

Omicron Persei 8

Shadow and Bone: 2x04 Every Monstrous Thing

Sorry, is this the Kaz Brekker show? They've taken a story with a female lead character played by an actor representing so many minorities seeing someone like them on screen, and made it into yet another story about a white man. Disappointing.

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Killing Eve: 4x08 Hello, Losers

That was a short episode. Only 38 minutes?

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Succession: 1x01 Celebration

Too many male characters to be enjoyable.

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For All Mankind: 2x09 Triage

Shout by amberrav

Why do they think the audience is going to cheer for a cheating man getting back together with his ex-wife?

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Community: 2x18 Custody Law and Eastern European Diplomacy

I missed Annie this episode.

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Fallout: 1x08 The Beginning

Can’t wait to rewatch this all over again, and again, and again.
I told myself years ago that I would have no expectations, that I’m just happy we’re getting a live action Fallout. Although there are some things I wish were different, I am definitely a satisfied fan. Season 2 when?

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Fallout: 1x03 The Head

Maximus would’ve known to never leave your power armor if he had had any experience with settlements:joy:

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Lost: 2x24 Live Together, Die Alone (2)

Claire, girl, no:sob::sob::sob: you deserve so much better:sob::sob::sob:

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In the Fire

The visuals, the sets, and the costumes are all so beautiful. Can't wait to watch this film again once it comes out in theatres.

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Shadow and Bone: 2x03 Like Calls to Like

All this talk of a Crows spinoff... I would have absolutely no interest in watching it, but it would make me happy if they got their own show so Shadow and Bone could actually focus on their main character instead of giving too much screen time to annoying assholes like Kaz and Matthias.

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The Last of Us: 1x09 Look for the Light

That farmhouse in the opening of the episode looked so much like the one Ellie and Dina lived in, surely that's not a coincidence :eyes:
It was amazing to see Ashley Johnson finally appear, and I did not spot that Laura Bailey cameo until the credits:eyes:
Pedro Pascal making me like a character I previously hated, and Bella Ramsey doing justice to a character I love. Could not have asked for better actors!
This adaption had it's flaws like the original, but honestly I think it's actually better than the game.
I'm going to miss this show so much, and I'm so hyped for the next season covering my favourite game of the two, and I'm so excited to see the live action version of more of my favourite characters from the game:heart_eyes:

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The Last of Us: 1x08 When We Are in Need

I wish they'd skip this part of the game and come up with something better. Bella is doing an amazing job as always though.

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The Last of Us: 1x02 Infected

That kiss was completely unnecessary, what the fuck.

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The Last of Us: 1x01 When You're Lost in the Darkness

The real horror of this show isn't the infected, but the fact that they won't even let a child have unclear skin so they poorly smooth it out in post-production like an insecure Instagram influencer.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x08 Alloyed

LMAO, they copied the plot of Shadow and Bone, and Sauron is just as pathetic as the Darkling.
Nori being allowed alone with an old man made me very uncomfortable.

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Desperate Housewives: 1x08 Guilty

A murder scene and a sex scene edited together? What the fuck.
Carlos forcing Gabrielle to have his kids, right in front of their friends. This man has no shame in abusing his wife. I guess this is the start of the plot where he ends up raping her by taking her off birth control without neither her consent nor knowledge. I still remember almost 20 years later how horrible that plot was.

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3 Days to Kill

Vivi Delay spin off when?

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Killing Eve: 4x07 Making Dead Things Look Nice

Excuse me??? You can't just end the episode there :sob::sob::sob:

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Killing Eve: 4x05 Don't Get Attached

I love how they got the actual sons of the actors to play the young versions of the characters.

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Killing Eve: 4x04 It's Agony and I'm Ravenous

What a weird episode. That last scene was great though.

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Good Trouble: 4x01 Turn and Face the Strange

They recasted Angelica??? :sob:I hope the new actress has as much chemistry with Zuri/Malika as the previous one did.
And why do they keep ruining Callie's character for some unlikeable dude? Is she supposed to be a centrist now? She deserves better than the way she's been treated by the writers since the beginning.

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Shadow and Bone: Special 1 Shadow and Bone - The Afterparty

This was the least funny thing I've watched in a while, but I'd watch anything for Jessie.

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The Wheel of Time: 1x06 The Flame of Tar Valon

This show is at it's best when the men have limited screen time.

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The Witcher: 2x01 A Grain of Truth
  1. Did I accidentally put on Beauty and the Beast?
  2. I recognised Kristofer Hivju by his voice, but his face looks completely different without a beard and I would not have recognised him without his voice.
  3. Please give the hair and makeup department more money. I am begging.
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The Girlfriend Experience: 2x05 Erica & Anna: Solicitation

I... did not want to see that. That had to be CGI, right?

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Battlestar Galactica: 2x10 Pegasus

Rape is not entertainment. I'm not watching this shit anymore.

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Florence’s portrayal of grief felt very realistic, definitely hit close to home, and was absolutely the highlight of the movie. Seeing Dani smiling as she’s watching her abusive boyfriend burn alive was also pretty great. But the rape scene was completely unnecessary, and coupled with the ableism throughout it ruined what could otherwise have been a great movie.

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Good Girls: 4x03 Fall Guy

Why are they showing Beth and Dean’s backstory as if anyone wants them together? Are they trying to redeem Dean or something?

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Sex and the City: 6x07 The Post-It Always Sticks Twice

White Privilege and the City.

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Sex and the City: 5x06 Critical Condition

I really don't understand why someone would want to be friends with Carrie, much less be in a relationship with her.

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