


Real Time with Bill Maher: 19x09 Episode 559

This has to be one of the most aggravating episodes to watch. I mean Jesus Christ! let someone finish their thought. I got a headache...

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@kasgs3 And you have 2 plays of it. Watched it a second time! :smile:

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The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley

Good documentary about an unusual and fascinating person, and the strange rise and fall of Theranos. But it felt incomplete. I want to know more about how everything played out at the end. And to dig more into the technology and see if any of it was real.

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@staircar There is nothing complex. It was a scam. She thought with her big eyes she could hypnotize people.

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Waiting for the Barbarians

A very important film, a very saddening story. I still wonder why the girl cried ("not about what they did to her")...?

This may at the surface be a period piece, but anyone who's watched, "Democracy Now!" for any length of time knows torture is not about gaining actionable intelligence, it has historically been used to gain false confession. And, the military industrial complex seeks ever widening scope and funding. So, this is a story book to illustrate how those elements play against the human, "costs," or, how we create seven terrorists for every one that we kill. That that fact is know, but not commonly told (and never plays into the formation of policy) is proof that we (the U.S.) have been and continue to be on the wrong side of history.

Thinly veiled? No...illustrative.

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@vwfringe Maybe because she was not with her people. And he was noble at the end.

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A Teacher: 1x03 Episode 3

This warning that come out after every episode that if someone needs help he should visit sort of a website.. Yeah Claire and Erik definitely should go.

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@aya-bakr It's the only annoying part of the show and completely ridiculous. It's like putting a warning in a cop show, if you are shot at, call the police!

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His Dark Materials: 2x04 Tower of the Angels

At the end of one of the previous episodes we saw a Spectre rising behind Will. What happened to that?

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@aniela-krajewska Yes but they didn't show what happens. It was like a cliffhanger.

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The Undoing: 1x05 Trial By Fury

The scenes in the trial are beyond ridiculous. The lawyer is testifying, and the police detective witness just speaks freely when not even asked a question. And that’s because the defense lawyer isn’t bothering to actually ask questions! And nobody on the prosecution objected to the fact that actual questions aren’t being asked and answered, unlike any trial I’ve ever seen.

Would it have been so difficult to get some trial attorneys to look this over and help them make it look like an actual trial?

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@linrey What bothered me was when they showed in a split second the dead body pictures without warning. Especially with the kid there. Naturally they would say please be careful I'm going to show graphic pictures.

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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: 7x28 Trump & the Coronavirus and William Barr

Tomorrow (or in 3 weeks) we’ll know if Trump’s being re-elected (or just says so) which is going to be the downfall of the USA. I still don’t get why so many Americans don’t see that, but well I’m from Germany - 87 years ago we had the beginning of our own. So who am I to judge :man_shrugging_tone2:

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Bad news. He was re-elected! :smile:

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Knight of Cups

What a pointless waste of time and money this movie is the worst I've seen in a long time. switched of after i wasted 30minutes waiting for something interesting and entertaining to happen. avoid like the plague

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@crazymazey You lost the naked lady!

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Am I the only one that thinks this movie f'ing sucks balls. Didn't like this at all

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@michaelmolina7 No you are not alone.

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San Andreas

I honestly tried to like this movie, mostly because of its great cast. But I couldn't stand their shallow motivations, egocentric attitude and silly, sentimental dialogue, that actually made me hate most of the characters (not to mention the cameos from known stars). What entirely lost me as a viewer and made me feel uncomfortable, was a rescue pilot that flees a disaster zone to fly to a far away location to rescue his daughter. I'm a medical professional and I have been a first responder in several critical situations, and I just can say that I truly hated The Rock's character so much after that stunt. After that, I couldn't enjoy the movie, despite the CGI, that I felt as outstanding. DON'T MAKE A FIRST RESPONDER THAT FAILS TO STICK TO ETHICS AND RULES YOUR MAIN CHARACTER. It's such an insult. If you disagree, I'll remind you whenever you need medical assistance and your paramedic, doctor or nurse has to leave the scene of your accident to check on her/his daughter.

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I agree. That was what I was thinking about. He used the official materials for his own personal use.

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Game of Thrones: 5x06 Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

F...., never been so angry for an episode ending before now..... (Read the book)

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Please explain more what you mean.

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Under the Skin

Shout by Alix Axel

Can anyone tell me what the f**k was this movie about?

Pseudo-girl seduces guys, guys get an erection and then drown. WTF..?!

Who was that partner in crime?
Why were the aliens doing this?
Why did they needed so many human skins?
What was the aliens energetic input (didn't ate and their skin was covered)?

Crappy stupid movie IMO.

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And you give it 7?!!!

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Inside Llewyn Davis

Shout by kirenosslrak

It needed a better ending!

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I totally agree. If it had a better ending, I would have given it 8 stars. I give it 7.

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After Earth

Shout by Deleted

I heard it was bad but I never thought it was this bad.
The acting from Jaden Smith was bad, always so forced. The plot is bad, there are lots of plot holes and some things make no sense.
Probably tomorrow I'll not remember much of what I saw.

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Jaden's acting is real bad. Some people just can't act. You can't force it.

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