


Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: 23x06 The Five Hundredth Episode

Best episode ever! Literally can’t say more than that without giving anything away but OMFG!!

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The Blacklist: 8x03 16 Ounces

Once my favourite series ever, I have to admit to being bored by this show now. I cant stand Elizabeth and cannot believe she hasn’t been fired by now much less arrested. The huge gaps in this show do nothing to appease me either. Hopefully this is the final series.

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The Blacklist: 8x14 Misère

Well this episode is a total waste of air time, for years I have had this series rated as 8/10 but this Elizabeth recap episode has forced me to drop my rating to a mere 5/10 and I am being overly generous!
Get rid of her - then maybe I might start enjoying The Blacklist once again.

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Ozark: 4x08 The Cousin of Death

Umm where’s the baby? Just vanished into thin air? Story writers forgot or what?

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Slow Horses: 3x01 Strange Games

Just as good as I remember. Brilliant start… brilliant scripts, brilliant cast, intriguing storylines all heading in directions unknown.

For a spy series it truly does hit the ball out the park! Love it!

I do however have this persistent urge to drag Lamb in to a shower, wash and cut his hair then bleach his bloody shirt and raincoat, but then Lamb wouldn’t be Lamb… does drive me incredibly insane though!

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The Handmaid's Tale: 4x04 Milk

I don’t know why but I sobbed all the way through this episode especially at the end. It was a very powerful and emotional part of the story. One of the best episodes so far. Get your tissues ready.

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The Blacklist: 8x22 Konets

I spent the entire season wishing someone would shoot that woman and can’t believe when it finally happens I sobbed like a baby. I’m not sad for her mind, my heart is breaking for Raymond & Dembe.

To be honest what else could you do with her? She couldn’t stay on the run and the Blacklist is Raymond’s story not hers it would never have worked.

Shame she didn’t take Wessler with her. There is another waste of time character! Useless FBI agent pining for someone he had a fling with. Whoppee dooo!

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The Handmaid's Tale: 4x07 Home

June standing up to Serena is all well and good, butI have a very bad feeling that the backlash from Serena is going to be massive... many will suffer the wrath of this new lioness mother!!!

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The Blacklist: 8x15 The Russian Knot

I think Red faked Katerina’s death to protect her, and that stupid daughter of hers is actually the one that will screw out all up! Will serve her right. Elizabeth makes me ashamed to be a woman!

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The Mandalorian: 3x03 Chapter 19: The Convert

Am I still watching Mandolorian? It’s hard to tell!

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The Blacklist: 9x18 Laszlo Jankowics

Finally a cliffhanger!!! Well kind of! Nice to see The Blacklist getting back to how it should be.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 6x12 In Dreams

I know this series is a far cry from reality but this episode takes it to a whole new level.. I mean seriously WTF!!! Weird

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The Blacklist: 8x16 Nicholas Obenrader

The foreign travel in this programme completely defies physical possibilities!
Unless they all travelled in a TARDIS that is! Unbelievable!

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The Blacklist: 8x13 Anne

Bitch! How dare she! Who the hell does she think she is!
That’s it, I’m am officially done with her. The sooner Red sticks her in a room with Teddy Brimley the better this season will become!! :grin: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (beautiful episode by the way)

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Fear the Walking Dead: 8x12 The Road Ahead

Finally it’s over… The gang are far far away from their biggest threat.. Madison & Alicia.
They may actually survive now. Who knows, all I hope is that one day the writes don’t bring this back. There is nothing worth salvaging. FTWD may you RIP.

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Good Omens: 2x01 Chapter 1: The Arrival

It’s impossible not to like this.. even a little.. and even the most humourless person will find a smile creeping in more than once.

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Chicago P.D.: 10x14 Trapped

I can’t stand Kim Burgess most useless cop in Chicago. Every time that dreadful woman comes close to death she lives on.. I actually will her character to die. Get rid of her please

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FBI: Most Wanted: 3x14 Shattered

WTF no way… still picking my jaw up from the floor!

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Stargirl: 2x06 Summer School: Chapter Six

So Cindy is now a teenage mutant ninja turtle :turtle: seriously!!!

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Line of Duty: 6x07 Episode 7

Episode 5 & 6 were some of the best TV I have seen in a long time... I couldn’t contain my excitement for the finale....
You know when you light a firework and get all excited waiting for the loud and colourful explosion and then it just goes Pffff.. well that disappointment you feel is exactly how I felt watching this finale.
The cliff hanger that lead us to believe Kate had been shot would have actually made a far better finale! I’m so gutted!

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The Blacklist: 8x12 Rakitin

@aid45 Couldn’t agree more. The season has been much better without her.
My only worry is that with Blacklist being renewed for a 9th season we may not have seen the last of that dreaded woman!

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Billions: 7x10 Enemies List

Never have I been so excited for the next episode.. Axe is back baby!

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Chicago P.D.: 9x15 Gone

Kim nearly died, then she doesn’t. Kim nearly loses custody, then she doesn’t. Kim nearly loses kid to kidnappers, then she doesn’t. FFS are we ever gonna get rid of this stupid character and her unbelievable storylines. I don’t give a shit about the character or her kid or that wet wipe on off boyfriend of hers. It wastes what could be a potentially good episode. I’m so bored of them. Can we get rid and move on to some actual decent storylines please… starting after she finally fucks off!!! Before boredom makes me dump what was my favourite Chicago series!

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S.W.A.T.: 5x08 Safe House

Oh Hondo, you could do so much better than her. She walks all over you… get rid!

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The Blacklist: 8x17 Ivan Stepanov

Finally back to The kind of blacklist we all know and love!!! Hallelujah!

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Debris: 1x10 I Am Icarus (2)

If this show makes it to a 2nd season I would be shocked. Boring characters & boring storylines mean the only satisfaction you will get from this series is if you use it as a sleeping aid!

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The Handmaid's Tale: 4x03 The Crossing

Shout by Amourgirl
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-04-29T22:18:42Z— updated 2021-05-01T08:15:07Z

I’m glad we had 3 episodes to kick start us into season 3.. I needed it to remind me of Gilead life! And boy it did... Blessed day!
I still think there is some good left in Aunt Lydia,,, I’m convinced she will come through for Joan at some point.
The escape scene total threw me... I did not see that coming...
Handmaids tale has restarted with a bang... here’s to the next 10 episodes!
Under his eye!

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American Horror Story: 12x04 Vanishing Twin

Weak stomachs should avoid! :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:

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The Blacklist: 9x07 Between Sleep and Awake

Wow… woe is me!! How self absorbed has Ressler become? The sooner the writers get rid of him the better. When are we going to actually get another blacklister episode. Time to move on!

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Loki: 1x03 Lamentis

Episode 1 & 2 awesome..
Sort Disney but episode 3 bored rigid. I may risk one more but if anything like episode 3 then I’m out!

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