


The Next Karate Kid

It's a cute and sweet movie. Different enough from the others, you also have a new lead, a young but already good Swank. Pat Morita is great as always.
Julie's journey is nice, especially since we have different locations and scenarios, the monastery scenes are really good.
You can feel there is a good heart.

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Star Trek: The Motion Picture

I wish I saw this on a big screen, great effects and story.

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Star Trek Continues

Shout by Andreas1138
BlockedParent2024-04-15T21:09:52Z— updated 2024-04-21T13:09:20Z

I saw 2 episodes so far and I think it's really impressive: it seems the creators had access to the old sets and decided to use them to create their own stories.

I am also impressed by the actors. Watching Vic Mognogna, in certain angles, remind me of the original Kirk, thanks to the acting.
When the crew is seen from afar, it's like seeing the original actors\actress.
Also, the style of acting is the same from the original series, like the shooting of the scenes. The crew knows what they are doing.

I also think it's great they had the original Apollo actor in the first episode.

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Young Sheldon: 4x05 A Musty Crypt and a Stick to Pee On

I would watch 2 hours of that D&D game with these characters and Sheldon as the Master

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The New Batman Adventures: 1x09 Mean Seasons

A nice story with a great cast.
I was hoping to not see Calendar Girls face in the end, but how the writers did it, it was a nice twist.

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Batman: The Animated Series: 2x08 Avatar

The villain defines the story.
This time, for the Egypt part, I wanted to see Bruce without the cape.

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Star Wars Rebels: 2x17 The Forgotten Droid

It was nice and funny, I liked that. I was happy to see the droid well at the end.
I know Chopper is not likable, but sometimes I think it's because he is mistreated. He cares about his friends, old and new.

Sometimes I think about the fact that droids seem to develop a soul when their memory is not wiped for some time. I always imagined bad droids to not a "soul", while good ones yes.

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House: 2x23 Who's Your Daddy?

There were moments in Sherlock Holmes' stories I really liked: when we found out about the main character. Bits of information that helped us define the protagonist: a brother, a lost love, a favorite instrument to play...

In the first two seasons of this series we found out about House in some scenes and I think this one was one of the best. It is one of the episodes I watched the most.
We meet an old friend and we discover situations about House's past. Also DB Sweeney acts in a way I immediately believe he is an old friend of House and that helps build a bridge in moments (the series was very good with the casting and direction of actors).

We also see a different friend relationship between House and Crandall that differs from House and Wilson. Maybe I wished House called Crandall by name, just to show more accentuated differences from Wilson's relationship.

Overall, very interesting episode.

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Ahsoka: Season 1
Star Wars Rebels: 2x10 A Princess on Lothal

Maybe the sip used in Rogue One?

Leia is the heart of Star Wars, always inspiring others.

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Beyond Paradise: 1x06 Episode 6

What a heartwarming ending, I needed that. Also it explains when this spinoff was set in terms of timing, I was curious about that.

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Beyond Paradise
Ahsoka: 1x03 Part Three: Time to Fly
Ahsoka: 1x01 Part One: Master and Apprentice
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
House: Season 8
The Mandalorian: Season 3

It's disheartening to read comments criticizing the series for not living up to the standards set by previous seasons and for lacking action in some episodes. I advise viewers to have patience because there is undoubtedly a bigger plan in store for the series, masterminded by Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau, which will likely involve other shows dedicated to other characters.

i respect differing opinions, but I think it's important to recognize the unique nature of The Mandalorian. It's a show that blends genres and explores the Star Wars universe in exciting ways. It's not just about flashy action scenes, but also about character development and building a world that feels authentic and immersive.

Overall, while some viewers may feel disappointed with certain aspects of the third season, I believe it's worth sticking with the series and giving it a chance to fully unfold. With Filoni and Favreau at the helm, I have no doubt that there are some exciting surprises and twists in store for us.

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The Damned United

A movie about friendship. Really well done.

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That '90s Show: Season 1

Shout by Andreas1138

A summer that went by so fast. Even if Netflix is known to show all the episodes at once and it's nice, I would have enjoyed the series more if one episode had come out once a week, leaving the impression of a longer summer. I wasn't able to resit and I watched all 10 episodes in 3 days.
The new cast is full of talents, I can't relate too much to them because of the age difference, but the characters are not over the top or cringe. I remember when I was younger and I appreciate the series for taking me back.
It's difficult to peak a favourite. Callie Haverda mixed well the persona of Eric and Donna, creating an original being.

Praise to all of her colleagues, maybe I can choose Ashley Aufderheide as the most talented of the group.

Using the original cast is a plus, especially since it was in a sporadic way. The new characters need to stand on their own.
Tanya Roberts is surely missed.
Having Red and Kitty was fundamental for the success of the series.

I hope to see a season 2.

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That '90s Show: 1x04 Rave

I care about the characters like I cared for the original ones, even if I am much older than the cast. The actors are brilliant.
I like that the original cast is not always present, but Red and Kitty are fondamental for this series to work. Good move.

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That '90s Show: 1x01 That '90s Pilot

A nice introduction to a new era. It was cool to see the old cast, the actors reprised their roles like it was yesterday.
The new cast seems very capable despite their young age.

I think it's difficult to set this series since you need to show '90s kids without changing too much the style of the original concept.

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Willow: 1x03 The Battle of the Slaughtered Lamb

Things I liked:

  1. Real locations! So far, we can admire the nature. I prefer trees and lakes to fake sets, no matter how well they are built.
  2. Warwick Davis is great.
  3. The humor, not so over the top.
  4. The entire cast.

Things I didn't like:

  1. Kit is saved from imminent death then, few moments later, she says "I don't need to be saved".
  2. Some interesting characters dying, I was hoping to have more fun with them.

The dialogues are usually good, but we sometimes have to listen to teenage confrontations, especially from Kit. Too bad: the actress is good, she is even able to deliver her lines in a convincing way, but it's difficult to stand her character.

Being a fan of Jonathan Kasdan I'll keep going, this episode was the best so far and I am sure the next ones are going to be epic.

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Willow: 1x02 The High Aldwin

There is a nice element I often miss in big productions: real sets. It's a pleasure to the eye watching these episodes. I don't need epic CGI sets: trees and lake are irreplaceable and the story feels more authentic.
I didn't like Kit in the first episode, her reaction to Jade when she told her she was leaving to became a knight was similar to something you see in teenager series... otherwise I found the episodes pleasant to watch.
I even like the humor and Tony Revolori is doing a very good job with his lines.
Warwick Davis is still magical. I am sorry about the relationship between him and Queen Sorsha, it gives a bad light to the movie's ending.

I didn't grow up with Willow, I just saw the movie today before starting the series. The quality of the restoration was great and the best part for me was Val Kilmer and his approach to his character. I hope to see him again.

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Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: 1x06 Resolve

Shout by Andreas1138

The look of the Inquisitor is similar to an original concept for Kylo Ren and it's really cool.

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Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: 1x03 Choices

Dooku is still a little bit impulsive here. I was hoping to see him as an elegant Jedi, with different views on some matters.
But he is finding his motivations for joining the separatists.

I appreciate Lucas' attempt to bring something different in the Prequel Trilogy: in the Original Trilogy we had Empire vs Rebels so,
instead of having Republic vs a different versions of the Rebels, we had a Republic in decline and a group of separatists who were pessimistic about the Republic government.
I wish we had something more original in the Sequels, like New Republic vs Organized Crime or something like that.

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Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: 1x02 Justice

Shout by Andreas1138

I was hoping to see a different Dooku, who doesn't follow the rules, but it's not (yet) tempted by the dark side. On this episode, Qui-Gonn is the wiser.

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Friday Night Lights: 1x01 Pilot

I admit I started watching this because I finished Early Edition and I was hoping to see Kyle Chandler receive tomorrow's newspaper to predict the results of his team and try to change them in case the they are not in favor.

Stupid jokes aside, it's nice to see Chandler nail another role. Also, it took me a couple of scenes to recognize Adrianne Palicki.

I personally don't like shaky cameras but it works really well here.
I just hope it's not O.C. with football matches. Nothing against it, it's just that I am 20 years too old for this type of show.

I am not a sport enthusiast, but I think it's fascinating to see how coaches prepare their team before a match.

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Early Edition: 4x10 Run, Gary, Run

I remember watching this as a kid, I wanted a pair of Reebok so bad. I eventually got them.
Ads weren't subtle, but a kid doesn't know.

I'm always glad we have some Gary and Marissa moments.

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x01 Kassa
Early Edition: 4x08 Fatal Edition (2)

Shout by Andreas1138

We had a similar story in the first season. This one was even better, since we had Constance Marie (Brigatti) and Michael Whaley (Armstrong) in the same episode. I still think they both should know about the paper, they are trusted character and they deserve it.
I am waiting for a Hobson - Brigatti love story.

I am impressed by Constance Marie's acting: she is able to play a tough character, but you can also see her tenderness when you look at her. She is hiding her tender side, maybe because of a difficult past, or simply because her job is quite hard. She probably saw very difficult situations. Yet, you can see both her sides in her eyes, thanks to the acting skill of the actress.

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