In Treatment: 2x33 Episode 33

Se continuiamo ad aspettare qualcosa che non arriva mai, smetteremo di aspettare. E poi alla fine non resta altro che la solitudine. È più facile stare da soli.

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The Real O'Neals

Shout by Astrix
BlockedParent2019-04-20T11:21:21Z— updated 2021-05-27T20:47:25Z

After watching the entire season 2 I can tell this show was a total waste of time! I had such high expectations about it but they failed! Scripts were weak, the overall story was promising at first, then as the episodes went on screenwriters didn't develop any credible portrait of the main character or the entire family... Such a shame!

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Homeland: 7x06 Species Jump

finally our loving twists are back!

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The Big Bang Theory

Ok, i don't get how is it that this show is so appreciated... I tried I tried and I tried 8 times (i saw the first 8 eps before this comment) to make me like it but I still think that TBBT is nothing more than just barely sufficient :/

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I tried I tried I tried to like this show but I couldn't! I've watched first three eps and it was awful! Inconsistent, with no integrity. Even the main actor is supposed to be hot, but he's just pleasant, at most.

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The Detour: 1x01 The Pilot

so la la, they say auf Deutsch! not bad, not a masterpiece. Just something you can enjoy in 20 minutes.

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The Affair: 2x09 209

how to get rid of curses?

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Room 104: 1x06 Voyeurs

i get that the writers and the producers want to show here how alternative and cool and 'ahead' they are, but this is too much for me! :/ this could've been a brilliant 10 minutes-long music video, but this is a NO! This is a damn tv show!

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In Treatment: 2x24 Episode 24

la sensibilità a volte costringe a difendersi con forza

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In Treatment: 2x23 Episode 23

le cose che ci fanno sentire protetti sono quelle che ci imprigionano.

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In Treatment: 2x19 Episode 19

i definitely don't like this actress girl :/

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Westworld: 2x09 Vanishing Point

i think what this show lacks the most is the ability of its characters to create empathy with their audience. i really can't help it, but I think that almost all the characters in Westworld are cold (one could say: "of course, they're robots!" but it's not just that) I'm not compelled to say: "let me see how things end up here" 'cause i don't care about the characters and for a series this is lethal! Furthermore, the endless brain teaser are more and more unbearable as the show goes on!

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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

This movie is just nonsense! Too bad to see two major superheroes wasted for such... thing! It lacks of integrity, the plot is inconsistent!

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Chance: 1x05 A Still Point in the Turning World

what value is money, or even life, without love?

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The Good Place

I would use just one word to describe this show: delicious!

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The Strain: 4x06 Tainted Love

"People lie and cheat. They take and take from you until all you feel is empty and hollow" #truestory

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The Strain: 4x05 Belly of the Beast

Shout by Astrix

The final solution: the parallelism with Nazism and WW2 continues.

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Devious Maids: 2x10 Long Day's Journey Into Night

"I found out that most mothers don't belittle their own children. For a long time, I thought there was something wrong with me, that I deserved cruelty".

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The Strain: 4x01 The Worm Turns

very Walking Dead effect... I guess this will be a leit motiv in s4.

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Prison Break: Season 5

Shout by Astrix
BlockedParent2017-11-05T18:22:51Z— updated 2018-01-20T18:56:54Z

It has been such a disappointment to see a great show like this almost humiliated by this comeback! 5th season is inconsistent and not even half as good as the 1st one! Ok, I'll grant you that the further seasons (second, third and fourth) took a wrong turn already in the previous years, yet this one has been the worst season of them all! I wonder why ruin a good memory of what used to be a glorious show :/

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The Knick: Season 1

I loved season 1! Looking forward for season 2!

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In Treatment: 2x18 Episode 18

Thinking that you can't affect what happens in your life is a way to protect yourself from pain and escape responsibility.

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Game of Thrones: 2x09 Blackwater

this is the dance of the war!

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Lucifer: 1x01 Pilot

Really disappointed. I expected so much more from this show. Pretty trivial.

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The Mist: 1x08 The Law of Nature

finally a good twist! Adrian you saved the episode!

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Legion: 1x05 Chapter 5

Who teaches us to be normal when we're one of a kind?

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The Knick: 1x01 Method and Madness

usually pilots leave me unsatisfied, not this one! one of the best pilots watched in the last years! Vote: 9/10

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Shadow of Fear

Stalking is a serious thing and the way it's depicted here is disrespectful for all the victims.

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Legion: 1x04 Chapter 4

all right, let's get stoned again :P

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Prison Break: 5x01 Ogygia

this reboot is nothing like the original series, though the last seasons of the first air were bad enough already.

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