
The Matrix Resurrections

I watched the film again, raised my mark, and confirmed to myself: you haters of the film, you really don't get it, and I think you never got the genius of the Matrix. Go watch that crap John Wick, that's your level

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Lady Snowblood

After watching this masterpiece, I'm ashamed and angered that I live in a culture which made me discover this film via its entertaining, but shalow, reductionist, emotionless, individualist and ultimately unworthy American bastardisation.

The storytelling is of top quality, film's grounding in historical period and its social conditions is so important, characters may seem one-dimensional in their drivenness on the surface, but are complex, torn between widely accepted morality and personal/family principles and devotions.
I'm not too familiar with Japanese cinematography so I cannot place my observations into context, but I liked the tempo/pacing, camera-work (usage of fast zooms, bird's perspective shots, skewed angled shots) adds to an original feel, scenery is fantastic and even more impressive knowing it's a low-budget film, music is full of emotion and it guides the viewer.
I will definitely watch it again

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This film doesn't have the pull it should to keep the audience for almost three hours. Maybe I wasn't watching it with 100% of my attention, but characters, especially the police ones, are thrown into the story mix without much justifying their roles. Too many things are taken for granted and are not explained, but vaguely implied, "sujet supposé savoir" kind of thing, which is not encouraging for the viewer. Without knowing that Robert Graysmith is the one who wrote the book, so that's the reason his character is important, you'd be left wondering for more than half of the film of why is this guy so important as a mere observer to solving a crime.

I love films based around newsrooms and their portrayal of real events, but Zodiac's perspectives, journalists' and detectives' points of view, got quickly muddled. I have a feeling this adaptation from the book could've been done better, with more care for clarity, fluidity, narrative building and dramatic crescendos/decrescendos.

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Pan's Labyrinth

Informed by the unrestrained hype, all the high scores and positive critiques, I expected much much more. For 2006 CGI is truly great, but except that, this film is nothing special. There's no message or lesson that these types of stories usually tell, the film is at least 15 minutes too long, the script is too focused on Ofelia and what bothered me the most throughout the film is that Ofelia's speech mostly doesn't follow her actress's mouth movements.

If it is a film made for children, then I sort of get it, but for the rest of us, all we learned is that fascists are inhumane cruel monsters who kill without remorse, which is something everyone should know already. I wouldn't say I wasted two hours, but I definitely forgot the reason why I wanted to see the film, which left me unsatisfied

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Possessor Uncut

Pretentious, which is not necessarily a bad thing. It leaves the feeling of uneasiness, those scenes - "inside battles" in the head of Colin and Vos are true Cronenberg and undoubtedly my favourite part of the film. My critique of the film is a lacking backstory, not enough is clear in the Vos's family relations. I guess the technical side of entering into someone else's brain wasn't even considered properly. Also, it's difficult to connect with any of the characters, but I guess that was on purpose.

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Gunpowder Milkshake

I didn't understand John Wick, I don't understand this film (which I thought it was better than JW), but I guess it's some kind of new type of action pieces where your brain needs to be on holiday to fully enjoy them. I can appreciate great special effects, great soundtrack, great scenography, but it's just not my cup of tea.

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For a Hollywood film, it's not bad. It suffers from all the usual Hollywood issues, which makes any mainstream film almost insufferable to watch, but the main concept was really interesting. Shame that the focus and shallow psychological implications went in totally predictable direction. Good enough to burn a couple of hours, but nothing more. Nowhere near the levels of Tarkovsky's Solaris, and I feel filthy just for uttering this comparison.

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