Ahys ST


Here and there.

Person of Interest: 4x18 Skip

Fusco staring dreamily at Katheryn Winnick and saying "I'm gonna miss you" is me.

And Root and Finch's scenes, oh my god

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Person of Interest: 4x15 Q&A

Shout by Ahys ST

Dang, we started with pretty much just the main 3 we have right now (plus Carter), but it's so sad to watch this without Shaw, Root, and/or Carter right now. Makes me realize how much they added to the episodes' vibes. I was so happy when Root finally came back at the end (I kind of knew she would the minute Finch was cornered).

Thank god for Lionel's one-liners lol

Also, Finch almost leaving Claire then falling for it again just... agh that was so frustrating. Can't say I blame him, I mean this is the Finch we love, can't really expect him to just walk away with the kind of argument Claire made. But damn, for a genius, Claire was delusional.

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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Two decades later and I feel like I still know several of the lines by heart. There are small details I notice more now, but somehow it's still as magical as the first time around, even though the CGI and effects are noticeably from the early 2000s, this was pure magic back then.

I remember my first rewatch of this as a kid, the first book in my hand because I realized it was a very close adaptation, and I would look for the page in the book where the current scene would be and I was be so happy to hear the lines on the page being spoken onscreen. (I've stopped expecting book adaptations to be accurate since then, of course, but it was a nice memory, a reminder of simpler times.)

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Person of Interest: 4x14 Guilty
Person of Interest: 4x13 M.I.A.

Shout by Ahys ST

That brief moment of Root wondering what Samaritan was doing with the town made me realize just how much she's changed, from the early Root who thought people were bad code and needed. Right now, sure, she's single-minded about finding and worrying about Shaw, but in other circumstances, she likely would have genuinely cared about what was being done to those people.

I also wasn't aware we were going to get a glimpse of Shaw at all after If-Then-Else, so that was great. I was starting to wonder what it would have been like for the live viewers that the show was playing this out, and I thought we were going to be left wondering if she was actually alive. (Also, despite this having aired 6 years ago, I genuinely thought that episode was where she was gonna bite the dust (Googling after watching it told me otherwise, welp). So yehey for more Shaw!)

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Person of Interest: 4x12 Control-Alt-Delete

I absolutely LOVE how this show handles episodes that follow and focus on characters outside the main group. This was so good.

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Person of Interest: 4x11 If-Then-Else

The transition from the 2 messed up simulations to the last one with the kiss and meta lines was so unexpected, I have no words to describe how perfect and funny that was (except I died).

This episode's flashbacks and its culmination are probably one of my favorites of the show.

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Person of Interest: 4x10 The Cold War

The 10-year-old was so frustratingly cute and creepy at the same time, but I also kind of couldn't get over the fact that the scene was basically 2 machines having a conversation.

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Person of Interest: 4x08 Point of Origin

Can't believe it's gotten to the point where I'm routing for Elias.

AND HOLY CRAP THAT CLIFFHANGER, that would have been frustrating to watch live.

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You: 3x02 So I Married an Axe Murderer

Their safe space made me laugh so hard.

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Person of Interest: 4x01 Panopticon
Person of Interest: 3x05 Razgovor

Shaw!!! This episode was very, very good to her character. This made me feel so much about her. I laughed, I almost cried, I got angry with her, and I officially love with her. So good.

And Carter!!! You boss ass b*tch!

Root on her own was already a force to be reckoned with. Her with the Machine? They never stood a chance.

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Person of Interest: 3x04 Reasonable Doubt

Shaw's book club scene was the best scene of this episode LMAO

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Person of Interest: 3x02 Nothing to Hide
Person of Interest: 3x01 Liberty

Shout by Ahys ST

Wasn't particularly invested in the case of the week, but Root and Carter's stories, and Shaw working with the team? Loved it!

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Ted Lasso: 2x12 Inverting the Pyramid of Success

Holy sht, Nate's attitude and annoyingness went from 50 to 100 from the last episode. WTF

His closing scene legit had a supervillain vibe lol. Can't wait for them to take him down a notch next season.

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Person of Interest: 2x19 Trojan Horse

I GASPED when Shaw showed up at the library! She literally came out of nowhere, it was one reveal bomb after another.

"Hanging around a derelict library with you, your poorly socialized guard dog... and Bear here?" LOL poor Reese would need an ointment for that burn.

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Person of Interest: 2x17 Proteus

Okay, wow, a great follow-up episode to the previous one. With that really good, story-crucial, main character-introducing episode, only a good case-of-the-week would be watchable after, and this was it! Suspenseful, and the guy playing the creepy pyscho killer was pretty good.

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Person of Interest: 2x16 Relevance

Shout by Ahys ST

"She certainly makes an impression." - understatement of the year!

Loved the twist of seeing another hacker-agent pairing chasing down POIs! That last couple of scenes with Fusco and Carter (and Bear) was soo good.

And okay, Root's still crazy but I'm warming up to seeing her lurking around. Enemy of your (in this case John and Finch's) enemy, after all... I'm trying not to spoil myself too much despite knowing some things to come, so I don't want to search for it, but I'm definitely hoping we'll see Shaw again very soon. I was kind of hoping the last scene would be them recruiting her. I don't know how I can bear just going back to the case-of-the-week stuff after that (but I will anyway)!

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What If...?: 1x09 What If… The Watcher Broke His Oath?

Viva las Vegas! Cute wordplay. ;)

Cutting out Gamora's episode this season when she was still part of the finale was a bad (okay yeah, a sad one since it was because of COVID delays) choice. I'm guessing / pretty sure it's the episode that was pushed to Season 2, but still. Now we know she and Tony will be allies in the end (and judging by the leaks, they weren't in the beginning of their episode).

That fight scene was badass! (Although I do agree, it was almost too easy, but at this point, I was so sick of Ultron as a villain overall that I just wanted it to be over.) When they "beat" him around the halfway mark, I knew there was no way they were done, it was stressing me out. Glad Nat found a new home; I was just wishing that that would happen to her; I was confused for a second and didn't recognize that she was sent to the Avengers Assassinated verse.

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Person of Interest: 2x07 Critical

I like how the big bad in this episode was a good match for Reese and Finch. There was a high-level threat feel to them and it almost felt like they were actually gonna fail.

Leon was fuuun. Questionable dude, but fun, so hopefully his number comes up again someday lol.

I was sort of worried for a second that featuring Carter's side investigation was just a random incident that they were going to try to start where they were going to start showing the other characters have their own case of the week thing; while I want them to be featured more, that would have been weird, so I like where this went eventually.

And please tell me they at least pay Fusco for his troubles. Poor guy can't seem to do much detective work when called on by Reese lol.

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Person of Interest: 2x04 Triggerman

The best part of this episode was finding out what Elias wanted in exchange. And yeah, Reese relating to one of their POIs.

Does poor Fusco still get to do his actual job? Because damn.

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Person of Interest: 2x03 Masquerade

I actually thought Finch would be the type to prefer to stay in the relative safety of being just behind his screens, so I was surprised when he was so willing to go out and get his hands dirty in Season 1 (at least after the first few episodes where he did kind of question his usefulness on the field), but mostly just because he seemed to be sort of anti-social. But the development of him being scared to step out after his trauma with Root does make more sense story-wise. I'm glad Reese didn't push, and that little reference to Finch giving him purpose was such a nice moment.

And at least Finch has goodboi Bear now. Ack, adding Bear was a great move, I love him.

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Person of Interest: 2x01 The Contingency

Shout by Ahys ST


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Ted Lasso: 2x11 Midnight Train to Royston
Person of Interest: 1x23 Firewall

Holy wow, that was intense. Reese getting cornered by HR and the FBI, Finch pulling through at the VERY last minute (cut it real close there, but of course, what would this be without the thrill), AND Alicia snooping around. SO good. Also very glad that Carter and Fusco now finally know about each other.

Always a pleasure to see Clarke Griffin's mom back as the sultry fixer Zoe Morgan.

I'm jealous of everyone who got to watch this and the reveal at the end without knowing (what I have sadly known long before starting this) that the POI is Root and that she would eventually become part of the team. Because daaamn, Amy Acker did such a switch there, very convincing as the good doctor and then did the psycho hacker well lmao (come to think of it, it is very Claire/Whiskey too; I kept wondering why this particular actress x character combination felt kind of familiar).

Also... The Machine is sort of sentient? I know about AI, but that's a whole 'nother level.

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Person of Interest: 1x20 Matsya Nyaya

Agh I feel bad for Fusco every time Reese points out that he picked him because he was dirty when he's obviously trying to change (and stuck with HR because of him).

I was hoping this episode, after showing more flashbacks to Reese's past, would have him realize in present day his hypocrisy of keeping Carter and Fusco in the dark about their ops when that was the very thing he went through with the CIA. I mean I get not telling them about The Machine just yet, but he at least needs to tell them about each other.

I know it's probably gonna come eventually (at least, I hope), and I wanna know when he starts treating Fusco like an actual partner instead of as a lapdog, and with Carter and Fusco together, but (for once) I'm to scared to search for it because I know I'll get spoiled by page 1 of Google.

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Person of Interest: 1x18 Identity Crisis

High Finch, good cop Fusco, and Carter still struggling with what to do with Reese made this episode pretty good. Otherwise, this episode's case of the week was just a bit predictable.

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What If...?: 1x08 What If… Ultron Won?
Ted Lasso: 2x10 No Weddings and a Funeral

"Cheer up, Keeley. It's a funeral." - best line of the episode

Would love to see more Sassy!

Rebecca singing Rick Astley for her eulogy made for a better scene than (what I thought was going to happen) her lying or being painfully honest about her father. Also glad she finally figured out a way to talk to Rupert that won't contribute to him being insufferable, but that Nate exchange was sus though. And here I thought that, after the past few episodes, the theories where Nate will sabotage Ted someday were bull.

Also always knew that Jamie and Keeley weren't just over. Not really looking forward to how this will affect the three characters in the long run, hopefully the writers will do this right.

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