Aniela Krajewska



Sex Education: 2x08 Episode 8
Stranger Things: 4x03 Chapter Three: The Monster and the Superhero

Shout by Khawlah

Oh how I missed the Steve and Dustin banter. :heart_eyes: Robin's character is absolutely unnecessary. What a waste of screen time that could've went to literally anybody else. IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO MAX, I WILL RIOT!

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@khawlah Totally disagree about Robin. Her friendship with Steve is wonderful and adorable (one of the best friendships on this show for sure, and before her Steve had pretty much no friends other than Dustin), and I like the way they're pairing her up with Nancy this season since she also has no friends other than Jonathan. Even aside from the LGBT representation, which is fantastic to have, she's a smart and funny character who contributed plenty to the plot (decoding the Russian message last season and figuring out how to find Eddie in this one).

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Doctor Who: 12x06 Praxeus

To some extent, the makers of Doctor Who could foresee today's problems with the coronavirus, of course there are important differences but at the beginning of the episode it felt like they predicted exactly what is happening nowadays, later on in the ep, the differences became more pronounced. I did not like the gay romance thing, it was too much of the LGBT ideology's intrusion in the show. For some time, Doctor Who has been too soaked in the LGBT propaganda, which worsened the quality of the writing. I know representation is important but it is usually limited to the more left-wing beliefs and ideas, to the exclusion of more conservative world-view. I believe representation could include all varieties and diversities, not only the left-wing ones.

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@ladysherlockian "LGBT ideology" ah yes, the big scary set of rules that all of us gays adhere to. I'm still waiting for the bigots who are always going on about it to tell me what exactly this mysterious "ideology" comprises. Is going grocery shopping with my girlfriend a part of it? Are we somehow destroying the heterosexual agenda by holding hands in public?
Also sorry to break it to you sweetie but the left didn't magically invent gay people and there are in fact - horrified gasp - conservative gays as well, idk how that fits into your bullshit :/

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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Meh. Felt like more like a Wandavision two part finale. The treatment of the Illuminati was awful. The plot still doesn't make sense. Is Wanda bad or is she the victim or what? She should have been locked in magic prison after her show - she mindraped thousands of people - but whatever, she cries a lot so I guess we should like her again? Claptrap.

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@celozzip Tbh when I watched WandaVision I thought Wanda was initially in some kind of dissociative state caused by grief and she didn't realize what she was doing - once she realized she was hurting people, she let everyone go. In this movie she's under the influence of the Darkhold, so once again she's not fully in control.

Also, I don't understand why Wanda gets so much hate for Westview yet I don't see nearly as much hate for Hawkeye for going on a 5 year murder spree after his family got dusted, or for Tony for being a war profiteer and not thinking his career choice of selling weapons of mass destruction was a bit fucked up till they were used against him. Loki is a big fan favorite despite probably racking up a death count in the thousands after unleashing giant monsters on NYC. Also Strange nearly broke the multiverse for shits and giggles because a teenager wanted help with his college admissions, and then he brainwashed billions of people into forgetting who Spider-Man is.

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Lucifer: 6x10 Partners 'Til the End

I love this show with all my heart, it's one of my comfort shows. That being said, the ONE thing i did not want to see in the finale season was a Deckerstar baby. I wish they had gone the route of the apocalypse and trying to stop that from happening instead of what they did. It's hard to care about a character that feels forced and out of place (like Lucifer literally can't procreate and hates kids lmfao). While the very end was good, and all the supporting characters got great endings, the child put a big damper on it for me. And they completely forgot about poor Trixie. There's no way she wouldn't have been there for her mom's death. Why did she never learn the truth about Lucifer? Was she just supposed to go along with suddenly having a new sister that has no father? She lost her dad and then Lucifer back to back. They did her so wrong imo.

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@mmorgnn Absolutely agree about Trixie! I feel like after the show moved to Netflix they started sidelining her more and more, and this season it was especially noticeable. I guess she found out the truth at some point when she was older? I don't think Chloe and Rory would've kept all of it a secret from her. But I still think we should've seen it. I also hate that she didn't even interact with Lucifer this season and then he was gone forever. The only reason I can think of as to why she wasn't by Chloe's side is that she either had already died (if Chloe lived to some absurdly old age then it wouldn't be impossible) or she lived far away and was on her way and didn't make it in time. What a weird choice not to have her there though. Would it really have been so hard to find an older actress to play her in that scene?

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Killing Eve: 4x08 Hello, Losers

Can't believe this episode ended with them hugging and absolutely nothing else happened after that.

In all seriousness, I thought we as a society were over killing sapphic characters for shock value, but I guess not. What a disappointing conclusion to a horrible season. Phoebe Waller-Bridge created such a fantastic show and Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer consistently knocked their performances out of the park, and for what? Season 2 was already a letdown, but after that the show just became a parody of itself and it was clear the new showrunners had no idea what to do with these characters. The last 3 minutes of this ep were pure clownery. How groundbreaking to kill off one of the leads and leave the other in anguish. I hope Laura Neal doesn't cut herself on all that edge.

I guess at least Sandra got a Golden Globe, Jodie got an Emmy, and they got to dive tongue first into each other's mouths. Good for them. I hope their next projects treat them better.

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@tesbreag actually no, but if the lead of a show is going to die, i expect it to make sense narratively, be meaningful and have repercussions on the story. V's death happened out of the blue in the last 3 minutes of the series finale and it was clearly meant to shock the audience and not much else. Given the nature of the show, I wouldn't have been fundamentally opposed to her (or both her and Eve) dying, but it could've been done so much better.

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Lucifer: 6x01 Nothing Ever Changes Around Here

The last episode of season 5 would've been a really lame series finale, so I really hope they came up with something better this time around. This was an all right premiere, but nothing special. Maze and Eve working through their issues with a little bit of nudging from Linda was nice and their engagement brought a huge smile to my face. They look so damn good together too! I love them. Chloe and Lucifer continue to be adorable. The case wasn't super interesting, but the setting was kinda fun. And I'm really curious who's sitting on the throne of Hell. Could it be one of Lucifer or Maze's siblings?

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@eduardo_doom I didn't watch the trailer because I wanted to be surprised. I'd much rather find out who she is as the story unfolds.

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Leverage: Redemption

They need to replace Sophie.
She's too old to play the attractive seductive one... I cringe every time she flirts with a mark.

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@phug Gina Bellman has aged spectacularly and I don't doubt for a second that the marks she flirts with would be totally into her. But I guess beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.

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Bridgerton: 2x08 The Viscount Who Loved Me
  • This is probably my favorite episode of the season. There were so many emotional moments, I teared up at various scenes such as Anthony’s talk with his mom and with Gregory, Kate and Mary’s scene, and Penelope and Eloise’s confrontation
  • Anthony’s love confession was perfect! Jonathan Bailey did a really good job portraying this character. I liked how we saw smiling so much more once Kate was his. Unfortunately I just couldn't feel anything towards Anthony and Kate as a couple. And I think this is mostly due to Simone Ashley’s portrayal of Kate. The actress is absolutely gorgeous but the chemistry was not there and her acting was very stiff.
  • The scene with them kissing with all those people around felt very misplaced. In the previous episode they had sex in public but it was in a secluded section of the garden so I can let that slide, but here you can easily see the people behind them!
  • I loved the relationship between the Queen and Edwina and how the Queen got them out of this scandal
  • Benedict and Eloise’s relationship remains the strongest between the siblings and it just warms my heart!
  • Book Spoiler - I am viewing this adaptation as a separate entity from the books so I am not very picky when it comes to changes but one change that I am absolutely mad about is that scene where Penelope overhears Colin talking about her! This is probably one of the most iconic scenes in the books and it wasn’t supposed to happen this way!! BUT at the same time, in the show, I am not sure how the Colin/Penelope relationship will be established after what she did regarding both Marina and Eloise. How will they redeem her character in Colin’s eyes once he finds out the truth and will he be able to forgive her?
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@tago1987 it's funny how subjective chemistry is. I thought Johnny and Simone had it in heaps and I absolutely loved her as Kate. But then again I haven't read the books, so I suppose I had no expectations as to what I wanted her character to be. Are the books worth reading? I don't care about Daphne and Simon much, but for Kanthony I might consider it.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7x13 What We're Fighting For

How can 2 people with dark hair have a very white & very blonde kid? That’s not even possible. These show creators/casting...terrible.

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@d0ndada recessive genes my dude. It happens much more often than you'd think.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5x22 The End

Me, circa a week ago: Okay, I have to prepare myself. This episode is titled "The End", the ratings are low, there's no way we're getting another season. This show's had a good run. I'll always love it, but it's 100% getting canceled.
Agents of SHIELD, crashing through the window and punching me in the face: YOU FOOL. YOU ABSOLUTE BUFFOON. YOU GODDAMN COWARD.

Whoever in Marvel fought so hard to get us season 6, I am forever in your debt (even though we won't see those guys again until summer 2019, but that's still better than nothing) because WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK WAS THAT?

I don't remember the last time I cried during an episode of any show. But what happened with Fitz was so completely unexpected that I froze in shock, and then, when I saw Jemma's smile slowly fade as the realization set in, I broke down in tears. Sure, one could argue that his struggle with the darkness inside of him this season was a bit of a foreshadowing, but I didn't see his death coming at all. I could barely watch the rest of the episode because everything was blurry. I couldn't believe it. FitzSimmons have spent 5 seasons getting ripped apart over and over again, and now that they've finally gotten married, Fitz dies. I had the most horrible, nauseating feeling in my stomach. The only thing I could think about was "They better bring him back or so help me God, I will burn Marvel Television to the ground". When they mentioned the other version of Fitz floating in space, I felt like the biggest weight was lifted off my shoulders. It's going to be fine. My babies are going to be fine.

Coulson going to Tahiti is a nice full circle kind of thing for him. I know they'll probably find a way to keep him alive anyway, but I enjoyed that moment.

Daisy and Talbot's fight was so damn good. When she launched herself at him, I felt like I was watching a proper Marvel movie. I'll never understand why this show doesn't get the respect and the recognition it deserves. It's a goddamn gem in every way and every Marvel fan should watch it.

Oh, and I saw some people getting upset about the fact that half of the team didn't vanish at the end there, but personally I think it makes sense not to do that. Season 6 is going to air in the summer of 2019, after the release of the next Avengers movie, in which, let's face it, they're going to use the Time Stone or whatever to bring everyone back. So on the show we'd have half our characters vanish and then next year they'd just be there again as if nothing happened, without explanation. I'm glad they didn't do it.

So, I guess see y'all in a year when season 6 starts! Even though I have no idea how I'm supposed to wait that long!

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@misnomer Well, then maybe the episode ended before Thanos got his hands on the Mind Stone and erased half the population? We don't really know the exact timeline here. Personally, it just doesn't bother me that much. And statistically speaking, there is a chance that none of them were in the half that got erased.

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Supergirl: 2x06 Changing

Alex' coming out was so pure/real and important fml. Yes straight ppl this is how you develop a gay character. That storyline is real as fuck IT HAPPENS IN THE FUCKING REAL LIFE so get over the "the writers just want to please the gays or can the writers stop writing stories that have nothing to do with their sexual preference?". We need/deserve this rep. And finally, i'm so glad the writers pulled this off i'm really looking forward to see maggie falling for alex ahhhhh fuck

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@alexdanvers I agree with everything you said! Representation is so important and this is the most well-written, accurate coming out storyline I've ever seen. I don't understand people complaining that there's too much focus on Alex's or Maggie's sexual orientation. Like??? There's always a lot of focus on straight characters' orientation and relationships but if a character's gay then suddenly it's a problem? Fuck that. This storyline is so important and I can't wait to see where it goes.

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Shadow and Bone: 2x08 No Funerals

Warning: some mild spoilers for the books ahead!

As someone who loved season 1 so much that I proceeded to read all the books in the Grishaverse (and ended up becoming a HUGE fan of the books), watching season 2 was kind of like a fever dream. I've been waiting for it for 2 years, basically counting down the days, and now that I've binged the whole thing I feel overwhelmed and underwhelmed at once.

Season 1 already wasn't a very faithful adaptation since the Crows don't exist in the original trilogy at all and their storyline and the way it intersected with Alina's was completely made up for the show, but it worked nicely. In season 2, they took even more creative liberties, and the result is basically a huge remix of no less than 4 (FOUR!) books (the remaining two installments in the Shadow and Bone trilogy + both Six of Crows books to some degree). It's just... way too much to cram into eight episodes. I understand the decision to add the Crows into the show since the S&B trilogy IMO doesn't have enough material to fill that much screentime (especially the second book, Siege and Storm, which is weirdly paced and not that much happens), but they really tried to do too much too fast. They also messed with the book timeline and chronology beyond recognition, especially in regards to the Crows. The Ice Court heist from the first book in the duology is set up in the last minutes of the finale with Kaz talking about "their biggest job yet" and the jurda parem reveal, but at the same time they... basically blew the plot of the second book (except watered down) on the whole Pekka Rollins conflict from the first half of the season? Choices were made.

I also have to criticize the fact that the writers seem so eager to get their SoC spin-off that they are completely uninterested in properly exploring Alina's story. And don't get me wrong, the S&B trilogy is probably my least favorite series in the Grishaverse, and the Crows are BY FAR the most popular characters in this fandom, and I actually liked s1 Alina much more than her book counterpart, but there were still so many elements in her arc and her relationship with the Darkling that were worth exploring in more depth on screen. Their dynamic in the books is complex and Alina struggles with the pull towards darkness and towards him much more. In the show, it seems that she's made up her mind about him being beyond redemption and stuck to it the whole season, which is kind of boring since it doesn't allow for character growth. She has some very brief moments where we see the conflicting emotions, but overall it's not really given much spotlight. Considering that the show is called Shadow & Bone and Jessie Mei Li is the first person on the call sheet, they could've done a better job of properly telling the actual Shadow and Bone story.

(But I do have to say, I appreciated the ending they gave Alina in the show compared to the book. The corruption arc of Alina Starkov is certainly a compelling setup that I'd love to see explored further.)

There were a few aspects of the trilogy that were well done. Genya's arc was beautiful and Daisy Head SLAYED (best acting this season alongside Ben Barnes and Freddy Carter). Nikolai was pretty much perfect, as were Tamar and Tolya. Zoya, my favorite bitch, was given a tiny bit more screentime, which is a win in my book. On the Crows' side, Wylan's introduction and Nina's incorporation into the group were both great. The cast has always been this show's strongest part for me and it's genuinely incredible how perfectly everyone embodies their characters. I just wish the Crows' arc had been done better and that they hadn't blown every impactful emotional beat from the books so willy-nilly, and I wish we'd spent more time exploring Alina's mindset and her connection with the Darkling.

Overall, this was kind of a mess, but there was some good stuff in there and the cast really delivered for me. The main reason why I still want a season 3 (though we all know how cancellation-happy Netflix is) is because the actors are just an amazing bunch and I love watching them, even if the writing and the story leave something to be desired. I'm curious to see how they would proceed with adapting the book material now that they've majorly changed the S&B ending. At this point, I basically approach the show like I'd approach a fanfic, and that way, I actually had a pretty good time watching this season, especially with friends who are not book readers. As long as you can separate the book canon from the show canon and don't expect a word-for-word adaptation, it's a fun ride. It could've been improved with some better writing and cramming less stuff in there, though.

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@samtasia The characters are really the best part! I genuinely think most of the problems with the story come from the fact that the showrunners were so afraid of cancellation that they decided to throw all the important book moments in there just so fans could see them on screen - which is a problem because you need the actual build-up from the books for these moments to have proper impact. As it is, the story just feels all over the place.

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Shadow and Bone: 1x05 Show Me Who You Are

What I don't get is why Kirigan's mother waited until the very last second to tell Alina the truth about him... They spent weeks training together, I'm sure she had plenty of opportunities to come forward but instead she kept quiet until Alina was halfway to Boneville with the guy smh. I'm kind of disappointed because I find Alina and Mal as love interests really boring (I just don't vibe with childhood friends-to-lovers stories at all). Right now the Crows are the only thing keeping me watching.

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@inspecthor I'm reading the books right now (halfway through siege and storm atm) and I have to say, it is a lot better explained in the books. I understand it now. But even in the source material they never quite say why Baghra is allowed around Alina in the first place if the Darkling's goal was to keep her weak until he could slap a collar on her. You'd think a dude like him would have imprisoned Baghra somewhere so she doesn't mess up his plans or spill his secrets.

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Shout by Priest24

People actually thought that was Naomi Scott singing?

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@priest24 Obviously it was her singing, what are you even talking about? She's a stunning singer, there's a lot of her performances you can find on youtube. This is her voice. No question about it. They specifically looked for an actress who could sing and Naomi is classically trained. She's been singing from a young age, was in a church choir and has released two EPs. I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to insinuate here.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 2x12 Postpartum
Fringe: 3x09 Marionette

Shout by JasperKazai

I know Olivia is distraught, but nothing about her speech at the end makes sense. "Why couldn't you see?" Well, because the two situations are not comparable at all. She was literally an Olivia, and this is a reanimated zombie you are comparing to. Peter didn't need to 'hold onto' a piece of Olivia in his mind, because as far as anyone knew, she was there with him the whole time. You don't need to cling to anything when you think you're all ok and doing fine. Olivia said herself that everyone on the other side thought she was Fauxlivia. So why is the reverse being true some terrible notion?
Also, I know the answer is that it was for the creep factor, but why exactly did the weirdo guy do the whole marionette routine when he knew was going to reanimate her? What a waste of time.

Fringe would be a much better show if it stopped sidetracking with these weird creepy nonsense episodes, and instead focused on the main plot. But that's what happens when you have to stretch to fill a 20-episode season instead of 10-12 or whatever.

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@jasperkazai But also the fact that everyone thought Olivia was Fauxlivia on the other side isn’t comparable to everyone buying Fauxlivia’s impersonation on this side. Olivia had her doppelgänger’s memories implanted, all of her knowledge, her personality, etc. Even though it didn’t take long for her true memories to resurface, she still had all the tools in her mind to pull off an act. Fauxlivia had none of that, just some files and video tapes. I understand that Peter wanted to believe she was the real Olivia, but the fact that he noticed all these changes in her personality and didn’t question them was just plain stupid.

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Fringe: 3x02 The Box

Does no one suspect Olivia is "different"? Her demeanor is very different from the real one (props to Anna Torv).

It's interesting to observe how alternate Olivia seems so happy and carefree, even when compared to other people. Her world might be irrevocably damaged but she seems very happy with all aspects of her life.

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@dtsouza I noticed that too! Anna really killed it, playing two characters isn’t easy and the two Olivias feel so different! Alternate Olivia seems much happier than ours (I guess not losing her mom, not being experimented on as a child etc. will do that to you - possibly no alcoholic stepfather too?), she’s more carefree and quick to joke, but she’s also less kind, more ruthless I guess? Definitely willing to go to lengths that I don’t see our Olivia going to.

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First Kill: 1x05 First Love


Where is my mother?
I ate her
I didn't even know that was possible

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@anzo CINEMATIC MASTERPIECE (tbh I can't tell if that scene was intentionally funny or not. Either way, I couldn't stop laughing)

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Hacks: 2x07 On the Market

What an bonus seeing Caitlin Reilly on my screen at last. Hoping this is the start of something for her! She's hilarious

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@reiko_lj I nearly fell off my couch when I saw Caitlin. A true "Beyoncé?!" moment lmao.

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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

The end of the movie was the very first time I agreed with one of Wanda's actions... Good thing it was her last action too.

  • Christine living to the end was odd. I get WHY it happened, but really? She could at least have closed that last door to the Good!Book.
  • Why dear Xavier had to bite the dust???? Again???? WHY????
  • Stephen finally Let It Go. ("It" being the gorgeous Xtine, that totally deserved the hot husband she got to marry)
  • Zombie!Dr.Strange was Dope.
  • America Chavez is Badass AF.

Can't wait for the next movie!

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@maiahandrade Elizabeth Olsen has apparently signed a new contract with Marvel, so I doubt we've seen the last of Wanda. As the old rule says, no body, no death.

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Doctor Who: Special 209 Legend of the Sea Devils

Chibnall is a hit-and-miss storyteller, but I am going to give him some brownie points for not shying away from Yaz falling in love with Thirteen and vice versa. I never in a million years expected it to actually happen, so the last couple of specials were a pleasant surprise. I really liked the scene on the beach (callback to TenRose?). It felt very Broadchurch-y to me, which is a good thing.

That "coming soon" preview at the end of the episode really hit me in the feels. Perhaps I'm in the minority (but then again, my favorite Doctor/companion duo is Twelve and Clara, so maybe I'm just cursed to always have unpopular opinions when it comes to this show), but I will miss Jodie dearly. I really love her Doctor. I'm sure I'll like whoever replaces her, but I expect there will be lots of ugly crying on my part when it's time to say goodbye to her.

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@morphinapg true, tenrose got a lot of couply moments during their time together, but they never really talked about their feelings in a straightforward manner (at least not that i can remember) until the beach. Yaz and Thirteen could've had more development for sure, but i liked that unlike most doctor who pairings they actually got to discuss their feelings and that Thirteen was transparent about how she felt cause her previous incarnations rarely got to be so honest

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Doctor Who: Special 209 Legend of the Sea Devils

Chibnall is a hit-and-miss storyteller, but I am going to give him some brownie points for not shying away from Yaz falling in love with Thirteen and vice versa. I never in a million years expected it to actually happen, so the last couple of specials were a pleasant surprise. I really liked the scene on the beach (callback to TenRose?). It felt very Broadchurch-y to me, which is a good thing.

That "coming soon" preview at the end of the episode really hit me in the feels. Perhaps I'm in the minority (but then again, my favorite Doctor/companion duo is Twelve and Clara, so maybe I'm just cursed to always have unpopular opinions when it comes to this show), but I will miss Jodie dearly. I really love her Doctor. I'm sure I'll like whoever replaces her, but I expect there will be lots of ugly crying on my part when it's time to say goodbye to her.

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@morphinapg honestly i do wish they had explored it earlier, but it is consistent with the previous doctor/companion romances (rose didn't get to say i love you to ten until after they were separated, clara and twelve only got to have a conversation after she died - still bitter that convo happened off-screen). There's never enough time, it always runs out too quickly, just like thirteen said in this ep. Those relationships are doomed from the start. Ngl the inherent tragedy of it all has me weak

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Bridgerton: 2x04 Victory

"i know what i must do" - said every man, about to do something without actually thinking about any of the consequences

i want to give edwina a hug

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@birdcages i love the reactions of all the Bridgertons in the background while Anthony is proposing, Daphne and Violet are flabbergasted and even Gregory is like "what is he doing" lmao

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Bridgerton: 2x03 A Bee in Your Bonnet

lmao my girlie Daphne KNOWS

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@stylialou clocked them in 2 seconds flat lmao, when she thought Kate was Edwina? Unhinged

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Downton Abbey: 6x08 Episode 8

Tom is right, Mary is a bully.I wish i liked her but over the seasons she became more hateful.
I may be alone in this, but i prefer Edith. She's kind and not a snob like Mary.

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@khawlah Please tell me what Mary owed to Anna when she saved her from a miscarriage, or visited her in prison, or went with her to Bates' trial. Or what she owed to Barrow when she visited him in this episode. Or what she owed to Mrs Hughes when she helped her get a nice outfit for her wedding day. Or to Lavinia when she didn't spill her secrets to Matthew, or to Rose when she helped her cover for her father-in-law. And while we're on the subject, I would love for someone to enlighten me why Edith is considered the kind one when she's never seen helping anyone because her storyline always revolves completely around her. I especially can't see how she can be considered kind after the ordeal with the Drewes and what she put them through. Edith sucks and wishes she had half of Mary's moral spine. At least Mary didn't get engaged to Matthew without telling him the truth about her past indiscretions.

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Schitt's Creek: 5x04 The Dress

[7.1/10] Another strange mixed bag of an episode. This one was kind of the reverse, where there were a lot of weird, not very interesting beginnings and middles, but pleasant endings.

The one exception is the David/Stevie storyline. I’m not sure this show has ever done a bad pairing between these two, or at least one that wasn’t made better by their being paired up, and this was no exception. Stevie practically inveigling David into watching her back during a meet-up with Amir in Elm Valley is a fun movie from the surprisingly sincere master of snark. Him initially calling it an abduction, lifting her spirits when she thinks she’s been stood up, and being totally understanding when Amir does show up is a great tribute to him holding up his end of the bargain in their friendship. Plus, Stevive and Amir continue to have a very cute dynamic, and David getting drunk on polar bear shots and getting deep into a Mariah Carey karaoke run is delightful. This one is a pure winner, and I greatly enjoyed it.

If only I could say the same about the other two storylines. Johnny wanting to be frugal given mounting expenses while Moira is making extravagant purchases and Roland is giving him a hard time feels like one of those strange broad 90s subplots the show indulges in from time to time. There were basically no laughs to it, and the whole thing was very cheap seats comedy. That said, I really liked the tag, with Moira getting the message and hoping for better days, but agreeing that the time is right, and Johnny being enchanted by her in her dress. It’s a nice ending for a bad storyline.

(Though I will say that it’s interesting that Moira is now seemingly the only member of the Roses who still yearns to get out of Schitt’s Creek and voices as much.)

Last but not least, the Alexis/Ted storyline was much the same as the Johnny/frugality storyline. Ted wanting Alexis to think he was a heartbreaker when they weren’t together is a strange plot to begin with, and the bits with Shannon, his assistant, and trying to show Alexis other text message conversations is just really weird. That said, it ends nicely with Alexis affirming that she wants him for him, and thinks he’s better than any “Casanova J. Heartbreaker”, which is at least a sweet note to go out on.

Overall, you could cut this one down to just the Stevie/David storyline and only watch the last scenes for the others, and you’d end up with a much better episode.

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@andrewbloom What I liked about Alexis and Ted's storyline is that it avoided the super cliche story of Alexis getting jealous and passive aggressive with Shannon. The fact that she actually struck a friendship with her and seemed more amused than anything about Ted and Shannon's fling is something that I feel like I don't see often - these kinds of storylines are usually all about women being catty with each other, so I actually found it really refreshing that this wasn't the case.

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A Discovery of Witches: 2x02 Episode 2

Shout by Tagouga

The episode feels rushed, many characters are introduced but nothing really fully explored. I haven't read the books so I am not sure how much more details it has but for example, the alchemist scene was very quick and I failed to really understand it. How/what caused the snake to come alive?

I am glad Diana got accepted into the witches' covent, it would be interesting to see her full abilities. As for Sato, how do we know she is also special? Was it something specific that was shown in the previous season?

On the other hand, while everything seems to be working for Diana, it is not the case for Matthew who came back a different man and is having trouble fitting into his old role.

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@tago1987 Diana brought the snake to life without meaning to. Later she also caused a chick to hatch out of a (presumably) unfertilized egg. It was meant to showcase her power and what she's capable of, at least thats how I understand it.

Back in season 1 the witch that Gerbert kept in his thrall (Meridiana) said "thank you, weaver" to Satu when she was finally released, so that's how she knew.

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His Dark Materials: 2x04 Tower of the Angels

At the end of one of the previous episodes we saw a Spectre rising behind Will. What happened to that?

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@atlantis14 Will isn't an adult yet, but close to it, so I guess Spectres are drawn to him but can't take him yet.

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Euphoria: Special 1 Trouble Don't Last Always

my dudes, i'm not gonna lie, it felt like 50 minutes of free therapy (well, almost free)

loved it. (also, why is the date on trakt set on december 7, did I have a whole ass trip and imagined the first part?)

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@carolajn On Wikipedia it says this was released on HBO Max ahead of the television premiere, which will be tomorrow. I'm assuming Trakt considers the TV air date as official premiere date :)

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