


The Odd Couple

This show is a disaster and nothing is funny. The delivery and timing of all actors are off. There was a reason the Friends cast got 1 million per episode each. They had chemistry and knew how to deliver their lines. Here everything falls flat.

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Our Cartoon President

How soon in advance the story is written? Some of the story elements are close to real.

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A to Z

I like this show and learned they canceled it. It's very unfortunate. There will be 13 episodes and they have filmed 11. I don't know how they are going to wrap it up in 2 episodes.

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Rise of the Nazis

Absolutely amazing. If you have seen all the films, all the series and many documentaries, you still can't believe how good this docu-series is.

There are 2 great things about this series. The music is excellent and the reconstructions are so well acted and done. They do not look like a cheap production. They are so natural that you feel you are watching the real thing. I wish they could have made a theatrical movie with the same actors. Hitler: The Rise of Evil (2003) maybe overlaps but it is in no way this chilling and effective.

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Narcos: Mexico: Season 2

I loved season 2 much more than season 1.

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American Crime Story: Season 2

This season 2 was badly edited. It would have been a lot more fascinating if they had told it in order, starting with his father. I know some people who abandoned watching after the first 3-4 episodes. I abandoned it and much later saw the rest. If they had told it in order it would have kept the viewers more.

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Police Squad!

Just started this series for the first time. I had never seen this before, it is extremely funny , much more than the Naked Gun movies.

It's funny because they play it with a straight face and very seriously. They think like they are in a serious situation. The Naked Gun movies play it like a comedy, they are self aware and that hurts the comedy. Especially with Leslie Nielsen doing all the faces in the later movies.

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

The movie has definitely structural issues.

I went into this with an open mind, wanting to love it more than The Force Awakens. Unfortunately I did not.

One undeniable positive is that the effects all look very real and good except 2 things that you will understand.

The movie has structural problems. It's beautiful to watch but it has no heart, no character development. You don't care about anyone that much even Jyn Erso. Now I understand why the had to do re-shoots, it needed it and it was not enough.

Also the score by Michael Giacchino was not very memorable. What can you do when you have to do it in 4 weeks.

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens

It is good and I give it 8/10. I am no fan of J.J. Abrams Star Trek movies but this worked. It has some weak moments and one bad actor that you can never guess beforehand but contrary to my doubts, Daisy Ridley is good and it's miles miles better than the Prequel Trilogy, even Revenge of the Sith.

Everything looks real and the lightsaber fights are great. Not like those dancing glowing stick numbers in the prequels. The integration of the legacy actors is done real well and surprised me the most. It went so fast and felt so short. Not one dull moment in this. Even the Original Trilogy had dull moments. I feel this can benefit greatly from an extended cut.

This is a great start and a better director can do wonders. This makes the prequels look even worse. Only now you will realize what could have been done.

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

I feel pleased and in high spirits after having seen the movie. It's not a great movie, for the moment I rate it a little lower than The Force Awakens but it is a solid 7/10. It's not going lower. By comparison, I felt absolutely nothing after Episode 8. During "The Rise of Skywalker" I had tears several points in the movie, especially at the end. Overall I feel satisfied.

I really loved the general idea of the movie. The problem is, it's only half baked. They didn't have time. It's unfortunate they lost time developing the arc with the second movie. This happens when you don't plan a trilogy in advance.

Here is how I rate the sequel trilogy
1- The Force Awakens
2- The Rise of Skywalker
4- The Last Jedi

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Saving Private Ryan

Of course this movie is a classic and should have won the best picture Oscar. One thing I dislike about this movie is when it jumps into the future. I would have preferred it if it ended in its own period.

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Mary Queen of Scots

I just re-watched this for the second time. I can't describe how much I enjoyed it the second time, even more so than the first time.

Amazing score by Max Richter. Love the track "The Shores Of Scotland"

I watched it back to back part of

The Other Boleyn Girl (2008)​
Elizabeth (1998)​
Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007)​
Mary Queen of Scots (2018)​

I was kind of worried to see this again. It shows Queen Elizabeth like a mustache twirling villain and I didn't want to erase Cate Blanchett's performance watching these back to back. But as I said I really enjoyed it despite Margot Robbie's performance. I just consider it like a separate entity and you will enjoy Mary Stuart's story. I'm not even worried if they are historically accurate, I just enjoy them as stories exploring the human condition. (I was actually surprised how close this was to reality, I thought it was mostly fiction at first)

I will never forget the ending, Saoirse Ronan's composure and the music.

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Solo: A Star Wars Story

They should have let Lord and Miller do their thing.

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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

A little too sad. No reason for them to treat Indy like this. Showing him in his underwear in an apartment?

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Elizabeth: The Golden Age

I do agree that the first movie is better but I was crying like a little baby watching this... And I'm a grown man!

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Around the World in Eighty Days

The one big thing I don't get is how when in the midway Inspector Fix has drugged and betrayed Passepartout and everyone, Passepartout doesn't tell it to Fogg and continues to voyage with Fix like it's nothing. That's a major plot hole for me.

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Victoria & Abdul

I enjoyed this. The problem with this movie is the tone of it. It goes from extreme comedy to extreme drama. You can't do that. You either should decide to be a comedy, a drama or a dramedy. You can't shift tone too much.

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Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee: 1x02 Ricky Gervais: Mad Man in a Death Machine

It is interesting that this is one of shortest episodes. You would think that with Ricky Gervais it would be at very least a normal length. I suppose his scare of the car was too much. I suppose they edited this and saw it's all about his scare and it's too much.

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Solo: A Star Wars Story

I just watched this for the second time. It was more enjoyable the second time. I'm raising my rating. I suspect unlike The Last Jedi, this will get better for me with each viewing. I rate it higher than The Last Jedi and lower than The Force Awakens.

If I'm not going higher is only because of the horrendous look of the movie. Must be the worst shot movie in history. Instead of firing Lord and Miller, they should have fired the cinematographer, and on day 1.

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I would say that this is a good movie but not great. I love these kinds of movies. I loved Contact (Robert Zemeckis), felt transported. Again felt transported by Sunshine (Danny Boyle), but did not feel transported by this movie. I was aware at all time I’m watching a movie. I’m not sure exactly why but probably part to some bad acting, bad storytelling and some very bad choices.

Spoilers Stop Reading

Casting Matt Damon was probably too much. I also didn’t like the robot. It didn’t feel realistic at all. Nolan trying to have something different went too far. No way I can accept that a big ridiculous wall is a reasonable shape for an intelligent walking robot. It screams look how clever we are.

Also it was a bad idea to cast Ellen Burstyn as old Murph. That’s the most important emotional moment of the movie and immediately you feel it’s someone else, it’s not Murph. I think even if they had used Jessica Chastain in a bad old makeup, it would have been better.This movie is good but it is not great.

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Shout by Atlantis14
BlockedParent2018-06-02T00:44:36Z— updated 2023-06-13T12:37:49Z

Make no mistake. This is not a great movie. But somehow I enjoyed it. Maybe it's a combination of Dolby Vision + good music. It's just beautiful to look at. I would definitely watch the sequel Ibiza 2: Tokyo!

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Manhunt: 1x02 Pure Wudder

This show is terribly edited. Such interesting story and they edit it so badly that it kills it. Just tell the story in order. What's the point of showing the bomber in advance? That kills suspense and sense of discovery.

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Under the Skin

I am a "film viewer" and I watch and enjoy different and difficult films. This movie is total crap, avoid it!

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x03 Part III

Was this an actual real episode? It felt like fan service with no substance and too soon. Was Vader playing and making sure that Obi-Wan could appear in the movie Star Wars (1977)?!

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Ozark: 4x08 The Cousin of Death

One of my pet peeves is when they use hallucination or nightmares. When it's in a way to trick you to think it is real life. It's not clever. Yes, you get shocked for few seconds, but they break everything afterward. Later you don't care if anything happens because you don't know if it's real. And when you realize that it was real, it's too late to feel shocked or anything.

So, when they did that twice in this episode, when the real thing arrived, I didn't care. I remove several stars just because of this.

The rest of the episode was great especially the music.

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American Crime Story: 3x07 The Assassination of Monica Lewinsky

Loved it. Until now Monica Lewinsky and Linda Tripp were the main roles of the story. In this they are barely in it. So appropriate, they are no longer the stars of their own story, things have gotten out of hand and they can no longer control it.

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The Last of Us: 1x08 When We Are in Need

This was the first bad episode I saw. And it was not just a little bad but very bad, as laughable and bad as an SNL skit. The story is probably good but very badly executed. Everything was so unbelievable. I saw that the director has also directed the next episode, I'm expecting the worst for the finale. Very disappointed.

Ellie discovering the human parts was so bad. The "jail" is right in front of where they make food and chop people? Also they have "accidentally" left a huge human part behind, and not just any part, an ear so it is recognizable? Give me a break.

Ellie instead of waiting to get out and show her true intentions, hurts the bad guy while she is still locked up?!

Nobody knows that they eat people, yet they put the dead bodies some place where it is easily accessible and people can find them?

The way Ellie treated the people the first time she saw them also illogical. And so many other stuff.

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Ozark: 4x12 Trouble the Water

This episode was so painful to watch and not in a good way! The drama over the kids going to live with the grandpa was a non-issue and they played it like a big life and death situation.

First, they are big, close to being adults, they can come and go. It’s not a big deal, they are not going to war.

Second, wouldn’t the parents be happy that they are away from trouble? They can be away in a safe place until they can deal with their current troubles. Nothing made sense in this.

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Last Christmas

Absolutely loved this movie. So charming and it had the magic. I have not seen a rom-com this charming in a long time.

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The Party

I'm amazed that each time I watch this, I enjoy it immensely. I enjoy it more now than when I was a kid. This movie is timeless. The characters are so iconic that their look is burned in my brain. And great music too.

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