



How casual Abraham Whistler just lights a cigarette next to gasoline...

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Just Visiting

I saw the movie before when I was still very young and found it extremely funny from start to finish. Not so long ago I showed it to my girlfriend and we both had to laugh a lot.
Hardly any of my friends know this movie, which in my opinion is far too underrated. It was an insider tip of my father at the time.
Definitely value to be watched.

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The Astronomer's Dream

The Astronomer's Dream, the prequel to A Trip to the Moon shows a moon as scary as I have never seen before.

The idea of watching this film in 1898 is simply crazy. The viewers must have thought that Georges Méliès was a magician.

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Don't Look Up

Reminded me of the current corona situation.
Complete ignorance to ultimately die of it. Stay healthy and please look up!

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From Hell

One of the few movies I have on DVD. So when I moved to a new apartment, which has often been the case, I always had no Internet at first. Consequently, I always watched the movie on the first day after my move. Quite comfortably between unassembled cabinets and boxes, I always had a comfortable home feeling. :)

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World War Z

:zombie: Never seen hordes of zombies like this before!

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Kung Fury

Kung Fury, a short film that never fails to make me laugh.
With ingenious dialogues, great animations and endless action, you can experience an odyssey through Miami in 1985. Or when else?
The look totally fits the film.
Before I saw the movie, I broke all the records in the game and I asked myself, 'What should a movie about this game look like?!'
But I have to say that compared to many other movies based on games, Kung Fury is more than close to its origin.

Did anyone ever tell you not ot hassle the Hoff 9000?

In every scene, in every moment, many things happen. You should really be prepared for the 30 minutes and get involved with the short film. It's the third time I've seen it and I still have to laugh again and again.

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Four Rooms

Four Rooms, four crazy stories and a funny bellhop. Except for a film recommendation from a friend, I had never heard of this masterpiece. Thanks again!
And what the hell? Madonna is there too?
You must have seen this crazy good movie!

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Nicolas Cage meets a poorly animated animal...

Movie is good to watch by the way, but nothing more.

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Since the first film seemed like an introduction that has become too long, I am very happy about this successful sequel. The final fight was also quite cool. I was wondering all the time how to use a smartphone with such fingernails...

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The best scene is when he looks in the mirror...
I feel like that every morning.

Apart from that, the action scenes were action-packed and the quiet parts were not boring. Especially the German dubbing of Venom was awesome. That's how I would like to be able to speak.
I'm still very fresh in the Marvel universe and have nothing to complain about. Great movie.

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Bob Odenkirk acts like John Wick in Nobody. Great movie, well-acted, hot action scenes, comprehensible reasons for the actions of the protagonists. Nice movie from start to finish.
I like Bob Odenkirk more and more. Cool guy, very suitable cast for the role.

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Jungle Cruise

The Rock in the Jungle, great thing. At least there are no doors where he always has to bend over.
A fight with a tiger? He would certainly do that with ease!
A good film to watch with the family.

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Willy's Wonderland

The best were the passages of texts by Nicolas Cage :)

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The Dead Don't Die

What always annoys me about zombie movies or zombie series also happens here. The ignorance that there are really zombies, or at least something terrible is going on, drags on forever. In this movie, however, this is not bad at all, as it is implemented extremely humorously and fits fully into the plot. Ignorance suddenly turns into more than acceptance and everything seems to be completely normal. In any case, the protagonists find a way to deal with it.
Bill Murray is acting wonderfully again. You can't expect a standard zombie action movie with a lot of shooting.
It's something completely different and that's a good thing.
Very relaxed, funny and well-acted movie.

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The House That Jack Built

Very hard-to-digest movie. After a short time, I realized that I sympathize with the murderer here. Try to understand him. In the end, I was just completely exhausted. Nevertheless, a well-made movie.

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Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald

An unsuitable continuation of the first, even not outstanding film. Too bad, they could have learned from the first part, but somehow it seems as if they simply continued without thinking about it. You can see beautiful pictures, but in terms of content it is like a tough chewing gum.

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Another Nicolas Cage movie in which he drags all his facial muscles into a facial expression of killing out of despair. But I can't complain either, because I like his trash rolls more and more. Even if this movie is not just trashy. Everything is somehow packed into a kind of art film, which lives from very beautiful pictures and is definitely an eye-catcher.

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Tucker and Dale vs. Evil

One of my favorite movies.
Definitely a hidden gem.

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Slender Man

"CAN YOU SEE HIM?" In the film description says it all. In other words: "Can you finish watching the movie completely?"
As the film is made, it should not have been produced either. Not worth seeing.

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Minilogue - Animals the Movie

Although in my opinion the best tracks from Minilogue are not heard here, the 'short' animated film is an eye-catcher.
I can't even remember how many days the DVD ran in my background when friends were visiting me. But I remember exactly how happy I was when the DVD arrived years ago. It feels like it's a little gem in my DVD shelf.
The short film itself consists of the second CD of Minilogue's album 'Animals', which was animated from start to finish. According to today's criteria and possibilities, it is nothing special, but it is well thought out, fits exactly with the music and they have invested a lot of effort.
Now that I am writing the review, I immediately feel like playing the DVD again.
A must for every minimal techno lover.

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Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Hide Them
I don't know... I really liked the Harry Potter movies. They radiated a certain magic that I completely lacked here. However, in order to spend more time in the Potter universe, if you like it, you should definitely watch the movie.
Even if I didn't rate it top, it's not a bad movie.

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Wrong Cops

The soundtrack is arguably better than the movie.
Wrong Cops first made me realize that Mr. Oizo is a pseudonym for Quentin Dupieux. And like others have said, he really is the crazier Quentin.
Wrong Cops was a lot of fun to watch. Just when I thought it couldn't get any weirder, Marilyn Manson suddenly appeared...

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When we wanted to watch a film in the ethics class of my media designer school, I suggested it. The teacher only said: "Oh! This is not a film that we should see here as part of the lesson".
In retrospect, I think he's right.

On its own behalf, the film is already something special and has a high art content. The depiction of the birth of a God is almost conceivable in the form shown. Very interesting movie, but also quite disturbing and exhausting.
You should take your time, then have to get involved and rather not watch the movie after a hard day at work.

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MARVEL Cinematic Universe

Huge thanks for maintaining the list!
This is the beginning of my long journey into the Marvel Universe. :)

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Ready Player One

The movie was really fun.
For me as a gamer there was a lot to discover here.

I really liked the idea of the 3 easter eggs.
These created the entire plot of the film and it didn't feel far-fetched. They were secrets like I imagine them in good games.

The plot in the game world was well thought out. On the other hand, I found the plot in the real world to be a bit overdone.
I can imagine that people will eventually live as shown in the film due to their own mistakes, but I can't imagine that there are no more laws and order, whoever sets them. Throughout the movie I wondered if there weren't any police and how big corporations could just kill and blow up anything. But whatever, in the end it all added to the tension.

I'm already saving my money for a full body suit with a microfiber coating in the crotch.

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The Countryman and the Cinematograph

The picture in UHD and the accompanying Dolby Atmosphere sound must have really scared the guy on stage when the train rolled up...

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History of a Crime

This old short film actually had a storyline!
The scene with the criminal's dream was portrayed quite nicely with the picture in picture. Good techniques are used here for the year 1901, only with the stage design they could have made more effort.

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