His Dark Materials: Season 1

Question: if The Golden Compass was a box office disaster and did not have therefore continuation; What does it mean to make a whole series of the novel on which it was based? Does it contribute something new to nonsense size? At the moment I will give it a chance although it does not look good after seeing the first chapter.

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@franat other things contributed to the film's disaster other than the quality of the source material (which is actually really good and has been successful both in sales and in critics). The series is a new attempt at adapting a good story, this time, hopefully, in the right way. Let's see if they manage.

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UnREAL: Season 4

I am glad they cancelled this show. This season was repetitive, and everyone was just so out of character... It's a shame to finish like this.

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@paosv I agree so much. It was a shame what they did to Rachel after how she ended last season, it made no sense. It's like nothing happened to her and she kept being the same person over and over.

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Sense8: Season 2

Shout by Alex

This season has only 10 episodes. The episode that you list as "season 2 episode 1" is, in fact, the Christmas Special.
Could you please correct the listing?

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@alexeiei actually, Netflix lists the Christmas Special as 2x01. It's correct. Take a look there.

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