

Omicron Persei 8

The Last of Us: 1x09 Look for the Light

Wtf, He's killed hundred people who want world to be saved by sacrificing one stupid kid

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Season Two is The World's response to this action.

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The White Lotus: 1x06 Departures

I really did NOT need to actually see Armond shitting...

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I think/hope that it was CG.

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Invasion: 1x10 First Day

I'm just gonna say that this is great. Not like any other alien invasion, and the cliffhanger just teases more to come.

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Indeed. Great Actors/Actresses/Sound Design/Pacing/Visuals. I loved the design of the ship/alien/angel at the end.

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The 100: 7x16 The Last War

Shout by Deleted

I AM CRYING :sob::sob::sob::sob: WHAT A PERFECT END!!!!

The fact the transcendence it's a choice, and they choose to stay on Earth so they could live together for the rest of their lives is just so touching! Madi didn't choose to get back, but even so, was understandable.

That scene with Octavia "ENOUGH!!!!" OCTAVIA IS THE BEST THAT THIS SHOW HAS TO OFFER! The scene where all the humans turned into beings of light was so beautiful and the soundtrack was so thrilling. I will miss that show so much!!! MAY WE MEET AGAIN

I loved the endind so much.

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I agree, though I wished they transcended and were all together. (Similar to Dean and Sam from SPN.)

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Locke & Key: 2x03 Small World

So close. Arg. Poor Scott.

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Great ending. Perfect song choice.

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The 100: 7x11 Etherea

Boring ass filler episode. I wasted 45 mins when I could’ve been watching something else. Watch first 5 mins & last 5 mins. The only thing you have to know from the middle is that Bellamy gets brainwashed by the religious nutcases.

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Brainwashing aside, some deeper/truthful messages. Love and Faith and pure energy are key. There shall be two final wars against Man and then the Dragon and his followers. WWIII (or whatever it may be and Armegeddo (SP)Other than that, the followers and this Shepherd’s methods of transcendance are skewed and not the way. Emotions are part of our core and we must keep them to learn to overcome. And igniting the “final war”? We have no control over that, nor, do we know the when and how of its occurrence. The sentiment on patience is also paramount. So, in this aspect, this was a interesting and nice episode. Could it if occurred earlier (slices in prior episodes (perhaps two-five minutes each) or ten minutes), sure.

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Goosebumps: 1x09 Night of the Living Dummy (2)

"That is a good twist"

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I loved the RL Stine cameo.

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Goosebumps: 1x08 You Can't Scare Me

Anyone else got The Shining vibes from this episode?

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Indeed. This is the first ‘horror’ production that I’ve seen with Justin Long. Quite impressed.

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Goosebumps: 1x04 Go Eat Worms

Damn, Lucas flipped the switch with the quickness. Dude cock blocked himself haha.

This show is super dark for being based on a children’s book.

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Indeed, though most of the original kids are grown up now. I enjoy the; practical effects, the new format, cinematography, location, topics/themes, twists (Dupes,Demon Ghost), cg effects, the overall acting is improving and even the violence (The Mask was just as insane as in the original.) makes this an fresh take. The Original series had darkness but, this is the next level and I welcome it. I just hope it doesn’t go as far as The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.

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Black Cake: 1x04 Mrs. Bennett

This episode was great! The story of her life is coming full circle! It just proves, every one has secrets.

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Indeed. This show keeps on giving!

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Shantaram: 1x01 The Three Nos

He’s distractingly hot and his accents aren’t great but the show has promise

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Reminds me a bit of Heath Ledger.

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The Missing: 2x01 Come Home

Reply by InvioLing

I can't BELIEVE this show is finally back!!! I feel as if I've been waiting forever!

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The ending gave me chills! Nice Season 1 parallels. (Diligent Parent, Teacher, Foreign Enemy/Involvement, Expat living (Not sure if the mom is German but, the son and dad definitely seem British.), Journalist (One of Favorite actors from NOS4A2 (Great Series/Acting by most of the cast.), Photo use, same opening song, Intersecting Subplots (Soldier (Perhaps the Ian of the series (Maybe Nazi drug experimentation, framing of the father)

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The Missing: 1x08 Till Death

Reply by InvioLing


was it Oliver at the end or Tony just went crazy?
I guess I'll never know

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After viewing it a second time, I believe so. on a few episodes, several characters revealed minor details based on their body/muscle language. Garret earlier scrunched and twisted his face when Tony revealed that he was working with Baptiste again.

That was foreshadowing what was to come. The last shot of the boy seems to suggest he knew/knows that the man is/could be his real dad. Even still, I wish Tony knew more Russian and carried a picture of Oliver around. Great show. Still have to see Baptiste and season two. And Garret said Oliver was beautiful. I know he could see on the. and posters but, I think there's possibly more to the story. And George probably did lie to calm or silence his brother (If Oliver was alive and shipped away) the brothet could tell Baptiste and the Hughes about everything. Sadly, season two will be about another story.

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Evil: 1x02 177 Minutes

Reply by InvioLing

I could barely understand the ending. Was the girl dead? Is the spirit of the white girl got into her body? How could she be alive for three hours if she wasn't breathing? How could someone come back to life and be a case of racism? Wouldn't the same thing happen to other black people with the same medical condition?
Nothing makes sense.

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The Caucasian died. The Spirit is still a plot mystery. Leland might be Satan, though the Therapist potentially might be. The death explanation, I forgot the name. It can happen. The racism, the Medical staff only perform less than half the chest pressing to minorities versus Caucasian victims, which would result in more lives lost. It still was kinda weak, since the brown girl lived.

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Shrinking: 1x08 Boop

-“You didn’t know why I was mad, you were just going along with it?!”
-“Ohhh, love you!”

  • Gaby and Liz are friendship goals to the max.

  • Do kids really still eat Fun Dip now? You can tell this show was written by some middle-aged people.

  • Alice is one of the more annoying characters on television right now.

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I worked with 100-3000 children a day for the past seven years and many of them would always get Dippin Dots. (It’s not Fun Dip but, kinda close.) I hadn’t even heard of it until 2016.

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Walker Independence: 1x01 Pilot

Not bad for a pilot. I think Hoyts 'girlfriend' might betray him later. Surprised they have a black deputy.

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I learned on Timeless/And a search on the history behind the specific episode about the real lone ranger. Perhaps, this is a nod to Bass Reaves (1838) though, he lived on the outside of the city.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 1x02 Cut and Run

I like the period, the first moments of the Empire. With sixteen episodes in total I hope we get a lot of world building aside from the main story.
Anyone else thinks Hunter looks a lot like Rambo ? I Don't think it's intentional, though.

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He also resembles Snake (Metal Gear)

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The Last of Us: 1x09 Look for the Light

Reply by InvioLing

As someone who has never played the game, this finale was 80/100 i guess... I mean it was good but something was missing....maybe more zombies...idk maybe some drama. Overall, I'm definitely looking forward towards 2nd season...

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The game had one long tunnel sequence with tons of clickers And variety of Clickers before the Hospital. It would've made it more intense. At least we got the Giraffe.

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The Last of Us: 1x07 Left Behind

Reply by InvioLing

Unfortunately this episode is boring as hell and not only that, it doesn't contribute to the story or characters we knew before it in any other way. It's shame because other than this one the show has been great, I hope the next episode makes up for this garbage.

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It will be a big part of Season 2.

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The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers: 2x07 Spirit of the Ducks Part 2

Reply by InvioLing

I’m a sucker for nostalgia, this one was just a bit better due to it’s honoring of the legendary “knuckle puck”.

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Agreed. I also enjoyed the classic hip-hop part.

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The Last of Us: 1x03 Long, Long Time

Reply by InvioLing

That was beautifully done. And I know how that sounds but I think they gave them a happy ending.

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Commenting Suicide/Murder is never happy.

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Riverdale: 2x21 Chapter Thirty-Four: Judgment Night

Reply by InvioLing

Do you think the writers know they're bad at their jobs? I feel like they think this whole "I have a darkness inside me" thing they keep repeating is considered Good Writing and that makes me sad.

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Not sure if you saw Dexter but, It’s similar with the “Dark Passenger.” It may be much but, people do have darkness inside and can be influenced to act on it rather than rid themselves.

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 2x13 Chapter Thirty-Three: Deus Ex Machina

I am shocked, I actually really enjoyed their rendition of the song "Total Eclipse Of The Heart".

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I love all of their covers. Great vocals. Some sound better than Glee’s.

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The Girl From Plainville: 1x01 Star-Crossed Lovers and Things Like That

What a performance by Ellie Fanning. Chilling closing scene.

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Replace with Elle:asterisk_symbol: Fanning

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Misfits: 4x05 Episode Five

Reply by InvioLing

Best episode of the series so far.

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What the heck! Alex is nuts!!

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Parallels: 1x02 Against All Odds

I wish Viktor told Sofia. I figured the connection as soon as it happened. Of course, I've researched the Collider and such topics years ago but, Sofia missed a huge oversight. Seems like Romaine's "Dad" is a rough dude.

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Lol. Thomas in place of Viktor. heh.

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Parallels: 1x02 Against All Odds

Reply by InvioLing

I wish Viktor told Sofia. I figured the connection as soon as it happened. Of course, I've researched the Collider and such topics years ago but, Sofia missed a huge oversight. Seems like Romaine's "Dad" is a rough dude.

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I meant Thomas in place of Sam. This show is slightly tricky to follow though, not as bad as Dark

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Misfits: 2x05 Episode Five

Reply by InvioLing

First absolutely terrible episode. Yikes.

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I liked it until the end reveal. :face_vomiting:

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Misfits: 2x02 Episode Two

Season 2 of Heroes started to be crap, it's not

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This was a sad and great episode for Nathan.

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Just Beyond: 1x02 Parents Are From Mars, Kids Are From Venus

Reply by InvioLing

Not sure if it the writer/s viewed The Mosquito Cast but, the convo about the Dad using vegetable oil to run his van seems like a neat direct/indirect reference. The main actor on this episode also stars on that show and the father uses freeze/oil from a deep fryer from restaurants on his truck/generator at home.

Pretty neat, either way.

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Omit Freeze.
I meant Grease

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