Pride and Prejudice

If all the scenes that weren't in the novel had been edited out, and Darcy was played by someone who doesn't look like he's in constant physical pain, I would have liked it a lot better. Jennifer Ehle does a great job, and is definitely one of my favourite portrayals of Elizabeth.

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Phoenix Rising

Thank you, Evan Rachel Wood.

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And Just Like That…

Seeing the internet hate on this, but in my opinion it's better than the mess that was the original show.

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The Stand

The only interesting thing about this miniseries is the post apocalyptic setting. Most of the characters are not interesting and those that are do not get a satisfying ending (no matter if that's the point or not). It's just difficult to care about characters you don't like and have no sympathy for. The plot is not interesting either so the series is simply not worth watching. I am not a fan of Stephen King or Christianity as a plot device so maybe the series had no chance with me to begin with.

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