Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 8x09 The Last Day

This truly was the perfect goodbye indeed. Great mix of humor and emotion. Loved all the callbacks and the returning characters. I will miss this bunch of wackos and their shenanigans.

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Sex Education: 2x07 Episode 7

Great, now I want 6 seasons and a movie dedicated solely to the girls hanging out together. The final scene brought a tear to my eye.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 2x02 Unwomen

Alexis Bledel is back! And we got to see the dreaded Colonies. I'm assuming that there was some kind of nuclear war or something that left most of the population infertile and created tons of radioactive waste. I'd really like to learn more about it, maybe they could dedicate some flashbacks to expaining what happened.

The whole scene at the airport made me want to throw up. As a non-straight girl, it's beyond horrific to imagine that all the progress that has been made in LGBT rights in the last 2 decades - not just in the US, but in other countries - could be taken away, just like that. Although a lot of what happened in this episode - like Emily being asked to hide her wife from her students - is still something that occurs in real life. We have a long way to go. I can only hope that reality won't imitate fiction, and we'll keep moving forward instead of backward.

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Loki: 2x04 Heart of the TVA

Dare I say… best episode of Loki yet? Definitely the best this season. Everything about it was PERFECT.

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Killing Eve: 4x08 Hello, Losers

Can't believe this episode ended with them hugging and absolutely nothing else happened after that.

In all seriousness, I thought we as a society were over killing sapphic characters for shock value, but I guess not. What a disappointing conclusion to a horrible season. Phoebe Waller-Bridge created such a fantastic show and Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer consistently knocked their performances out of the park, and for what? Season 2 was already a letdown, but after that the show just became a parody of itself and it was clear the new showrunners had no idea what to do with these characters. The last 3 minutes of this ep were pure clownery. How groundbreaking to kill off one of the leads and leave the other in anguish. I hope Laura Neal doesn't cut herself on all that edge.

I guess at least Sandra got a Golden Globe, Jodie got an Emmy, and they got to dive tongue first into each other's mouths. Good for them. I hope their next projects treat them better.

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Sex Education: 3x06 Episode 6

What is up with teen dramas and cheating? First Maeve, now Eric. Also the fact that a 17 year old went gallivanting around a strange city with an adult he just met is messed up. I know they didn't hook up, but the fact that the show made us think for a minute there that they did is gross. Like, sir, that is a literal minor, please go to jail.

The headmistress is evil evil. What she did to Adam, Lily and Cal was horrible. The students need to riot right now and get her removed.

Loved the simple moment of Adam's dad recreating the joy he felt cooking with his mom as a child. Very touching scene.

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Sex Education: 3x03 Episode 3

The double date was so fun. It started off super awkward, but Adam unexpectedly giving Otis great advice regarding Ola and finding common ground with Ruby over the Kardashians of all things was really heartwarming to watch.

The headmistress offering to help fund Maeve's trip to America has earned her a tiny bit of good will. Maeve deserves so much after all that she's been through. The show really wants me to get on the Erin forgiveness train, but it's not happening. The way she's treated Maeve is too awful to get past IMO. You don't owe people second chances just because you're related to them.

The last scene was heartbreaking. It must've been so hard for Ruby to open up to Otis and let him see past the facade and when he didn't say I love you back you could see her heart shatter. I know he shouldn't say it if he's not sure or not ready, but still, I felt so bad for her.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 2x10 The Last Ceremony

Oh my God, I'm gonna be sick.

This was the defining moment for Serena. This was the moment that mattered. The moment she had to decide what kind of person she wanted to be. And out of all the options she had, she chose to hold June down and let Waterford rape her while June screamed and begged her not to. She had the chance to show a little bit of the most basic human decency and she threw it away. I've always felt very conflicted about her and I've loved her arc this season, but this crossed the line big time. I'm shaking right now because I'm so angry and disgusted.

Elisabeth Moss knocks it out of the park every single episode and I don't usually talk much about her acting because at this point I kind of take it for granted, but she destroyed me in this episode. She ripped my heart into little pieces and made me cry so hard that I still haven't stopped. She deserves every award for her performance. Every. Single. One. She just secured her second Emmy with this.

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Sex Education: 3x04 Episode 4

The award for the most unexpectedly sweet moment of the season goes to Olivia and Anwar rushing to Ruby's side when she was hurting. Their friendship sometimes seems really superficial, but they truly do care about each other. I love that.

I'm still not on board with Maeve and Isaac, but I liked that their scene together showed a different kind of intimacy. It wasn't the usual graphic sex stuff, and it felt appropriate for the moment and for the characters.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 1x10 Night

Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-06-14T16:33:51Z— updated 2017-08-19T10:23:37Z

"After everything we've done for you."

And what exactly is it that you've done for her, Serena? Taken away her basic rights? Reduced her to breeding stock? Raped her in a fucked-up monthly ritual? Because you've certainly done all of that, but not much in terms of treating her like a human being.

Watching this show was hard and some scenes gave me major anxiety, but the story was very good and I really bonded with some of the characters. I'm glad that Moira reunited with Luke and I'm kind of curious to see what Rita will do with the letters. And, of course, I want to know what will happen to June. I'm looking forward to season 2.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 8x04 Balancing

That might've been one of my favorite cold opens ever. "Maybe I don't have an arch nemesis because I solve all my crimes". It's a good thing Jake was at a police precinct because that was straight up murder.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 2x09 Smart Power

I am absolutely fascinated by Serena's story arc this season. Yvonne Strahovski is a phenomenal actress. Serena's longing when she was in the car looking out the window, all the little moments when you could see something change in her eyes... She did it beautifully. To be honest I have a hard time remembering that Serena is supposed to be the villain of this story, one of the people most responsible for June's misery. Especially after last week's episode. I'm torn. On the one hand, she is in a pretty awful situation herself, on the other, she helped make it happen. She knew what she was signing up for (maybe not the wife-beating part, but the rest of it). She held a woman down every month while her husband raped her. She's been straight-up cruel to June on multiple occasions. And yet I can't hate her.

Great episode overall. The letters getting out and Waterford's plan failing was very satisfying to watch.

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Bridgerton: 2x08 The Viscount Who Loved Me

I loved this season so much. The chemistry between the two leads was off the charts and the yearning nearly killed me. Kate and Anthony have me in a chokehold.

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The Sandman: 1x03 Dream a Little Dream of Me

I’ve only had Johanna Constantine for 40 minutes but if anything happens to her I’ll kill everyone in this room and then myself

So nice to have Jenna Coleman back on my screen again. This was my favorite episode so far.

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Bridgerton: 2x07 Harmony

How did that sex scene manage to be less graphic yet so much hotter than the ones between Simon and Daphne? Anthony and Kate truly outsold

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Lucifer: 4x08 Super Bad Boyfriend

How about that ending, huh? I got chills. This moral conflict that Lucifer is facing is brilliantly written and acted.

I have to say, the fact that this season is only 10 episodes works much better in my opinion than the 22 we've gotten used to. There's no room for fillers, no need to drag out the Eve drama for 17 episodes straight, which makes for a much better, concise storytelling.

I never expected Lucifer to tackle police brutality and racism, but I think they handled it very well. It's heartbreaking to see Amenadiel go from loving humanity to not wanting to raise his son on Earth anymore.

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Sex Education: 2x08 Episode 8

I'm still annoyed at Otis's behavior throughout the season, but his voicemail to Maeve was actually really sweet and what Isaac did at the end was a total dick move. Tbh given that Netflix has been canceling their shows left and right, the producers are putting a lot of faith in them with that cliffhanger ending. Nothing has really been resolved in a satisfying way, so if we don't get a season 3 it's gonna be awfully disappointing.
Also, Maeve's mom is literally the worst ever. Fuck her. I'll miss seeing Maeve with Elsie too, they had such a cute relationship.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 2x08 Women's Work

I was so shaken towards the end of the episode, but now I'm crying happy tears. I had a feeling that Janine with her endless love for her baby would make Angela/Charlotte okay. Fuck you, Mrs. Putnam! You don't deserve this precious little angel!

That scene between June and Serena after Serena's punishment was some romantic bullshit straight out of a fanfic. June standing on the other side of the door, feeling Serena's pain, trying to do something - anything at all - to help her? Goddamit. I can't believe they've got me shipping this. But it was so earnest, so endlessly soft. There was no hidden motive behind it. Their dynamic has shifted to a new level. It's fragile, it's tentative, but they're starting to care about each other. Can they just run away and raise June's baby together? And get Hannah while they're at it?

Oh, and Commander Waterford can go die in a ditch. Not that I've ever felt any different about him, but seriously, fuck him especially hard after this episode.

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The Flash: 2x21 The Runaway Dinosaur

This may be my favourite episode of the show. Simply excellent. An emotional rollercoaster mixed with some really good humor. I actually teared up because of how adorable that book was, but I also laughed at some of Cisco's lines. That's why I love The Flash: it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It's such a sweet, charming show, and even when it gets serious, it somehow manages to stay hopeful instead of becoming depressing and joyless.

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Legion: 1x02 Chapter 2

This show is visually spectacular, super creepy, mindblowing, and very, very weird. I suppose this kind of craziness doesn't appeal to everyone, but I love it. I feel like I'm watching someone's LSD-induced hallucination where time isn't linear and reality bends into the craziest of shapes. It's confusing, messy, wild, colorful and absolutely awesome.

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Sex Education: 3x02 Episode 2

Well, looks like this show subverted my expectations yet again. I was sure the Isaac thing was gonna be dragged out till the last possible moment. I'm pleasantly surprised.

In other news, Maeve's mom is still the worst, the headmistress has made the fastest change from hero to villain I've ever seen, Maeve and Aimee's friendship is everything to me, Adam's character development is great (I love that he's finding ways to change his harmful patterns of behavior, we stan) and Otis and Ruby might just be the first time I actually ship the couple that's in the way of another couple I'm rooting for.

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Sex Education: 2x06 Episode 6

Shout by Aniela Krajewska

Otis is seriously pissing me off this season. Back in season 1 he was, for the most part, "compellingly odd" as Maeve once said. This season, however, he's been doing nothing but antagonizing everyone around him from his mother to Jakob to Ola to Maeve and it's annoying as hell. The speech he made in this episode was just a bunch of self-righteous bullshit. I've been shipping him with Maeve from the start, but tbh now I think Maeve deserves better than this entitled little shit.

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Lucifer: 4x09 Save Lucifer

So Father Kinley is the one fullfilling the prophecy that he was so afraid of. Seems fitting.

What a wild ride this episode was. I loved that in the end the key to undoing Lucifer's transformation wasn't about Chloe accepting him, it wasn't about anyone but himself finally taking a step towards forgiving himself.

Maze singing for Eve was such a lovely gesture, but of course Eve and her obsession with Lucifer ruined everything. Sigh. I thought they were cute together and Maze putting herself out there like that was a huge thing for her.

Welcome to the world, Charlie! Naming him after Charlotte is just too adorable. I hope somebody will tell Amenadiel to stop acting like a dick and plotting to steal his own child.

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Supergirl: 1x15 Solitude

I love the relationship between Kara and Alex. On the other hand, the Kara/James bullshit that they are trying so hard to sell makes me cringe. Cat and her latte have better chemistry than those two.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 7x13 Lights Out

Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-04-24T07:59:10Z— updated 2020-04-25T14:29:11Z

Wonderful episode, might be my favorite of the season. I actually almost guessed the baby's name (thought they were gonna go with John for John McClane). I do have a small problem with the baby playing Mac obviously being at least 3 months old. I know that's how it's been done forever on television and there are probably some legal restrictions in place, but it always throws me off cause newborns are nowhere near this smooth and cute lol, they're wrinkly and red and puffy and have an egg-shaped head, I wish we could see more of that cause it makes the whole thing more realistic. Plus can you imagine trying to push that baby out into the world? His head was way more than 10 centimeters in diameter, just saying lol

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The Handmaid's Tale: 2x01 June

"Our Father, who art in Heaven... Seriously? What the actual fuck?"

I was really looking forward to this new season. Since we're going beyond the events of the book, there was no telling what would happen. What a fantastic episode! Although it probably wasn't the smartest idea for me to eat while watching it (I'm not particularly squeamish, and not many things make my stomach turn, but boy, that one Handmaid getting her hand burned and then June cutting into her ear really got me). The flashbacks were so interesting, especially since we got to the point where the Sons of Jacob carried out their attack on the government. And that ending? Hell yeah! Such a satisfying moment!

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Lucifer: 4x03 O, Ye of Little Faith, Father

Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-05-08T14:38:46Z— updated 2019-05-10T10:07:20Z

"I'll have... an appletini."

Well well well. Welcome, Eve, Lucifer's first love. This ought to be fun.

Also that scene at Lucifer's apartment might be the best acting Lauren German's ever done on this show. Don't get me wrong, I think she's a mighty fine actress and I've always liked her portrayal of Chloe but I don't think we've ever seen that level of emotional rawness from her before. "You are the actual devil. (...) And how am I, Chloe Decker, a nobody, supposed to deal with that?" Really good stuff.

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Suits: 6x11 She's Gone

Oh, for fuck's sake. Stop baiting us with the Harvey/Donna relationship. I've been waiting for them to get together for 6 seasons. Just give it to me. Please. My crops are dying, my grades are dropping, the birds have stopped singing, war is upon us. I need them to be canon.

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Killing Eve: 3x07 Beautiful Monster

I thought this was better than the last couple of episodes. Eve going fully feral for a second there with Dasha was maginifcent (Sandra Oh EGOT when), Villanelle got a couple chuckles out of me in that first scene ("thank you for the inappropriate touching"), and Konstantin and Dasha ending up in the same hospital might lead to some really funny interactions. Can't believe the season is ending next week, is it just me or does it feel like not much has happened? Nothing, even Niko getting stabbed or Kenny dying or Villanelle murdering her family felt all that impactful.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5x01 Orientation (1)

My beloved Agents are finally back! It's been so long. I've missed them. And what a rollercoaster of a premiere this was! Including, but not limited to: Agents in space, discount Star Lord, Demodogs (does that make Daisy Eleven?), Jemma upping her sass to critical levels ("I figured it out using magic"), the Monolith's prettier sister, time travel (Doctor Who theme plays in the background), angry smol May walking off a literal hole in her leg, and lighting so bad that I had to lower the blinds in all the windows in my room just to be able to (barely) see what's going on. Seriously, at this point AoS' lighting department consists of one dude with a flashlight and two glowsticks. I guess that's the price we have to pay for all the insane special effects. They probably blew their whole budget on those. Still a great episode though!

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