


Doctor Who

This show didn't end. TMDB incorrectly marked it as ended and labelled next episodes as part of a separate show. IMDB shows seasons correctly and has Season 14. Is there any way to report this so it could get fixed?

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Deadwater Fell

Shout by Ana

It's incredible how painfully slow this is for a show that has only 4 episodes. I like slower pace, but this one really drags on. And it's not a whodunit show, the perpetrator is revealed early on and it's quite obvious. Acting is solid, but the plot and the whole execution is what Trakt rating would call - meh. I forced myself to finish it just because of Tennant. Otherwise, it's easily skippable, there are many crime shows out there that are way more interesting. 5/10 from me.

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Good Omens

I had really high expectations for this show and I must say it delivered in every sense. Everything is perfectly done from writing, cinematography to acting. Especially casting is spectacular! For me Michael Sheen stands out the most, his performance as Aziraphale is absolutely adorable. The show is very true to the book as well, so if you're a fan, you will definitely love this.
10/10 from me. I highly recommend it for binge-watching!

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After Life

The first season was ok, but the second one is recycled, following the same pattern and it's mostly filled with garbage dialogue and profanity that they tried to pass as humour. I was really disgusted watching s2 and don't how I made it to the season finale, but I know that I am now done with this show. The idea Ricky had was good, but the amount of idiotic characters and vulgarity is higher than it should be. Just look at the third most liked comment here, if that's something that's funny and should be quoted, I really don't know what to say. And the S2 is filled with "jokes" like that and worse.

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Star Trek

Even though this was the one that started the whole franchise, it's by far the worst thanks to its never ending sexism. There's no real development for any of the supporting characters, there's just Kirk looking for a new hookup and women who are there just as his love interest dressed provocatively. The show might as well be called Kirk and the ladies. If this show had been my first venture into Star Trek world, I would have given up watching 2-3 episodes in. Thankfully, I decided to follow the suggestion found online and started with TNG, DS9, VOY, etc. and left this one for the end. I managed to finish it just because I was already very much invested and in love with the franchise. There is however one good thing about this show and it's Spok. He's the most interesting, the smartest and kindest character, not to mention the only one we learn something about besides Kirk.
Either way, the show doesn't have a rewatch value for me at all.

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The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window

This is the most idiotic thing I've ever seen. What a waste of time.

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Why Women Kill

Shout by Ana

I found the first three episodes to be bad, it really isn't to my liking to watch for 50 minutes who's gonna sleep with whom. They went a bit overboard there especially in the 2019 story. I thought of quitting, but I'm glad I sticked with it, because after episode 3 the show picks up the pace, they stopped focusing on hookups and focused more on the story and I started to enjoy every second of this. The plot turned out to be really good, the one from the '60s is the best in my opinion. Casting is great as well as directing, particularly in the last episode. So what started disappointing, ended as one of the better shows I've seen lately, therefore I can only recommend it.
8/10 from me.

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"From the creator of Orphan Black." Well, that's good enough reason for me to watch this. :smile: Trailer seems promising.

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Killing Eve

Now that I've seen the whole s1 I can say that this is probably the best show of 2018. It has that awesome weird vibe, interesting plot that grips you from the very first episode and phenomenally talented cast. Jodie especially is a revelation to me. She plays the character so perfectly with all the cute quirks that she eventually makes you fall for that insane murderous psychopath without even noticing it. Sandra is great as well, but that's already a well known fact.
I highly recommend this for binge-watching!

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The Expanse

The Expanse has been saved! It's moving to Amazon Prime for s4!

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This little gem is a must see for everyone who likes great detective dramas with twist and turns that will keep you wondering who did it till the very end. The writing and the cast (especially Tennant and Colman) are absolutely brilliant. And the filming is not only superb but its location and beautiful landscapes are also perfectly chosen to fit the atmosphere of the show. The one and only downside is that it doesn't have more seasons. I'll really miss Broadchurch.

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