



Reply by Astrix

Does anyone know where to get English subtitles for the second season?

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@erwinbrown try this and its Telegram channel "QueerFlicks"

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The White Lotus

My girlfriend loved this and I still can't wrap my head around why

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@foxymulder maybe because of Theo James XD

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Dear Edward: 1x09 Paper Covers Rock
  • The survivor syndrome summarized in one sentence: it is because .. paper covers rock.

  • Those letters were insane. Yikes!

  • I am glad Dee Dee finally told her daughter the truth. That girl really needed to hear the it, Zoe is such a spoiled brat.

  • They really are failing Edward, why is the aunt getting help but not the kid that survived the crash? Like the loved ones of all the other victims have group grief therapy but Edward, an actual survivor, has nothing.

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@cutecruel Edward getting no grief therapy is total nonsense.

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Good story that keeps you engrossed... until the last episode where everything goes pear shaped and anti climatic.
Stupid ending with more loose ends that answers. Completely unbelievable scenario.
First 7 episodes 8/10
Last episode 2/10

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@speeddemon you were too kind saying that the problem was just the last episode... To me, it was the opposite: just the first one was ok, then there was nothing!

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Season one not worth the watch imo

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@sealy_boy one and only luckily

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so, so bland. a HUGE waste of time.

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@smallkindnessesmp3 i couldn't agree more...

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The Big Bang Theory: 1x08 The Grasshopper Experiment

This is the last chance i give to this show...

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@y2jin99 maybe you forgot that season 1 wasn't as good as season 2, 3 and so on.

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The Big Bang Theory: 1x08 The Grasshopper Experiment

This is the last chance i give to this show...

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@astrix to people who agreed with me I can only suggest to keep watching, it gets better and you'll get addicted to Sheldon XD

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Young Sheldon

Dead man walking. I see it getting cancelled halfthrough the season.

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@amlugiel oh yeah, you were so right! XD

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Selena Gomez: My Mind & Me

I watched it out of curiosity. I love the director's Truth or Dare documentary. This felt too slick compared to that one. Like the standard pop doc

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@the_argentinian I completely agree with you.

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When They See Us: Season 1

Ava DuVernay has got the delicate touch of an elephant and the level of cheesiness is out of the park. Still, the first two episodes are really, really good, engaging and moving, quite thrilling if you don't already know how it went. Episode three is really the worst one, too much easy melodrama and really schematic in its structure. It gets a bit better in the final episode, thanks to the "prison drama" approach. Overall, it's an interesting and important series for sure but I think I would have preferred a different approach. Maybe it's just that I don't like DuVernay.

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@giopep i agree with you when you say that the 3rd episode was the worst, the 4th instead was so powerful because of Korey's story. Anyway I don't think DuVernay did a bad job.

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Animal Kingdom: 5x10 Relentless

The young Billy was a good choice. He looks like that the old Billy.

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@bnikolka totally agree with you.

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Queer as Folk: 1x01 Babylon

Wow, this was better than i expected, the cast is amazing, very diverse in comparison to the original us version, they kept the basics and put a lot of heart in it on the first episode, i hope it keeps its soul on the next episodes, im already a fan of this remake, also i already cried watching this episode, it was a good start.

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@ponderism that's exactly what I think.

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When We Rise: Special 6 Part V

I absolutely love this mini series with my entire being but the effect of putting him in the historical videos was not super well done :joy:

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@mellon11 I agree with you Mel

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When We Rise: Special 6 Part V

I absolutely love this mini series with my entire being but the effect of putting him in the historical videos was not super well done :joy:

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@mellon11 I agree with you Mel

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Wolf Like Me: Season 1

I think it was a mistake to show Mary as the werewolf in the final episode. It was much more compelling to simply hear the sounds and see the reactions of the characters. Overall, I think it's worth watching.

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@eyesonlybob totally agree, since the "special effects" weren't so special...

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There's Something About Mario

Why are there so many european films about gay men who suddenly realise they're in love with a woman? It makes no sense at all. This is terrible representation of the LGBT community and really sets us back. It really harkens back to a time when straight people thought being gay was a choice, when they thought it was a phase, or when they thought gay men just needed to meet the right girl and they would be straight. Portrayals of gay men like this is harmful. This film has no place in 2021.

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@darksilver This isn't European, this movie was made in Brazil.

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The Big Bang Theory: 1x08 The Grasshopper Experiment

This is the last chance i give to this show...

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@y2jin99 I watched Young Sheldon some time later and I fell in love with the main character, so I decided to watch TBBT again and I can say 2nd season was definitely better than the first one IMHO.

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The Real O'Neals: Season 2

Season 1 was mildly entertaining, but Season 2 digressed into a wasted opportunity. Could've been a humour-infused portrayal of coming-out during teen years, but instead turned into a homogenized collection of generic gay portrayal. Throw a gay, transgender, and transvestite into a blender to create a single character... sprinkle a lesbian on top, and you have The Real O'Neals. Would like to see Netflix do their version of a similar show ;-)

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@chaztv I couldn't agree more! You used my words!

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The Golden Glove

I'm not going to say I liked it because I think it's impossible to like or enjoy a film like this. What I will say it's incredibly done, and it does the job extremely well.

This is exactly how I imagine the sickest serial killers living their lives. It feels authentic; so authentic I even forgot I was watching a movie. Nauseating, disturbing, shocking, and brutal right from the start, and then it gets worse from there.

It's not for everyone, to say the very least. But if you have the stomach for this kind of shock-horror film and you're interested in the absolute madness of serial killers, this film is worth watching. Just once.

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@ohmcgb couldn't agree more

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The Politician: 1x01 Pilot

Meh... Feels kinda flat and too Ryan Murphy-ish, but it gets better, because it feels so much potential is there.

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@bogdangastin exactly! All his shows have this unmistakable style! When I started to watch the show I didn't know he was behind it, but then it became way too obvious!

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Animal Kingdom: 4x09 SHTF

Ilove this show,one of the best in the last few years...long may it continue!

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@kingy72 totally agree! And it's getting better and better!

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SMILF: 2x10 Single Mom Is Looking (for) Family

Well. That happened.
The second season was kinda pointless and I understand why there won't be more.

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@onlime totally agree. It never was a WOW show to me, yet It still got some points in S1... More seasons sure were unnecessary

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The Mist: 1x08 The Law of Nature

finally a good twist! Adrian you saved the episode!

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@soundscream well... yeah! 'The mist' is a waste anyway ;)

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The Big Bang Theory: 1x08 The Grasshopper Experiment

This is the last chance i give to this show...

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@hsaakairo this was the last one, like I wrote. Sitcoms are not my genre, yet I gave this a try since TBBT was so acclaimed.

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Devious Maids

I love this show. It brings back that old Desperate Housewives magic that I loved. The mix between murderous mystery and humor. I'd say Rebecca Wisocky alone is already reason enough to start watching this show, her character Evelyn Powell is a real treat that cracks you up but is also unexpected complex.

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@marinka678 I do totally agree with you! Unfortunately no other shows have this kind of magic that so far only DH and DM share!

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The Mist: 1x08 The Law of Nature

finally a good twist! Adrian you saved the episode!

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@jensequel yeah, I mean: compared to the dullness of the entire episode, at least this was something! :)

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Legion: Season 1

Reply by Astrix

Half genius and half infuriating, I guess that means it must meet in the middle somewhere? But that doesn't work, because there's nothing about Legion that's average. The visuals and aesthetic are unquestionably the draw here, and numerous moments have been burned into my memory. It's a show that's trying to reach for something further away, combining styles, music and moods to take you on a trip - and unfortunately it sometimes falters.

It may be enough for some people, but I watch shows for the story and the characters, and Legion almost never delivers in those aspects, to the point where I wanted to scream. David does carry the show quite well and is a very sympathetic character, but the focus on his broken mind means that we don't get to know much of him at all. All we see is the torture that the Shadow King has brought upon him. The other characters are a very mixed bag, some of whom caused me to almost hit the fast-forward button whenever they came of screen.

Legion would rather have a character perform an interpretive dance than deliver a compelling narrative. It would rather insert a slow motion sequence than give us exciting action. It's chosen style over substance, and while I have to admit that it's a choice that was made with a hell of a lot of statement and reason behind it, it's always going to make something a difficult watch (for me, at least).

To be very clear, I am quite in awe of the way the show looks. There were moments in episode 7 where everything came together in an incredibly effective manner. It's just such a double-edged sword. There were two-and-a-half episodes that were spent trapped in the same moment, and that is just ridiculous. The show is in no hurry to move, and by doing that it's not holding my attention. I don't care about most of these characters, in fact I actively dislike a number of them. I don't want beat poetry, I want a reason to come back each episode. I don't know anything about these people, there was no growth across the season. Everyone is so concerned with David that they have no motivations of their own.

So, let's finish up where the show absolutely shines: Aubrey Plaza. Wow. THERE is the reason to keep coming back. She's always been an entertaining actress, but here she's mesmerising and terrifying and fun and sexy and horrific. All the best moments of the show involved her.

I like Legion but I don't love it. The show is obviously not going to change its style as it goes on and I do want to keep watching, so I can see a struggle ahead. Season 1's end sets things up for a new direction but I can't say it was all that compelling. Most of the season is spent thinking, "what the hell is going on?" and when answers come it feels like the show just wants to try and do something to confuse you more. Season 2 would do best to avoid repeating that.

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@lefthandedguitarist totally agree with you!

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Prison Break: 5x01 Ogygia

And you thought this series gone bad since S02. Seems like disaster is just yet to see.

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@hanyuu sadly, I have to agree!

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Once Upon a Time: 5x23 An Untold Story

The best episode of Season five! What a twist at the end!

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@zozitdat I totally and definitely agree

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