


Kung Fury

Kung Fury, a short film that never fails to make me laugh.
With ingenious dialogues, great animations and endless action, you can experience an odyssey through Miami in 1985. Or when else?
The look totally fits the film.
Before I saw the movie, I broke all the records in the game and I asked myself, 'What should a movie about this game look like?!'
But I have to say that compared to many other movies based on games, Kung Fury is more than close to its origin.

Did anyone ever tell you not ot hassle the Hoff 9000?

In every scene, in every moment, many things happen. You should really be prepared for the 30 minutes and get involved with the short film. It's the third time I've seen it and I still have to laugh again and again.

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MARVEL Cinematic Universe

Huge thanks for maintaining the list!
This is the beginning of my long journey into the Marvel Universe. :)

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Ready Player One

The movie was really fun.
For me as a gamer there was a lot to discover here.

I really liked the idea of the 3 easter eggs.
These created the entire plot of the film and it didn't feel far-fetched. They were secrets like I imagine them in good games.

The plot in the game world was well thought out. On the other hand, I found the plot in the real world to be a bit overdone.
I can imagine that people will eventually live as shown in the film due to their own mistakes, but I can't imagine that there are no more laws and order, whoever sets them. Throughout the movie I wondered if there weren't any police and how big corporations could just kill and blow up anything. But whatever, in the end it all added to the tension.

I'm already saving my money for a full body suit with a microfiber coating in the crotch.

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The Countryman and the Cinematograph

The picture in UHD and the accompanying Dolby Atmosphere sound must have really scared the guy on stage when the train rolled up...

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History of a Crime

This old short film actually had a storyline!
The scene with the criminal's dream was portrayed quite nicely with the picture in picture. Good techniques are used here for the year 1901, only with the stage design they could have made more effort.

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Anna Held

Crazy facial expressions, otherwise I really don't know what to think of the short film...

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Let Me Dream Again

In the short film was probably the first focus pulling?
With such a thing, I always think: 'Crazy that someone hasn't come up with this idea before!'
Nevertheless, it is nice to have seen this piece of film history.

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Demolishing and Building Up the Star Theatre

That's kind of nice to look at. Now I just have to play the movie backwards again so that I can see the reconstruction...

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When watching the short film, I got the feeling of looking for security on the only constant in the picture, on the stairs.
Everything else changes through the shadows and seems threatening with the music. Do not touch the ground!

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The Alphabet

How can David Lynch actually sleep relaxed when he writes such films? The entirety of the movie creates an uncomfortable atmosphere.
A film that could have originated from a child's nightmare after the first day of school.

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Life in Holland

Really nice to see moving pictures from this time. Beautiful shots of Piero Marelli.
The red tone at the end somehow created a parallel to David Lynch in my head.

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Pierrette's Escapades

I am really impressed by the quality.
Good picture and beautifully colored by hand.
At a time when a dressing table stood in the living room instead of a TV.

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Cyrano de Bergerac

First spoken words on film and then everything in color...
A nice part of film history.

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The Four Troublesome Heads

Nice movie trick.
Greatly executed and very elaborate for the time.

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Serpentine Dance

Wow, how Loie Fuller performs Serpentine Dance here looks pretty good, almost psychedelic.
The short film was colored by hand to illustrate the impression of the lamps that illuminate her from below.

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Boat Leaving the Port

They probably won't get very far with the small nutshell.
The very short film has a nice image division and somehow a calming effect.

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Solar Eclipse

That felt like 15 frames per second and yet I am really impressed by the quality of the recording from 1900.
The whole thing was filmed by a real magician named Nevil Maskelyne.

He probably also traveled through a stargate to the Asgard to finally ascend and sit at the round table again with Merlin and Artus.

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Panorama of Eiffel Tower

What is completely normal for us amazes the people to be seen.
A camera...? ...and it moves?!
It's about the Eiffel Tower, but the whole thing around it is much more interesting.

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The Astronomer's Dream

The Astronomer's Dream, the prequel to A Trip to the Moon shows a moon as scary as I have never seen before.

The idea of watching this film in 1898 is simply crazy. The viewers must have thought that Georges Méliès was a magician.

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L'Homme Machine

L'homme machine is not the very first animated film, as I thought at first. The short film shows what happens when Étienne-Jules Marey, a bird researcher, tests how to move objects on film.

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Escape the Undertaker

A bad story, and trivial decision-making processes, as well as bad actors have made the movie what it is.

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Animals on the Loose: A You vs. Wild Interactive Movie

Should I eat this huge, fat, disgusting, winding maggot? You decide!
Should I chew the leech or swallow it whole? You decide!

Bear Grylls as you know him.
Deciding which path to take was kind of funny, but in the end the monkey grilled the lion in the electricity fence.

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The Manor

That's what you get from not listening to and trusting mom.
Before you know it, she belongs to a Celtic circle of witches and lives forever.

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Fractals: The Colors Of Infinity

Finally, the mathematicians were able to see completely crazy colorful pictures at their seminar.

I'm glad about their discovery, that's really cool shit, the documentary was a little lame, but still super interesting.

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Nicolas Cage meets a poorly animated animal...

Movie is good to watch by the way, but nothing more.

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A very nice story of how difficult it is to escape the hustle and bustle of our time, to find true love and to keep it.
Everything accompanied by good music and beautiful pictures.

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Dynasty Warriors