
16 Followers3 Following

Bangalore, India


Wow, just when I thought they couldn't do worse than Season 5, that's exactly what they did. Season 6 was terrible and I can't believe what they did to this show.

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Twin Peaks

One of the greatest shows ever :D

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There is nothing out there which is as good as this show. Not to be missed. Highly Recommended.

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This is not the kind of show where you expect strong story or logic. Just sit back and enjoy the crazy ride. It's a blast to watch Banshee. Can't wait for Season 2.

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The IT Crowd

Oh man, this show is freakin hilarious. :D

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It's amazing what they managed to do in just 2 short seasons. brilliant performances and terrific writing. This is a must watch.

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Welcome to Sweden

The show is funny and entertaining, sure, but Bruce is so unlikeable. He comes off as a douchebag and sometimes makes a complete fool out of himself. I cannot help but wonder what does Emma sees in him?

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The premise of the show is ridiculous. Watched it only for Gillian Anderson and Mark Valley (his short lived show 'Human Target' is so underrated which was like an action movie every week.) But it was still solid fun. If you don't nitpick and look for logic, you'll find it entertaining. The kidnapper is intelligent and thankfully the feds were also capable unlike on shows like 'The Following'. It does end on a cliffhanger but they do wrap up the season arc.

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Gang Related

A pretty good guilty pleasure watch. The show gets so much better with the final six episodes. Hope there is a season 2.

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Do No Harm

This is fairly entertaining show. Too bad they axed it just after 2 episodes. I am glad at least they're airing the rest of the episodes now.

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Wow, where do I even begin? This show was such a train wreck right from the Pilot. The basic premise is old wine in a new bottle. A kid has supernatural powers and of course the "bad guys" want to exploit her abilities and weaponise her and the "good guys" try to protect her and keep her safe. With the talent behind the camera, I was hoping there would be something new. By the end of episode 3, I couldn't believe what I was watching. By then it had derailed into unintentionally hilarious territory from being something promising during the early part of Pilot.

The only reason why I even wanted to watch the show was Alfonso Cuaron and Kyle MacLachlan. As a fan of 'Twin Peaks' and the character of 'Dale Cooper' which I feel is one of the greatest characters on TV of all time, I just wanted to see Kyle on TV again. But alas, he was wasted in a poorly written character.

Among the performances, Johnny Sequoyah was so good as Bo Adams. She really surprised me. I hope she joins a new show soon. Jake McLaughlin was awful initially but he did improve as the show progressed. Delroy Lindo was also great as Dr. Milton Winter.

I had no idea about all the drama happened behind the scenes like co-creator Mark Friedman left the show and the EP Dave Erickson who took over also left the show few months later and the production went on a month long hiatus. All this even before the show premiered. No wonder the show turned out the way it did.

I still enjoyed the ride as a ”it's so bad, it's good” kind of show. Thankfully they do wrap up the storylines and there’s no major cliffhanger. You could totally have a drinking game while watching this. Do a shot every time a character says "believe'. I am sure you would be pretty wasted by the end of every episode.

PS: The episode 'Perception' was originally supposed to be episode 7. Just in case if someone still wants to watch this.

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The Last Ship

A fun and entertaining show as long you don't take or analyze it way too seriously. Looking forward to Season 2.

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The Unusuals

I know people would be like, "dude, not another procedural" when they hear about this show. But fear not, this one is different. It perfectly balances the humour and dramatic moments which makes for an entertaining watch thanks to the great cast and hilarious one liners. With just 10 episodes, it wouldn't take much of your time either. Watch it. It's a shame it got cancelled after just one season.

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The Leftovers

The writing and performances were top notch. The choice of songs were brilliant as well. The score by Max Richter is terrific which is a huge plus. The show is about how the characters are dealing with the unexplainable tragedy rather than how it happened or why. So if you're interested only in how or why, then you'll be disappointed or even frustrated. If you want a character driven show and watch how these people are doing, you'll love this. Easily the best new drama of this year IMO. So glad it's coming back next year.

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'Tyrant' has an interesting storyline, but the execution leaves a lot to be desired. It's so poorly written but have to admit it somewhat improved in the last 3 episodes. Adam Rayner was so wooden throughout although this does work to his advantage in the final episodes considering what he's planning. It is Ashraf Barhom and Moran Atias who plays 'Jamal' and 'Leila' respectively who steals the show with terrific performances.

With such poor ratings and very expensive to produce the show, I wonder if there's going to be a Season 2. But if it did come back, I hope they hire a better writing team this time. It has potential to be a good show if they can get it right.

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The Following

Easily the worst show I have seen in a long time. Gave up after 6 episodes. Couldn't tolerate it anymore.

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This movie is so funny. Can't understand the low rating. Very underrated. Highly recommended. Watch it!

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Worth a watch just for the creepy atmosphere, suspense, great camera work and killer soundtrack.

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They Came Together

While not a complete disaster, this was certainly disappointing considering the cast/writers involved who are capable of making so much better than this. There are some very funny moments which are scattered through out the film and even at just 83 mins, it felt way too long. I kept looking at my watch couple of times. This would have worked much better as an episode on a sitcom or something.

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Jathi Ratnalu

One of the funniest movie of the year. Not to be missed.

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Marvel One-Shot: Agent Carter

A pretty cool and well made short which now can be considered as a Prologue for the upcoming 'Agent Carter' TV show. This one is easily my favourite among the five Marvel One-Shots. Can't wait for the show.

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TERRIBLE. I don't know why Anna Kendrick and Craig Robinson agreed to be part of this.

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Upside Down

Except the fantastic visuals, there is nothing else to say. Meh

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It's Kangana's show all the way. She gives one of her finest performance here. Worth watching just for her alone.

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One of the best thrillers in a long time. Highly recommended.

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Liberal Arts

Like 1treehillbilly said, people who can relate to this will certainly appreciate this movie. Others might probably be disappointed or even bored depending on the kind of movies they like.

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Rust and Bone

I thought the basic plot was interesting. But, I expected more coz of the fantastic trailer and the buzz it created in festivals. A flawed, but worth a watch just for Marion Cotillard's brilliant performance.

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Oh man, this was awful. Duh

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