The Last of Us: 1x08 When We Are in Need

This was the first bad episode I saw. And it was not just a little bad but very bad, as laughable and bad as an SNL skit. The story is probably good but very badly executed. Everything was so unbelievable. I saw that the director has also directed the next episode, I'm expecting the worst for the finale. Very disappointed.

Ellie discovering the human parts was so bad. The "jail" is right in front of where they make food and chop people? Also they have "accidentally" left a huge human part behind, and not just any part, an ear so it is recognizable? Give me a break.

Ellie instead of waiting to get out and show her true intentions, hurts the bad guy while she is still locked up?!

Nobody knows that they eat people, yet they put the dead bodies some place where it is easily accessible and people can find them?

The way Ellie treated the people the first time she saw them also illogical. And so many other stuff.

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@nxsxs There was also the way the cult leader talked to her and revealed everything. He doesn't know her. Why give out that much information. Oh you are special, you are like me and all that stuff. I just didn't buy it.

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For All Mankind: 4x01 Glasnost

So good to have decent hard science fiction back on the air. Technology on the show has progressed to the point where I can start to see and feel parallels with The Expanse and Mass Effect (minus the aliens... far). The visuals have also really gone up another level. The wide shots of them towing the asteroid are incredible!

I also missed the Soviet political intrigue. Now that The Americans is finished, it's a good way to keep myself from making the mistake of rewatching all of that again. Not because it's bad, but because I won't be able to stop. My backlog of stuff I haven't watched would put a curse on me.

Strong start, no time wasted. A much better start than teen angst and love triangles in the space hotel. This show really has become the heir apparent to classic Star Trek. Instead of a humanity that drives itself to the brink of extinction and has aliens hold their hands as they learn to travel the stars, humanity saves humanity. A humanity that prevents itself from becoming complacent and keeps feeding the hunger to go further. And we get to watch how, instead of making a perfect utopia, it simply makes the world better one little bit at a time. This is the show that will make future generations look upward and get inspired to be their best selves. And hopefully some of that positive change will affect this version of humanity.

(I always smile when I see the Okudas in the credits. They are good stewards of this show the way they were good stewards of Star Trek. Their respect for the story helps set For All Mankind shoulders above the rest.)

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@aeronmelon I agree, I think this episode was such a huge change in story. To have a bright optimistic fantasy future like Star Trek. This was not the case in the previous seasons.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 2x06 Lost in Translation

I liked the premise of this episode... but the execution was sloppy at best.

First of all Jim Kirk... why does he hang around on Enterprise for hours? Doesn't he have somewhere else to be? And the ending seemed awfully forced when Jim and Uhura were in the bar and all of a sudden Spock joins them... why exactly would he do that? I would have understood if Jim or Spock had played chess and the other one was eager for a challenge... but for Spock to join Uhura and Kirk whom he doesn't know at that point... no, too far-fetched. Also the family drama with Sam... urgh... who cares if Sam thinks his dad might not be as excited about his career in science as he is about Jim's career? Sorry, but I don't need Jim Kirk on this show (especially not one who's as far away from being Kirk as Quinto was from being Spock...

Then there's the resolution about the deuterium aliens... again, I liked the premise... but the ending was way too rushed... it's like they ran out of time. Uhura rushes to the bridge, tells Pike that her hallucinations are actually aliens without any kind of scientific proof... and Pike hurries to destroy a whole station? It's not the resolution itself that bothers me, it's the way it's shown. (And let's just abandon common sense in that apparently there's no big manual emergency button to stop the station from collecting deuterium or just some way to cut the power to the system other than destroying the whole station...)´

Anyway, it's back to rather mediocre episodes - or poorly executed plots, to be more precise. The ideas are there.

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@nicky2910 Yes the way they destroyed the station was really bad. The first person says something they say ok destroy everything in minutes without thinking.

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Futurama: 8x01 The Impossible Stream

Welcome Back, Gang. It's been a long 10 years for us.
Plus, how many shows an brag about being cancelled 2 twice and still get a come back.....

As for this first episode - it was amazing. Sure, there were plenty of meta jokes - but they had the same thing when they came back on Comedy Central. And let's face it- many of these animated shows like to poke fun of their parent networks.

What I found highly amusing is that Bender, a Robot with A.I. was responsible for the writing of the show on Fulu. The very thing that the current WGA strike is against - A.I. written shows/ series. But then again, it's Bender. So that A.I. is drowning in booze and hookers

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@psiqueue I'm wondering if the episode was done before all this.

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His Dark Materials: 3x04 Lyra and Her Death

Lyra is getting more annoying each episode.

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@nochickencurry86 And how on earth Will was able to go? They said only one who has seen her death could go.

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The Mandalorian: 3x05 Chapter 21: The Pirate

That homage to Jeremy Bulloch, the original Boba Fett made me tear up a little.

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@xander75 What homage? What did they do?

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That '90s Show: 1x04 Rave

The Ozzie character is so bad.

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@abstractlegend Who's Ozzie? The whole show is bad!

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Golden Globe Awards: 80x01 The 81st Golden Globes Awards

By far the worst host I’ve ever seen in my life. Cringeworthy. Bring back Ricky Gervais!!

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@jonathanlavy Absolutely, he did nothing. Absolutely nothing. There was not even one joke.

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Whose Line Is It Anyway?: 11x08 Gary Anthony Williams 12

Really loving these "cutting room floor" episodes

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@morphinapg And on their youtube videos are uncensored.

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Whose Line Is It Anyway?: 11x08 Gary Anthony Williams 12

Really loving these "cutting room floor" episodes

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@morphinapg I could swear I saw on their youtube channel some of these scenes posted 5 years ago! You say they are different scenes?

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Whose Line Is It Anyway?: 11x01 Jonathan Magnum 12

This is Season 19 Episode 1: Jonathan Mangum 12

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@broknsymetry No, it's not.

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House of the Dragon: 1x06 The Princess and the Queen

This is the first episode that I didn't like very much. Older Rhaenyra (Emma D'Arcy) is nothing like the younger one. It's like we've been introduced to a totally new character.

But the worst thing about the episode to me was Larys. So far he is like a mix of Ramsay and Littlefinger, but without the good writing. He just seems like a total stereotypical villain.

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@milanjfs I totally agree. The new actress is not good and does not have the same presence as the younger version. They miscast.

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Foundation: 1x03 The Mathematician's Ghost

This show is very pretty but all the time jumps and amount of characters is confusing me. Hoping it becomes clearer in time.

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@balazs955 indeed, the jumps are very clear and I'm not a fan of jumps normally but this story is long.

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The Witcher: 1x07 Before a Fall

Okay. So here's the short recap for everyone confused:
Geralt saved Duny, father of Ciri (the hedgehog), by calming Calanthe down. As the price for saving his life he got the Law of Surprise as payment: Whatever's already in Duny's possision without him knowing it, is now Geralt's. Paveta, Ciri's mother, was pregnant at that moment and Duny didn't know about it. Therefore Geralt is destined to be Ciri's foster father. But both Calanthe and Geralt weren't fans and didn't honour the deal. So Destiny got angry and fucked things up for Calanthe and her kingdom by letting Nilfgaard invade Cintra successfully. Geralt knew about Nilfgaard's advances and wanted to save Ciri from it - by doing that he fulfilled the Law of Surprise and took his role as Ciri's foster father seriously. But he was too late. Cintra has fallen, Calanthe killed herself, and Ciri is on the run. There she meet elf kid, wandering into the Brokilon, trusting and following fake Mousesack for some time, before realizing her mistake and running away from Nilfgaard again. They are searching for her, because she has a power that seems to fulfill a prophecy about something End of the World-ish.

As I said again and again before: The books are not really that much more straightforward, maybe even less than the Netflix series. And they are intertwining lore and background only explained in the saga with the short stories of the prequel books, while also fleshing out Yennefer's and Ciri's story. And all of that within 7 episodes.

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@slyazx Still not enough. Now we need pictures to understand these lines.

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Shadow and Bone: 1x05 Show Me Who You Are

What I don't get is why Kirigan's mother waited until the very last second to tell Alina the truth about him... They spent weeks training together, I'm sure she had plenty of opportunities to come forward but instead she kept quiet until Alina was halfway to Boneville with the guy smh. I'm kind of disappointed because I find Alina and Mal as love interests really boring (I just don't vibe with childhood friends-to-lovers stories at all). Right now the Crows are the only thing keeping me watching.

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@aniela-krajewska Yes. It was complete nonsense. Why would Kirigan allow her to spend time with his mom in the first place?

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Real Time with Bill Maher: 19x09 Episode 559

This has to be one of the most aggravating episodes to watch. I mean Jesus Christ! let someone finish their thought. I got a headache...

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@kasgs3 And you have 2 plays of it. Watched it a second time! :smile:

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A Teacher: 1x03 Episode 3

This warning that come out after every episode that if someone needs help he should visit sort of a website.. Yeah Claire and Erik definitely should go.

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@aya-bakr It's the only annoying part of the show and completely ridiculous. It's like putting a warning in a cop show, if you are shot at, call the police!

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His Dark Materials: 2x04 Tower of the Angels

At the end of one of the previous episodes we saw a Spectre rising behind Will. What happened to that?

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@aniela-krajewska Yes but they didn't show what happens. It was like a cliffhanger.

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The Undoing: 1x05 Trial By Fury

The scenes in the trial are beyond ridiculous. The lawyer is testifying, and the police detective witness just speaks freely when not even asked a question. And that’s because the defense lawyer isn’t bothering to actually ask questions! And nobody on the prosecution objected to the fact that actual questions aren’t being asked and answered, unlike any trial I’ve ever seen.

Would it have been so difficult to get some trial attorneys to look this over and help them make it look like an actual trial?

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@linrey What bothered me was when they showed in a split second the dead body pictures without warning. Especially with the kid there. Naturally they would say please be careful I'm going to show graphic pictures.

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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: 7x28 Trump & the Coronavirus and William Barr

Tomorrow (or in 3 weeks) we’ll know if Trump’s being re-elected (or just says so) which is going to be the downfall of the USA. I still don’t get why so many Americans don’t see that, but well I’m from Germany - 87 years ago we had the beginning of our own. So who am I to judge :man_shrugging_tone2:

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Bad news. He was re-elected! :smile:

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Game of Thrones: 5x06 Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

F...., never been so angry for an episode ending before now..... (Read the book)

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Please explain more what you mean.

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