


Need for Speed

I enjoyed this more than fast and furious. This felt like a real racing movie.

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Death on the Nile

This was so bad. Just watch the original 1978 with Peter Ustinov. First, Kenneth Branagh is so bad as Poirot. He can't speak just 2 words of French. Don't they have dialect coaches? The Game of Thrones girl was also so bad and fake with her accent. Just embarrassing in 2022 and it takes you right out of the movie. 44 years ago, they actually chose actors who could speak the parts they were supposed to play.

The movie is also bad on other levels. You get no character development outside the main 3. In the original you knew all the other characters. There is no fun, no humor, no tension. Not that the original is a comedy but it has a magical combination of humor and seriousness.

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Space Force: 2x04 THE EUROPA PROJECT

This season is getting worse and worse.

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Ted Lasso: 2x12 Inverting the Pyramid of Success

I think one of the best part of this episode was when Nate revealed he kissed her and nobody cared. I think that tipped him over.

Overall this season was a let down. I think they should go back again and see why season 1 was so successful. Or maybe you can't make an after story. The story ended with season 1. You can't make E.T. 2.

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Space Force: 1x02 SAVE EPSILON 6!

This was funny as hell. I loved the monkey business. Best episode so far for me. I love the idiocy of Steve Carell's character against the scientists.

This was so funny that even the 2 line summary of the episode makes me laugh.
Summary: With his beloved satellite severely hobbled, General Naird must decide between a well-reasoned scientific solution and a chimp-led rescue operation.

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Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood

This movie is unbelievably bad.

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The problem with this movie is not that it glorifies anyone. The Godfather did that and it's a masterpiece. The problem is that this is a terrible movie. Badly written, badly made. You don't understand anything. Nothing is told correctly. You don't understand the people, the situation, nothing. Not one straightforward story is told. Someone going around killing people is not a gangster movie. You have to understand the situation.

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Community: 3x16 Virtual Systems Analysis

This is the first truly bad episode.

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The Conjuring 2

This is definitely not better than the first one. They made several major mistakes. CG characters, CG animation is not scary. They went too far. The first one is as scary and disturbing as the Exorcist. I get easily scared but this movie broke something half way through with that dog thing that it was not scary anymore to me.

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Veep: 5x04 Mother

This was the best episode of the entire series. Both extremely sad and funny.

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Episodes: 4x09 Episode 409

Will there be season 5?

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Insidious: Chapter 2

I liked this more than the first one because it didn't have Darth Maul and neatly followed and closed the first movie's story.

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The Morning Show: 3x03 White Noise

This episode was absolutely amazing. Makes you think a lot and at the end, I'm not sure who was the "bad guy". But Cory is a manipulative SOB.

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The Fabelmans

It's an OK movie. Nothing extraordinary or magical. It just lacked that sense of wonder. It was straightforward and dry.

Spielberg had so many opportunities to add the stories that he himself has told so many times. For example I remember him saying how shocked he was when as a kid he saw Holocaust survivors with tattoo numbers on their hands. Why not add that in the movie? Why not add the kid seeing and hearing WWII stories from soldiers? Why not add all these small details that later make him the person he is in life? Focusing just on the family drama wasn't that interesting or emotional.

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Bodies Bodies Bodies

I loved this movie. It's much more than a who done it movie. Although it's not targeted for my age and I don't think it's particularity that special in the making aspect, the message of the movie is so great.

Huge spoiler, ruining the entire movie (read after you have seen the movie):
The idea that everything bad that happened was because they did it to themselves by being rash, prejudging and not thinking was such a great message.

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The Office: 4x10 Chair Model

The first episode I really disliked. Normally Michael tries to do the right thing but in a clumsy and bad way. They made him way too cruel and rude in this.

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Star Wars: Visions: 1x04 The Village Bride

Absolutely amazing episode. The best episode yet. Brought tears to my eyes. It had 2 strong visual moments that I loved.

Spoiler. The Battle Droids dropping down and the look on the warlord combined with the music gave a very sinister feeling. Never thought it's possible to fear the Battle Droids. Later they were back to their comedic routine which was unfortunate.

The Jedi strike was absolutely amazing. You just hear the swoosh of the saber and never see any movements, not even a blurry thing or a ghost movement. Later the warlord realizes what has happened. I want to see that in a movie. The Jedi strike without you seeing anything.

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The Last Duel

This was very average at best. The story might be interesting but the execution was poor. They show the same story from different vantage points but one of the problems is that instead of being interesting, sometimes they repeat the exact same thing several times with no new information which gets tiring real fast.

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Curb Your Enthusiasm: 11x07 Irma Kostroski

Spoiler: Loved the voting subplot. I think they missed a great opportunity. It would have been much funnier if the guy went back and voted, and Larry really was the cause. Not to mention how relevant it would have been on the importance of voting.

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American Crime Story: 3x04 The Telephone Hour

Amazing episode. The best episode of this season so far. It was so complex that it even made me feel for Linda Tripp.

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The Ice Road

I really enjoyed this. Don't understand all the criticism. Everything looked plausible to me for a casual viewing. Don't need to go into details. It's like saying Star Wars is a bad movie because there is no sound and explosions in space. Consider this a fantasy movie with ice and trucks. Have fun.

My only real big problem with this movie was killing his brother. Like it's the right thing to do. He is only good when he is dead. He has no future. Totally unnecessary and offensive

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His Dark Materials: 2x04 Tower of the Angels

At the end of one of the previous episodes we saw a Spectre rising behind Will. What happened to that?

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Saturday Night Live: 45x11 Adam Driver and Halsey

Surprisingly the Adam Driver skits were real funny.

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Dragged Across Concrete

Unbelievable. I'm giving this movie a very low rating just because of editing. This is not a slow burn, this is a very badly edited movie. I have no idea how anyone allowed this to happen. This looks like the first assembly cut where they put everything in. I feel like no one went and edit it further!

You could cut out an hour or 1/3 of the movie and still keep all the sequences in. Every scene, every dialog goes 2, 3 times longer than it should. Again using the term slow burn is misleading. There are many slow burn movies where you do not get bored.

Why on earth they thought they have to have a 2h 39min running time? This aint Michael Mann's Heat.

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Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne

Boy oh boy. I'm speechless. This was so bad, on every level. The lack of caring for Daenerys and the way they treated her was despicable. The way they killed her also instead of looking part of the story felt like the writers are symbolically killing their story.

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Game of Thrones: 8x05 The Bells

I'm not buying any of it. This was not a good episode.

In a previous episode the other dragon is shot and dies in 6-7 seconds. In this episode we see the dragon dive into hundreds of ships in plain view and in a kill zone and is not shot once? Nothing is consistent here.

And let's not talk about Jamie and Euron. What was that fight for? Why they did it? Jamie gets stabbed twice really bad and survives? It's like nothing matters anymore and I don't buy what they did with Daenerys. We don't even need to watch the next episode. Arya or Jon is going to kill her next and that's it, the end! Where is the fun?

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Veep: 7x04 South Carolina

My head is spinning. This is the best episode of this season so far. So many things happened, so many laughs, you had no time to breath.

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Veep: 7x01 Iowa

Amazing episode. So many jokes crammed into one episode. They have gone completly crazy. They are not holding back.

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This is one of the most annoying movies I have ever seen. If they make a stand-alone Jar Jar Binks movie, it would be less annoying. They dare to say at the end that he is one of the greatest Briton of all time! Really? Where did you show that? You just showed a bumbling idiot whining all the time and not doing anything. If you didn't know better you would think this movie is a propaganda made by the enemy at the time of war.

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Me Before You

I was totally ready to get into this story and enjoy it. I'm afraid this movie is terrible. The first thing is Emilia Clarke which did a terrible terrible acting job. She always had the same smirk on her face in any situation, sad, happy, annoyed. The director did a terrible job of directing her. I also did not buy for a single second their supposed love story. The third act is not working at all. You don't understand her motivations, her feelings and it just didn't work. Very disappointing movie.

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