

Athens Greece

One Day: 1x14 Episode 14

I knew the ending so it was not a surprise to me but God the way the cast and the director made this episode it made me feel all the pain and the suffering that loss is all about and I cried my eyes out on a Sunday morning which was brilliant and sunny but I was crying because I really relived all my losses and empathised with Dex......brilliantly played and worth it . I loved it even though I was trying to hold it together at the end I was sobbing like a blob. Not all love stories have happy endings but that doesn't diminish their value and what we are left with from the people that are no longer in our lives. Having said that oh it hurts......Love to everyone who watches this I hope you have a great love in your life like Emma and Dexter

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One Day: 1x10 Episode 10

So heartbreaking Dex and Emma finding each other again only to loose each other again.....how can it be that the person you are meant to be with rarely ends up really being with you....

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Lost in Austen: 1x01 Episode 1

I absolutely love it and I am a huge austen fan

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