Alice Hawke


Plymouth, England


Shout by Alice Hawke

I can't remember the last time skipping a few years in a show worked well... I mean, Weeds did it a few times and it made the show a joke. This... well, they skipped forward three years between season 4 and 5 and you can tell by other shouts that that's when the show got worse. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy it, but it is slipping. I guess that's what happens when a show runs for long enough (not that I want it to be cancelled, quite the contrary).

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30 Rock

I used to like it, but Season 7 seems really quite bad... there are still a few jokes that I find funny, but a lot of them seem strained and as if they're trying too hard.

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Yes, the show rather lost its edge after a few seasons in and rather deviated from the original plot. For a show to run for seven and now currently eight seasons with the same plot and setting would be dull (unless its a sitcom). I enjoyed the jaw-hitting-the-floor moments in season 6 and 7, despite it being FAR from the original plot. Personally I prefer Californication over Weeds, but I think Weeds has held up better in the long run, especially having run for two seasons longer.

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Absolutely fantastic, certainly my favorite currently airing TV show - great acting, plots, drama, and wit. I'd say it gets better as it goes on, but that's not to say it goes from bland to great, it goes from great to amazing.

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I really enjoyed this show so I, like MellowB, am gutted that it got cancelled. This had style, drama, laughs, certainly moreso than some shows that CBS renew can claim.

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Common Law

USA cancelled it :'( I hope this becomes the next 'The Good Guys' ie a cult classic (such as Firefly) that had a lot of promise but got cancelled before it got wide enough recognition.

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Common Law

I really hope it gets renewed as it's a really enjoyable show. I watch lots of USA's shows, and sure, this isn't on-par with Psych or Suits, but I think it beats Burn Notice and Fairly Legal. Please USA, don't cancel this because there are "too many buddy cop shows" because there aren't and Common Law is really something different.

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I Hate My Teenage Daughter

It's a shame it got cancelled, as I felt the plot was actually really going somewhere, and most of the jokes weren't that bad.

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If you want to really enjoy Drive, I'd suggest you do the following. Get a big screen (like, 32"+). Get a 5.1 surround system and something that has a real bass kick for the engines. Turn all the lights off; turn the volume way up. Watch the blu ray.
If you watch it like that and get completely absorbed in it, I'm pretty sure you'll appreciate this film for the gripping cinematic experience it is.

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After watching Half Nelson and Blue Valentine, I approached Fracture with some trepidation. I shouldn't have. This too was... just, wow. It made me feel connected to it, it made me tense when it was tense. Definitely worth watching, I'd say it beats The Ides of March on intellectual thriller basis (if the two can be compared)

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Seven Psychopaths

It felt like a mixture of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Smokin' Aces. If you like those films, you'll probably like this.

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As opposed to many, I wasn't alive at the time and I hadn't studied the 'Canadian Caper' before watching it - therefore to the unaware viewer such as I it was a harrowing, dramatic, and solid film from start to finish. If you don't fancy some inaccuracies being stuck in your head, read about the real event afterwards, but don't ruin the movie. Sadly as with all films based on true and widely known events, those who knew the real event can't enjoy the movie quite as much as they already know how the plot pans out.

Unlike afly, I was fortunate enough to be in a quiet cinema (release of the movie in England was ridiculously underplayed - I saw more promotion in France than there was in England) - there were three other people in the audience. In a proper cinema screen. Ironic that the movie was preceded, as is customary nowadays, by the anti-piracy-love-cinema advert where the cinemas are dusty and deserted... it was like a ghost town in there. I can only hope that that was because Salisbury isn't quite the sort of place to have audiences widely interested in an "intelligent film" and not an omen for the cinema industry - seeing a film in the cinema is an unbeatable experience unless you build your own full-size cinema screen, as a large TV and a surround system don't quite match up. Films like this deserve to be seen on the big screen.

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Smokin' Aces

This was,... well, the plot was definitely interesting, but it seemed to be mostly violence-driven and rather random and over the top. I didn't hate it,but I definitely didn't love it.

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Half Nelson

Loved it. Just the right pace and an amazingly well told story. This film really should get more praise than it does.

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Secret Diary of a Call Girl: 1x03 Episode 3

aww, boo, casual transphobia :( sign of the times I guess, but seriously....

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The A-Team

It's a good film. But it's not The A-Team. I've been an avid fan of the TV show since I was a kid, so was naturally excited when I heard the rumors about a movie being made. Neeson plays Neeson, Cooper plays Cooper etc... In the TV show Hannibal was a bit more playful (just a bit) and Face was suave, not arrogant. BA wasn't quite so thug-like, and Murdoch wasn't, well, so modern. The van doesn't exactly make much of an appearance, and from what I could see, the top half wasn't gun-metal grey, the wheel spokes weren't red, and the rear had slats instead of windows. Oh, and they 'forgot' to blackout the GMC badges, despite the one in the film allegedly not even being a GMC van...
As I said above, it's good film. The plot is ok, the action is believable, but The real A-Team didn't kill people or meet each other in Mexico. Perhaps Hollywood didn't want some cheesy but lovable 80's icons to be on the big screen but stereotypical action heroes. And for what was probably the last thing Cannell had an impact on before he died makes it even more upsetting that it's so unfaithful despite having his input :'(

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The Internship

After all the jokes about it being great for 2005 and my severe dislike for Google, I wasn't expecting much from what has been called on numerous occasions "a two hour commercial for Google".

However, I enjoyed it. It's not the best movie ever, but there are far worse films, even from this year. It had a plot, Wilson/Vaughn were compatible as ever, and if you hate Google as much as me, you can easily look on Google with a disdainful attitude for most of the movie, which alone provides some sort of entertainment.

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Casino Royale
Gangster Squad
The Core

Shout by Alice Hawke
BlockedParent2012-02-15T22:00:14Z— updated 2023-12-03T13:12:16Z

I love it because it's so bad

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Jack Reacher

So, spoilers ahead. I don't want to be the guy who ruins the film for you, so please, unless you've seen the film, do not read on, fair warning given.

There were two key paths I feel weren't explored far enough, despite the film being pretty lengthy (without a dull moment, may I add).
Point 1) Sort of two parts, but still one point. I don't think they pursued the thought-provoking aspect of the victims lives as much as they could've done. That scene with Pike in the house of the father of one of the victims was so very touching and emotional - yet that was the last we saw of the aspect. The character of Reacher demanded that if he was to view Barr objectively, she, as Barr's defence, should get to know the lives of the victims. Which brings me onto the second part of this point - the victim on the bench and the victim with the watch, purportedly having an affair. Was this just a way into the characters thinking the victims weren't random and thus reaching the realization of Oline's position? I know the affair was irrelevant, but we have a glimpse into their lives, a glimpse into the nanny's life,... for what, the emotional path that wasn't gone down? I don't think that aspect was developed enough.

Point number 2) Much briefer this one, but what was the motive of the Detective Emerson character to be under the control of The Zec? It seemed that he was working for him because he hadn't got a choice - what was The Zec holding over him, controlling him with?? Did they avoid that expansion so that we wouldn't feel sorry for Emerson when Reacher shoots him? If so, why present us with the limp plot point of Emerson being forced to obey as his reason for betraying the badge? Yes, give us a motive so it's believable, but to actually try to develop it.

Anyway, just my thoughts.

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God Bless America

Good film. Kinda depressing though to think that there is no way to change the stupidity on the planet :/

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Castle: 8x11 Dead Red

Another very decent episode, I like how they're shaking things up more than usual and straying from their basic formula.

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New Police Story

Totally ninja plot, weak sauce directing.

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Captain America: The First Avenger

It wasn't bad. They did seem to spend a very long time developing the background of the character and when we were 1h20m in I was wondering how much longer the film would drag on for, but it got a bit better and wasn't quite a cliché. However, during the fight montage scene, I couldn't help but be reminded of the Team America 'you need a montage' song.

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The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: 3x04 Uh Oh, Somebody's Crying!

Never in a million years did I ever think I would be here defending any of Brandi's behaviour, but she was absolutely right to call out Adrienne. Until this point, Adrienne was the housewife I probably had the least issue with in terms of coming across as manipulative, shady, or stirring the pot, but what she said at the dinner table?? Crowing "Somebody's crying! Uh oh! Somebody's crying!". Wtf. Who does that?!? Completely out of order, and if I'd been at the table I'd have said shut the f*ck up just like Brandi said.

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It was okay I suppose. It didn't grab me from the start so it took quite a while to reach a point where I felt some investment in the characters and plot, and from that point onwards it had some funny moments and some decent action, it certainly wasn't a bad film, but the CGI stunts and CGI cat looked unconvincing and the balance of screentime for some characters just felt rather odd, so many stars with just a few minutes of screentime yet the film was still so long, I feel some of the lesser characters could have been given more time to breathe.

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Fisherman's Friends

If you've watched Kinky Boots or Calendar Girls, you needn't waste your time with this sickeningly formulaic and twee movie which just doesn't feel genuine to me. I used to live in Cornwall, which doesn't often star in films (sadly, it's a beautiful and varied location with a fantastic potential for film) so one would think I might have liked it, but alas.

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Spin Me Round

I had no expectations whatsoever going in, didn't even see the poster artwork as my bf put the film on. The cast listed in the titles set some expectations, it's a very solid cast.

I was intrigued early on, wondering where the story might be going, how far it might unfold. Not far enough, as it turns out. I equally don't know why we never saw Kat again, felt rather unresolved, and the misunderstanding behind the drama in the plot was anticlimactic, for comedic effect, but still, I wouldn't have minded an extra half hour of runtime to give the film a stronger third act. . I enjoyed the film though, not the sort I'd give a raving recommendation to everyone I know, but there's a few people I know who I'd recommend checking it out. The characters were great, the film felt like a real slice of life.

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Ultimately, a fundamentally transphobic and therefore reprehensible movie. Until that point, it was a melodramatic yet bland and almost entirely unmemorable film.

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