Allen Jackson


United States

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

I put off watching this movie for years. After finally watching it... thought it's way overrated.

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@noksucow I could never finish it. Thanks for reminding me not to.

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I do not understand why this movie is being so universally panned. I loved everything about it, even if it's not the most unique story of all time. I felt like the casting was absolutely perfect. Rebecca Ferguson took my breath away almost every single second she was on screen. Hugh Jackman effectively portrayed an intelligent technologist and expert who betrays his own instincts about the capabilities and consequences of the technology. The music was awesome, especially Rebecca's singing and the way that it is eventually woven into the plot. The noir-like overlay of the narration was awesome. The environment was unique, intriguing, and believable. The slow-rolling unravelling of the mystery seemed to be perfectly paced for me. I was so busy taking in all of the details of each scene that it never really felt slow to me in the way that others are criticizing it for.

I loved this movie.

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@maximusmmiv damn straight. Well said.

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The Hunt

For anyone wondering where this movie is... Universal Pictures pulled the release, which was scheduled to come out September 27, 2019. In a statement on the movie’s website, the studio said that this is not “the right time” for the film to be released, especially considering the recent mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio.

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Just watched it on Amazon. Betty G did not disappoint.

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Terminator: Dark Fate

"For John."

'Dark Fate' was meh. I mean it's basically the Force Awakens of the franchise just more cash grab. many times can they keep alternating T1 & T2, and yet it's astounding that it never ruins the legacy of the series.

Despite all that, it's the third best in the series. At least this movie knows that Terminator is not for kids! I had some engagement in the movie, even through the reason being that it follows a familiar plot line.

Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger are both the stand outs. Hamilton playing a cranky bad-ass and Arnold playing an involved machine that has a life of his own. Mackenzie Davis was surprisingly not as annoying as I thought she will be just from the marketing alone. Her character was straight forward in terms of motivation and can take damage.

Tim Miller really knows how to direct action scenes effectively and in this movie he delivers some grand action set pieces. However, after seeing the movie a few days ago, only a small selection stick to memory.

Gabriel Luna did a decent job playing the new advance Terminator. They took the "Robert Patrick" approach with picking an ordinary looking guy and making him into the biggest threat of humanity. Although it was a bit hard for me to feel threaten by him as throughout the movie he seemed easily out match by pretty much everyone.

I didn't really buy into Dani played by Natalia Reyes as the main "saviour of the future", mainly because of her stiff acting and everytime she holds a gun it's twice her size.

The visual effects at times looked pretty OK, but the rest looked really bad. It really doesn't help when there's close ups on the effects where you can see the fakeness. At times the movie was a little too dark and I don't mean in tone, just whenever it's night time.

Overall rating: Not as great as T1 & T2, but nothing will without James Cameron magic touch.

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@bradym03 Thank you for writing the review that I did not have the energy to write.

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Terminator: Dark Fate

What a totally empty movie, a shell of what came before it, and not much better than the entries after 2.
Seeing Linda Hamilton be a grouchy, no-fucks-given action star was good, but nowhere near captivating or versatile enough to carry the over 2 hour runtime.
Mackenzie was decent, but spent most of her screentime either overheating or rolling on the floor in pain. This is the augmented super soldier you send back to protect your only hope? Wish they'd given her more time to be badass and cemented herself as a force to be reckoned with.
Arnie was great and was kinda used as Tim's comic relief stand-in. There is some decent one liners and Arnies delivery fits this perfectly. I enjoyed the spin on his character and what he has become, even if it wasn't fully realised outside of some emotional baggage to give the ending added weight.
Everything else is just popcorn fodder. Loud, sometimes slick, sometimes cumbersome action scenes that feel mashed together with very little coherency or requirement. Nothing stands out as a defining moment or that the movie is finally hitting its stride. It just feels like a bunch of individual scenes inspired by the original movies but without any of the innovation or polish. Like going to see your favourite band and finding out you got a tribute act. Sure, they can play the songs, but it lacks any of the original authenticity.
The story retreads the same ground its prequels walked much, much better; do yourself a favour and just rewatch T1 and T2.

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@xiofire 100% accurate. Well done.

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Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

Shout by Deleted

every single character in this movie matter, every single character feels real! fantastic performances, great story telling.
this right here is a Masterpiece and without any doubt the best 2017 Film. It´s rare for a movie to make me stare at the credits thinking about what i just saw...
On a side note... wouldn't it be great to have a sequel?

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@pedro Ugh... sequels ruin everything. Terrible Idea. Great movie that I'm sure they will leave well enough alone.

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