


Kin: 2x01 Episode 1

Daredevil is back..can't wait to see where this season goes.

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@whos_ur_buddha damn it, I knew I recognised him! I :heart: Matt Murdoch!

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The Flash: 9x01 Wednesday Ever After

I said i wouldn't return. Yet, i returned. but guess what. I WILL NOT RETURN .. until next week. DAMMIT! I cant walk away.

(i tend to watch the show as i'm doing laundry 5 blocks away from my tv. i've found thats the best way to get past the shit-ness of the show)

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@smatthew your comment made me laugh, that’s exactly what I save Flash for… episodes to either do housework to or fall asleep to. I can’t not watch it… just prefer to do something when I do!!

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The Last Kingdom

Reply by Amourgirl

I tried several times to get into this series but I could never get past the first episode.
This weekend having nothing else whatsoever to watch I finally took the plunge and thank God I did. I am a massive fan of the vikings series and worried that it would not compare, that was a mistake on my part because this series is it’s own story and once I had accepted that (by season 1 ep 4) I loved it in its own merit. I binged all 4 seasons and now it’s over I feel lost! If you like a good solid battlefield drama then this is for you. If you are vikings fan you would probably like it even more so for the references to both Saxons and vikings that you have already come to love and hate.
If you are in any doubt whatsoever please just give it a try. You will not be disappointed. I have only ever awarded 3 TV series a a 10/10 rating; Breaking Bad, House of cards & Vikings. I am happy to say:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol: The Last Kingdom will now join those elite few! 10/10 :asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:

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@omardoshows Gutted it ended… could have happily watched another 2 or 3 seasons

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Doctor Who: 1x02 The Devil's Chord

Reply by Amourgirl

Nope that’s it, can’t do it any more… I hung on in there through the whole Jodie Whitaker debacle hoping the series would be better. The bar was so low after the previous couple of seasons but somehow it slipped under.

Sadly, I guess my DW days are done.

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@possamai I did try a couple more, but being a fan 2 things annoyed me. One the fact he has cried in almost every episode - what’s that about and 2nd the kiss.. it’s takes a lot for the doctor to get romantically involved with someone. Look how long it took before he kissed Rose but on the first encounter with the bounty hunter he kissed him. It’s not in keeping with his personality.

Now that said… although the character of the doctor feels off, the actual episodes do feel like the days of bad wolf are back.

I just wish they would let me do the casting and wish they would remind themselves how complicated the doctor is.

I didn’t watch it this week, I removed from my playlist but do you still think I should give it another go?

My son wants me to take him to the cinema to see the Finale. So I guess realistically I should persevere.

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American Horror Story: Season 12

Reply by Amourgirl

Numerous times, I found myself believing that 'AHS' had hit rock bottom, but it manages to keep unearthing new depths.

I was once a devoted fan, but now... Kim Kardashian discussing a viral TikTok salad dressing known as 'green goddess,' seriously? Even the most trivial chatter nauseates me.

It's alarmingly vacant, sluggish, and utterly devoid of the chills and thrills that horror should deliver.

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@eugenwang completely agree.. After the Lady Gaga season I truly thought it had reached rock bottom but somehow it managed to find a whole new low! I’m terribly disappointed with this season. I stuck with it hoping it would have had potential but the season just kept getting worse and the finale was just dreadful.

I think they should call it a day now. They will never get back what they had. I am officially done with AHS

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Outer Banks: Season 2

Reply by Amourgirl

It’s frustrating how they never call the coast guard or an adult to help. Like popes dad?
Also, Madison Bailey’s voice is that annoying that I hope to never watch anything with her in again
Really dislike her character

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@samngj Could not agree more… Her whiny voice drove me mad… She put me off more than the dreadful script writing and that’s saying something!

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