showing her spiral, but still. Uck.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 6x04 Bay of Squids

"Oh girl, we don't ask those questions." - Basically the tagline when watching this show. (Usually don't mind. I've embraced this part of LoT. I just really did not enjoy this episode at all.)

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RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars: 7x06 Total Ru-quest Live

Second group was so good! And Viv's Dolly lip sync was perf!

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 5x14 The One Where We're Trapped On TV

Shout by Ahys ST

Are we keeping both Zaris??! :heart_eyes::fingers_crossed:

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 5x11 Ship Broken

Shout by Ahys ST

... there was an imposter among them.

This episode (especially the forcefield scene) was so silly I love it lmao

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 5x09 Zari, Not Zari

Shout by Ahys ST

Based on comments here, it seems like new Zari wasn't very popular during airing, but I am quite enjoying her (and how well Tala is playing her, I've kind of forgotten how old Zari was if not for the occasional flashbacks), but the idea of getting, and even just seeing, old Zari back has me so excited.

Also definitely pleasantly surprised that I liked Behrad so much (surprised because I thought I wouldn't considering he "replaced" Zari but it feels so well done that I didn't mind), in a way I sadly didn't like Charlie as much as I wanted to last season (it felt like she was just there most of the time; I loved Maisie as Amaya and was excited to get her back, and with her getting to use her Brit accent, but she just wasn't explored enough to get too attached to her - guess they were saving the character building for this season).

So, obviously, I GASPED the minute B looked at the blade, knowing how that would end. JFC. Also, loved Charlie cutting off her sister's hand lmao

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RuPaul's Drag Race UK vs the World: 1x04 Snatch Game

This All Stars rule thing definitely needs some revision, or at least casting does. There are those seasons where you go, "It's anyone's game at this point, any of them could be Top 3/4," and it'll hurt to see the eliminated queen go but it's alright in the long run. This season is the exact opposite with the clear Top 2 gone.

It's especially sad to me that these particular set of queens are the ones that chose to "play" when they're the ones not actually competing for prize money lol, whereas we've seen other US All Stars queens choose 'fairly' despite this lowering their chances at the prize.

Also, 2 consecutive episodes now that the queens' choices have legitimately surprised me. From Janey and Jimbo's conversation, I thought for sure she would have picked Jimbo. Meanwhile, I didn't think Pangina would pick Jimbo last ep, and same with this one, I was literally rooting for Blu because the way she spoke to the girls made me actually think she was gonna save Pangina.

Side-note: Blu definitely killed it in the episode though. Snatch Game, the runway, and Pangina fans XD

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The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Canada's Drag Race: 2x09 The Reunion

YES, definitely my top three! :hearts:

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Hawkeye: 1x04 Partners, Am I Right?
Only Murders in the Building: 1x04 The Sting

Ooh, is Jan the killer?

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Person of Interest: 3x17 /

I don't think I fully appreciated the first time around just how well this show managed to (eventually) integrate Root into the team and how they were able to redeem and develop her character convincingly; I was too busy just enjoying her popping up whenever she did. From psycho kidnapper to core part of the group. * cries *

But dang, if they'd gotten the chip then... would've saved them a whole lot of trouble (and us 2 seasons of Samaritan lol).

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Hawkeye: 1x03 Echoes
Only Murders in the Building: 1x02 Who Is Tim Kono?

The young Mabel was spot on as a young Selena! Dang.

I like the characterizations for our weird trio of sleuths. Can't say I like or are attached to any of them particularly strongly at this point, but yeah, they're interesting enough and have this rapport when they're together that make them fun to watch.

Glad we're seeing Mabel and Tim's backstory now, I was scared we were going to have to wait a while.

And WHOA, that ending. (Are they not worried about stealing all of Tim's stuff from his apartment though and leaving tracks in the blood, or is it because the cops are done with the scene?)

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Only Murders in the Building: 1x01 True Crime

That was a cute, fun, easy watch, and the characters, though seemingly plain and slightly bland on the surface, will, I think, as they put it, peel back their characters like onions.

That last scene!!

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Hawkeye: 1x02 Hide and Seek

Okay, this is better. Kate's fangirling is hilarious, and there were a lot of pretty good one-liners.

And I'll kick myself later if I'm wrong, but they're making Swordsman/the fiancé so sketchy, so naturally, I'm convinced he's not a bad guy and maybe also fancies himself a vigilante.

Was it just me and Echo's intro was really anticlimactic. They should have shown her in action, if we had to wait until Episode 3, that would've been fine by me. Or you know, I have no idea what I'm talking about. I just think she would have been so good in Netflix's Daredevil.

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Hawkeye: 1x01 Never Meet Your Heroes
Titans: 3x02 Red Hood

Damn, did not actually expect the whole gang to end up at Gotham, but this is loads better than keeping the whole team apart.

I am loving Gar and Conner. And oh god Dick, did you date all your crime-fighting partners (Barb, Dove, Kory)? lol

Agree with the other comments, Red Hood's story is going too fast. If there was meant to be months, or even weeks, between this episode and the opening of the previous one, it's definitely not obvious and makes it a bit hard to suspend belief that Jason went from reckless Robin to chess master/crafty tactician RH. I know comic book RH was possibly at this level, but (unfortunately) I definitely didn't get that vibe from Titans' Jason.

Also is it just me but something's a bit sad about this season's fight scenes? I can almost always tell Dove's punches are fake as hell. The fight music, too, and the quips (was Hank always so corny, during and outside of fight scenes?). It's like they got instructions to try to lighten the show's mood. Feels kind of forced.

Side-note: Hank looked ridiculous in his uniform lmao

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Titans: 3x01 Barbara Gordon

I feel like they could have done so much more with Jason's scene. It was okay, just maybe a notch higher on the creepy, thriller scale would have been nice since it was supposed to be a haunting and grotesque scene. I wanted to want to look away, but I didn't get that. Also, the music during the first Titans fight scene was so weird. It could have been a good scene (my god, those bone cracking sounds would have been so satisfying without that tune) but it looked... jokey. Definitely not Titans vibe.

I do like the build up of Dick investigating what Robin was up to. And hello, Barbara and Tim (and the other Robin nods, dang)! Here's to hoping we get some young Barb as Batgirl flashbacks.

Wonder what's happening to Kori; where's Dove, and when are we getting Rachel back? Hopefully we're back to the whole Titans crew in the next episode.

I reallyyy wanna like this season. Season 1 was okay, and Season 2 was really good! ... so I definitely came into this season with at least some expectations.

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Arcane: 1x01 Welcome to the Playground

Wow, that was an amazing start. The art style is stunning (I keep pausing to appreciate it), the lore setup is great, the characters intriguing, and the end is definitely gripping enough to make you want to keep tuning in. I constantly asked my brother about some small details, curious if these were established in the game since I'm not much of a MOBA player.

Also, the opening sequence is SICK!

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Person of Interest: 5x13 return 0
Person of Interest: 5x10 The Day the World Went Away

Shout by Ahys ST

This was so good.

But I am CRYING. "I chose a voice." Holy --

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Person of Interest: 5x06 A More Perfect Union

Shout by Ahys ST

Every glimpse of Shaw in her torture bed breaks my heart. It was so frustrating to see Greer trying to turn her and for him to even bring her face-to-face (sort of) with Samaritan. Ugh, they just need to bring her back to the team dammit.

But Shaw + Greer's and Fusco's scenes aside, the rest of this episode was so funny?? That sad face Root gave the camera when Finch basically outright refused to take her to the wedding was hilarious to me. I couldn't stop laughing (as with most of her scenes this episode) lol, and Finch singing while Reese and Root kicked ass behind the scenes! Also loved the conversation between Finch and Root during the dance. They've come such a long way from rival hackers to captor-captive. XD

I also kinda liked this week's case because I thought there were so many potential perpetrators, but I did suspect the sister (and the photograph, so I suppose that doesn't say much lol) during the barn scene.

And Root riding in on a horse. Daaaamn, girl.

And oh no, Fusco!!

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Person of Interest: 5x05 ShotSeeker

Shout by Ahys ST

I'm pretty curious about the research. Up until Finch questioned it, I immediately assumed what Root did — that Samaritan wanted the research so that it could control the world's food supply, or at least control when it'll end world hunger, but the way it was presented made it seem like that wasn't its reason for it. I wonder if we'll actually find that out given that there's only a few episodes left this season (I am trying so hard not to just Google it right now).

And wow, did not expect Elias to still be alive. Dude's a cockroach, you just can't kill him (don't misunderstand, I love him and I'm glad).

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Person of Interest: 5x03 Truth Be Told

I love how this case clearly affected Reese, the emotions on his face we so rarely see were intense this episode.

It's such a shame though; I feel like making Reese break up with Iris just because of his past is such a big step back, a huge undoing of everything he tried to learn and embrace these past few seasons (even though I didn't have much love for the pairing to begin with, but this was probably the only episode where I appreciated them). I mean, the whole point of his cabin trip episode with Carter's ghost was to get him to accept that he could have a normal life and he shouldn't let his past affect him, and that was completely ignored with this episode. If the reasoning had been because of how dangerous his current side-job is, it would still be so cliché, but I'd get that because it would also be true. It's kind of (?) obvious that they're setting him up for his big, sad ending.

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Person of Interest: 5x01 B.S.O.D.

I knew from the cold open and the music at the beginning that we were in for a ride. Holy sh—

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Person of Interest: 4x22 YHWH


The Machine is a literal Deus Ex Machina and I'm not even complaining. Holy wow, POI never disappoints with its season finales.

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